Author Topic: went flying last night  (Read 4353 times)


went flying last night
« on: 13 November, 2008, 03:36:51 pm »
After reading about all that happened to clarion in the past few days this all seems a bit less important, but here goes anyway:

Yesterday, when cycling home from the cinema (fairly late), I came off the bike. I landed on my hands and right hip, and apart from a few bruises I'm fine, as is the bike. I found myself in the middle of the road, on a roundabout. Some cyclists (who stopped) asked if I was ok. They then proceeded to wave at a car (that had also stopped) to keep going, while I was still busy picking myself and the bike up. Adam, who was a little way ahead, came back and shouted at the car driver to stay where they were until I was actually off the road.

None of this is particularly worrying, I know that people on the London roads are usually more likely to stand around, gawp and/or do stupid things than lift a finger to help, and in compensation there is always someone who does stop to actually find out if you're ok rather than just ask by way of formality. What does worry me is that I don't remember what actually happened.

I remember Adam being cut off by some car getting onto the roundabout and myself, behind him, slowing down for that, then getting onto the roundabout without having to stop. Then there is a blank, and then I remember losing control of the bicycle just before turning off the roundabout at the second exit and flying off the bike going rightwards.

From what Adam remembers and where everyone ended up stopping after this happened, we deduced that I was probably trying to stop because he had to slow down for a car, and the other two cyclists must have been pretty close to me when it all happened. It could have been that one of them was so close behind me that I felt I couldn't stop and went for an evasion manouevre to not crash into Adam, and lost control in the process. Or maybe one of them got onto the roundabout in front of me at the first exit, not leaving enough space. Or maybe I was just being a numpty, trying to indicate and brake and turn all at the same time when on a slippery white stripe.

The thing is, I don't know, and what bugs me about that is that I have no way of evaluating my own actions and learning from that because I have no idea what my actions were. It's always reassuring to know that my immediate reactions are in order (land on hands, get off road) but I can't tell if I did anything particularly stupid to cause it, and I'd really like to know. I didn't hit my head so it's definitely nothing physical either, just the shock.

Oh and before anyone asks, I was completely sober...

Re: went flying last night
« Reply #1 on: 13 November, 2008, 03:46:11 pm »
I have mind blanks for most of my "incidents"  (cycling, skiing, and others).  I think the body just turns off (which actually protects you as a relaxed flexible limb is less likely to break than one locked firm in terror).


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Re: went flying last night
« Reply #2 on: 13 November, 2008, 03:48:08 pm »
Glad you are ok Nienke.

Just a little point about your actions:

It's always reassuring to know that my immediate reactions are in order (land on hands, get off road)

You should lay still once you've hit the deck* and do a fingers and toes wiggling, make sure your neck doesn't hurt, tense your muscles up your legs, up your arms and your tummy BEFORE you try and get up.

Again though - I'm very glad you are fine, and I think there is something you can learn from this, despite your memory blank.

You were probably travelling too close to Adam at the RAB, and thus didn't have enough space for your speed, to be able to make a safe bailout.

It is just an idea ^ and I could well be wrong, but at least its an idea!

GWS  :-*

*(unless of course you are convinced you are about to be run over)
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." Amelia Earhart

Re: went flying last night
« Reply #3 on: 13 November, 2008, 03:56:50 pm »
Sorry to hear about the off, and I'm glad you're mostly OK. 

I've had a couple of offs that ended a bit like this, all caused by a front-wheel skid after braking on a slippery surface (once when braking on the rear wheel only!), so my guess is something along those lines. 

It's really difficult to be mindful of the road surface when you're trying to stop in a hurry, and often the best option is simply to brake gently and hope your tyres don't slip.  If you're bothered about it happening again though, may I recommend a mountain bike course? I only do a bit of recreational cross country, but I'm sure the couple of courses I did have given me much better bike handling skills than I would otherwise have, and that has saved me in a couple of hairy situations. 


Re: went flying last night
« Reply #4 on: 13 November, 2008, 03:58:19 pm »

You should lay still once you've hit the deck and do a fingers and toes wiggling, make sure your neck doesn't hurt, tense your muscles up your legs, up your arms and your tummy BEFORE you try and get up.

