I seem to have acquired a Bronica ETRSi medium format camera. I'll be needing a light meter methinks.
Does anybody have any recommendations or even something gathering dust in a box which they might be willing to part with for an appropriate wodge please?
Unless you're shooting slide film, which you won't be on a medium format, back in the day it was quite normal to use the little slip of paper that came in the film box with recommended settings for sunny, cloudy, overcast, snowy. Negative film has quite a latitude as long as you err on the over-expose side. This is the opposite of digital which you should avoid over-exposing at all costs.
I've not seen the apps mentioned, but if they do spot-metering then you could go all Ansel Adams with the zone system for fantastic results. If you have the patience.
I have a Weston Master III, but I'm not sure it tells me any more than the rule of thumb approach. Apart from indoors. But if you're going to shoot indoors use your phone. (Or a flash)