Author Topic: The Good News / Bad News Thread  (Read 419437 times)

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #25 on: 13 April, 2011, 08:07:09 am »
Bad news: for your neighbours :o
Sheldon Brown never said leave it to the professionals.


Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #26 on: 13 April, 2011, 09:48:50 am »
Bad News- I have to get my arse out of bed 5 minutes earlier each morning to make an extra lunch.

Good News- No.1 Son is a worker Bee again. He applied for a PC Engineer job at a small business nearby. Got a phone call Friday to aske him to come to the workshop for a look around on Monday. He did the look around and liked what he saw. Potential Boss explained that he had a couple of other folk to see before he made his mind up. Later on Monday afternoon Potential Boss phoned and sai that he had been thinking and, as he was a Geek looking to employ a Geek, No.1 Son seemed to fit the bill and did he want to start work the next morning?

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #27 on: 13 April, 2011, 05:25:52 pm »
Bad News- I have to get my arse out of bed 5 minutes earlier each morning to make an extra lunch.

Good News- No.1 Son is a worker Bee again. He applied for a PC Engineer job at a small business nearby. Got a phone call Friday to aske him to come to the workshop for a look around on Monday. He did the look around and liked what he saw. Potential Boss explained that he had a couple of other folk to see before he made his mind up. Later on Monday afternoon Potential Boss phoned and sai that he had been thinking and, as he was a Geek looking to employ a Geek, No.1 Son seemed to fit the bill and did he want to start work the next morning?

Well done No.1 Son.  Now he just needs to learn to make his own lunch.

And then how to make yours as well while he's at it.... ;)
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #28 on: 14 April, 2011, 11:36:58 pm »
Good news: My new Pompetamine is being built
Bad news: I'm not going to be able to ride it properly for a while yet, even when it is delivered

Bad news: Going on a week's holiday with the inlaws in France and I can't really go riding
Good news: I've worked out if I change SPDs to flats and hook it on the back of the car, maybe nobody will notice a bike has come along, too


  • Tyke
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #29 on: 15 April, 2011, 09:18:01 am »
;D  That's made me smile :)
Getting there...

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #30 on: 18 April, 2011, 04:24:26 pm »
Bad News: Off 5-a-side for 3 weeks due to hip flexor muscle tear.

Good news: Physio said that cycling is ok and that I should be fine for next weekend's 400km PBP qualifier.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #31 on: 18 April, 2011, 07:40:35 pm »
Good news - I got "Very Good" on my Annual Performance Report, first time in 25 years.

Bad news - this probably means that if I  apply for early release with 12 months wages and bugger off touring they wouldn't let me go...
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • Um....err......oh bugger!
  • Help me!
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #32 on: 18 April, 2011, 08:25:27 pm »
Andrewc.  Perhaps you should start throwing a few sickies.  To redress the balance, like.  ;-)
Admission.  I'm actually not that fussed about cake.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #33 on: 19 April, 2011, 05:32:03 pm »
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #34 on: 19 April, 2011, 05:39:50 pm »
Good: I have two new hearing aids which go up to 11 and sound a lot better than I expected them to before acclimatisation (and indeed any or finer tuning) had happened.

Bad: One of the new hearing aids has a structural problem which means when I tilt my head it feeds back because the transducer is all slack... This will need to be returned for repair or replacement.  I don't know if they'll just swap it or make me do loaner faff.

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #35 on: 19 April, 2011, 06:14:28 pm »

oh, and I'm just getting used to it....

It's a bit like reading an old manuscript, you know where the ss are all fs and the spelling's a bit wobbly.
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #36 on: 19 April, 2011, 10:20:35 pm »

Your recent typing has not been hilarious (apart from the funny bits) , you can express your thoughts in gibberish better than I can in clear text. Strangely enough I've had no problems at all in understanding you.  I blame Iain Banks , once you've acclimatised your brane to Bascule or the Barbarian Swordsman, then all else is child's play  :)
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #37 on: 20 April, 2011, 06:35:05 am »
Bad news - valencia has a wonky spoke and I have a poorly finger, caused by my utter  ineptitude meaning that I ran into Deano's wheel last night when he, tiermat and I went for a ride (to the pub). Good news - Deano did a spot of roadside wheel-truing and the wheel goes round, and he assures me that his bike is fine.

Bad news - I can't believe I damaged the paintwork of the beautiful shiny fire engine red Dave Yates. Guilt!
Good news - at least I no longer have to worry about when my first crash will be.

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #38 on: 20 April, 2011, 06:21:42 pm »
Bad news - the 'revenue protection ocifer' on the train home was being a right bullying twat, shouting at the woman and kid who had the temerity to sit in the first class bit of the carriage next to the doorway I was standing in. 

Good news - he hadnt spotted his boss sitting directly opposite who stepped in and gave him a right bollocking.  We cheered.

Rhys W

  • I'm single, bilingual
    • Cardiff Ajax
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #39 on: 20 April, 2011, 06:33:47 pm »

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #40 on: 20 April, 2011, 09:39:45 pm »
G: 5 day weekend (I have tomorrow off)
B: 3 day week
G: 4 day weekend
B: 4 day week
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #41 on: 21 April, 2011, 12:08:39 pm »
This morning I thought someone had stolen my motor-car.  Bah!
Then I remembered I'd parked it on the other side of thr road from yesterday.  Hurrah!
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #42 on: 21 April, 2011, 12:11:28 pm »
shit, where's the morning gone?

but look, it's lunchtime!!


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #43 on: 22 April, 2011, 12:52:44 am »
It's a 4 day weekend.

And it's a 4 day weekend.

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #44 on: 22 April, 2011, 07:57:09 am »
Good news:  I found the bit I lost 9 months ago.

Bad news:  It really, really shouldn't have been where it was and, with hindsight, I should have looked there when I lost it.

Good news:  It didn't take the opportunity to kill me or my friends like it could so easily have done.

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #45 on: 26 April, 2011, 12:30:45 pm »
Hurrah!  In May 2010 a spiffy new bike shop opened fairly close to Larrington Towers.  I have not had cause to use it but it was nice that it was there.

Yesterday I drove past.  The entire building was surrounded by fencing with a notice attached saying something about the place being demolished.  Bah!

Apparently a fire broke out on Good Friday afternoon which was not fully extinguished until Monday morning :o
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


  • Андрій
  • Ερασιτεχνικός μισάνθρωπος
Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #46 on: 10 June, 2011, 04:25:36 pm »
:) I'm leaving work at 16:30!

:( I'll be back here tomorrow.
;D  Andrij.  I pronounce you Complete and Utter GIT   :thumbsup:

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #47 on: 10 June, 2011, 04:28:15 pm »
I got my wallet back having lost it yesterday afternoon complete with plastics intact and unused".    :)

The notes therein had been purloined.   :(

* Confirmed by the various banks.

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #48 on: 21 July, 2011, 08:46:24 am »
Bad news, I've just traveled to wurk by tube (yech, but had to today), managed to pick up chewing gum from the floor (via a placcy bag) onto my trousers in such a place that it looks like ..... um..... yeah, more wurk than I can shake a stick at and shitty customers that I would REALLY like to shake a stick at.

Good news? The can all go hang coz in 48 hours I'm going to be in furrin parts for three weeks.

Re: The Good News / Bad News Thread
« Reply #49 on: 21 July, 2011, 01:15:04 pm »
I am being redundant on the 30th September  ....

.... I start a new (better) job on the 1st October.   
Stop analysing Strava and cut your hedge...