You're absolutely right of course, checking if you're ok should be the first priority. I hadn't made that much of an impact though, and ended up leaning on my hands (push-up style) so had not much choice but to move anyway, and was aware that there was some traffic behind me.

You were probably travelling too close to Adam at the RAB, and thus didn't have enough space for your speed, to be able to make a safe bailout.

Well, that's the thing I can't figure out, you see. If the other cyclist squeezed in between Adam and me on the roundabout, that may have caused the lack of space. I usually make a point of leaving quite a bit of space, and remember getting onto the roundabout with plenty of space between us. But yes, it could have been as you say...

Re: went flying last night
« Reply #5 on: 13 November, 2008, 03:59:08 pm »
If it was near a roundabout then the road surface could easily have been oily/greasy from dripped oil from queuing vehicles.  It's a common trend.


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Re: went flying last night
« Reply #6 on: 13 November, 2008, 03:59:28 pm »
Oh - ouch.  Hope you mend soon.

It's often hard to recreate events after the fact, even if you haven't had a fall.  It's very possible that a slippery bit of road paint or a drain cover are to blame.

You won't know.  Just concentrate on getting yourself back in working order :)

Oh - and, compared to what happened to me:  Remember, I wasn't hurt physically.
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Re: went flying last night
« Reply #7 on: 13 November, 2008, 04:05:30 pm »
We were going straight on at the roundabout and Nienke went splat when exiting the roundabout.  If it was simply her front wheel sliding out I would expect her to land on her left hand side.  However, she somehow ended up going down onto her right hand side and that confuses me  :-\

You were probably travelling too close to Adam at the RAB, and thus didn't have enough space for your speed, to be able to make a safe bailout.
I don't think she was that close to me because I was off the roundabout and heading up the road before hearing a bang, looking over my shoulder and seeing her on the floor.

I only do a bit of recreational cross country
I grew up mountain biking and the skills I've learnt from that have saved me from hitting the floor a number of times  :)
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Re: went flying last night
« Reply #8 on: 13 November, 2008, 04:08:12 pm »
may I recommend a mountain bike course?

That's a good idea. I'm not sure if I'd want to splash out on a proper course, but Adam(ski of this parish, btw) has done a fair bit of mountain biking and I'm sure he could teach me a thing or two...

In response to clarion: my injuries are really very minor, I get worse bruises from a trip to the climbing wall. I guess it was a bit of a silly comparison anyway, what does it matter who's the worse off for it.


  • My favourite gender neutral pronoun is comrade
Re: went flying last night
« Reply #9 on: 13 November, 2008, 04:09:03 pm »
We were going straight on at the roundabout and Nienke went splat when exiting the roundabout.  If it was simply her front wheel sliding out I would expect her to land on her left hand side.  However, she somehow ended up going down onto her right hand side and that confuses me  :-\

You were probably travelling too close to Adam at the RAB, and thus didn't have enough space for your speed, to be able to make a safe bailout.
I don't think she was that close to me because I was off the roundabout and heading up the road before hearing a bang, looking over my shoulder and seeing her on the floor.

I only do a bit of recreational cross country
I grew up mountain biking and the skills I've learnt from that have saved me from hitting the floor a number of times  :)

As I said - I could be completely wrong, and it seems I am  :P (Ed: No change from usual then!)  ;D

Could it be, the front wheel slipped, and she corrected it sharply and fired herself off the opposite side?*

* I may have some first hand experience of this :-[
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." Amelia Earhart


Re: went flying last night
« Reply #10 on: 13 November, 2008, 04:09:28 pm »
Glad you are not seriously hurt Nienke.

Hope those bruises heal quickly.

Re: went flying last night
« Reply #11 on: 13 November, 2008, 04:13:43 pm »
Sorry to hear this Nienke, am glad nothing's broken.

I've also blanked out both of my accidents; (one as a ped, one as a cyclist) and they've remained as blanks for evermore. I can well understand your frustration.

Re: went flying last night
« Reply #12 on: 13 November, 2008, 04:29:57 pm »
Sometimes you have crashes that are so fast you've no idea what happened, and sometimes they are in such slow motion you can see exactly what went wrong and why, and yet are powerless to fix it.  That's my experience anyway, from all the skating stacks I've had.
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Re: went flying last night
« Reply #13 on: 13 November, 2008, 05:01:01 pm »
Thanks all.

