I use a simple solution for dandelions in our garden , on a hot day it kills them within 1 day. Get one of those small 1 1/2-2 ltrs pump up hand spray bottles, £ shop had them I think. pour in a bottle of NEAT malt vinegar, IIRC Lidl/Aldi are about 40p a bottle, (maybe 30p?) , then put in a squirt of neat washing up liquid (acts as a surfactant), then replace lid, give it a good shae, give it a few pumps, and away you go. Spray at the base as it kills the roots, but remember it will kill anything elase as well. Works wonders on slugs and snails as well, (just don't watch).
Tests were done, with neat vinegar, diluted vinegar, and the above. Guess which was best.