I've been using peak and photo hippo for colour development, I don't get positives mounted anymore. And pay for them to do the scanning. Pretty happy with results.
For B&W I do my own, results variable because I'm really not designed for consistency.
Only got a bottle of Rodinol clone, but that's enough, can't remember my fixer and I do a water stop.
If I shoot anything on B&W I am particularly bothered about the results and it's not on a self rolled spool then I'll send it off to Ilford.
For colour Film I have a shelf full of ebay purchases I'll probably never get fully through.
For B&W I have loaders of HP5+, FP4+, Kodalith and through ebay pot luck a kodak duplicating positive film that I've not really used (processors wanting me to be accurate with my spooling out me off a bit)
I'm hoping to diminish my supply of aps by shoving an ixus ix in my back pocket instead of the digital at somepoint.
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