Author Topic: Affinity Photo 2  (Read 2992 times)


  • Inclined to distraction
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Affinity Photo 2
« on: 22 December, 2022, 07:50:02 pm »
Has anyone bit the bullet?

I'm still struggling with breaking my mind in with version 1, even after several years being an early adpoter :-\

It doesn't help that it takes ages of the bouncing icon on my Mac, before it loads :(

I still get confused with all the 'Persona' stuff. And have been unable to find a resource to untangle my head from several years of Photoshop (pre subscription model) - which is probably more of a reflection of my diminishing mental capacity than Affinity itself?

Why can't one Sharpen RAW files in Affinity? Where is selective Sharpen in Affinity?

Thinking of stumping up for Photoshop again - as early more easily adaptable brain was brung up that way?

Re: Affinity Photo 2
« Reply #1 on: 23 December, 2022, 11:42:39 am »
I haven't played with version 2 yet but there are loads of tutorial videos about how to sharpen raw files in affinity, which certainly implies it's possible... 

eg (which covers sharpening *and* selective sharpening)


  • No Longer a western province of NĂºmenor
Re: Affinity Photo 2
« Reply #2 on: 11 January, 2023, 10:35:02 am »
What do you mean by selective sharpening?

If you mean paint in sharpening manually to particular areas of the image:

Duplicate layer. Sharpen top layer. Apply a (black) mask), then paint in white to the mask where you want sharpening.

Yes, I've gone to V2 - but there are not huge differences compared wiht V1, mainly minor user interface improvements. However, the main benefit is the ability to embed the original raw image in the file, so that you can do non destructtive edits to a raw file, rather than having the raw development "baked into" the affinity file.