Esp good to know that a blank is not too exceptional in this sort of situation.

Re: went flying last night
« Reply #14 on: 13 November, 2008, 05:02:55 pm »
Thanks all.

Esp good to know that a blank is not too exceptional in this sort of situation.
When I crashed and broke my pelvis I don't really know why I lost traction. Going too fast for the conditions but I don't know what those conditions were. It happens.

Glad to hear you are not seriously hurt.


Re: went flying last night
« Reply #15 on: 13 November, 2008, 05:05:02 pm »
We were going straight on at the roundabout and Nienke went splat when exiting the roundabout.  If it was simply her front wheel sliding out I would expect her to land on her left hand side.  However, she somehow ended up going down onto her right hand side and that confuses me  :-\

In which case she may have high-sided it? Tis what I did cycle speedwaying (and, incidentally, landed on my hands and shattered an elbow). Could have been caused by a wheel slipping, then suddenly gripping, or by a pedal strike.

Glad to hear there's no permanent damage though!

Re: went flying last night
« Reply #16 on: 13 November, 2008, 05:12:50 pm »
Like others have said, I don't think it's particularly unusual to have a memory gap, at all. (Or unusual to remember everything in too-vivid detail and dwell on that too much, either.) But very annoying! It was damp-ish yesterday, wasn't it? I've had several slithers on damp and greasy road recently, so it might have been just a horrible patch of road, exacerbated by you turning out of the roundabout. I can imagine that happening.

Anyway, try not to fret about not remembering. Take it easy, and pamper yourself as your bruises heal.

Good that you and your bike are both in one piece, still.


Re: went flying last night
« Reply #17 on: 13 November, 2008, 05:13:41 pm »
Sounds like a classic front wheel slip to me. they go down so quick that youi can never work out what happened so it feels like you lost some time.


Re: went flying last night
« Reply #18 on: 13 November, 2008, 05:26:33 pm »
Sorry to hear this, Nienke. Can't add anything intelligent to what the others have said, I'm afraid.

GWS  :-*


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: went flying last night
« Reply #19 on: 13 November, 2008, 06:26:56 pm »
Ouch! Feel better soon.

I'm sure adamksi's already kissed the sore spots for you....  ;D
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

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Re: went flying last night
« Reply #20 on: 13 November, 2008, 11:47:11 pm »
Memory loss is a classic symptom of concussion, and it is possible to get concussed without realising that you hit your head.  It happened to me once, and I had no headache or bump or marks on my head that I could see or feel.  I was not wearing a helmet.  I suppose it's even more likely if you were wearing a helmet as this could protect you against superficial damage while not stopping your brain bouncing against your skull.

I remembered nothing at all from just before the incident to when I was standing on my feet and staring at the ambulance coming for me.  (The siren probably woke me up).  That must have been some minutes - that remain a complete and utter blank for me.  In one way it bothers me that I don't know what went on, in another it's relief that I have no embarrassing memories of the time.  I could have been making a right fool of myself!
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Re: went flying last night
« Reply #21 on: 13 November, 2008, 11:51:29 pm »
If it was near a roundabout then the road surface could easily have been oily/greasy from dripped oil from queuing vehicles

That was my first thought - well, I was thinking of a diesel spill. Awful stuff and roundabouts can be awash with it, in patches too small to trouble a 4 wheeled vehicle but enough to send a cyclist arse over tit.

Hope you recover ASAP Nienke. 


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Re: went flying last night
« Reply #22 on: 13 November, 2008, 11:58:58 pm »
Glad you're OK Nienke.

I agree with what others have said about blank spots - the brain must blot out things.  Although of course as I get older it seems to happen more and more........
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein


Re: went flying last night
« Reply #23 on: 14 November, 2008, 11:35:17 am »
I'm sure adamksi's already kissed the sore spots for you....  ;D

Couldn't resist, could you?  :P

Adam has been very supportive. That's all I'm going to say about it.


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: went flying last night
« Reply #24 on: 14 November, 2008, 01:12:58 pm »
I'm sure adamksi's already kissed the sore spots for you....  ;D

Couldn't resist, could you?  :P

Adam has been very supportive. That's all I'm going to say about it.

I'm sure he's been a wonderful emotional croutch...  ;)
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor