Author Topic: School curriculum according to you  (Read 2297 times)


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School curriculum according to you
« on: 11 June, 2008, 10:16:37 pm »
What do you think kids should be taught in school that they are currently not?

How to ride a bicycle on the road
Domestic and personal finance
First aid (particularly CPR)
Wilderness survival
Very basic grounding in law (consumer law, contract, tort, criminal, public law, etc.)
How to grow your own food

...but as importantly as any of these, as has already been said is how to learn.

One of the most important things I ever discovered is that for most intents and purposes, it is completely unnecessary to know how to do a thing, as long as one knows that it is possible to do that thing and one knows how to learn to do it.

Until a couple of years ago, I had no idea how to install a bathroom suite.  But I know that I was completely capable of doing it and I knew where to go to learn the skills I would need.  Ditto installing Linux onna PC, building a bicycle wheel, making pastry, or whatever.

We need to give kids the confidence that they can do whatever they put their minds to by teaching them amazing things that they never thought they could do.