can we do something about pavement "parking" of wheelie bins.
That would require the sort of cooperation from the binmen that you're unlikely to get under the terms of a typical council contract, to say nothing of the councils that have literally run out of money.
Depends what alternative was found. If it required binmen fetching bins from artfully built bin sheds in gardens, sure, that's not going to happen. But it might be done in a way that doesn't require any more work from binmen than at present.
All those cars which are no longer pavement parked* are presumably, most of them, going to be parked fully on the carriageway. On many streets, that effectively means parking on one side of the road only. Bins can go in the road*. This obviously requires extra work from householders, so also isn't ideal.
It would be good to find something better than wheelie bins* and also to decide whether waste is to be collected per household, as is generally the case at present, or whether we can first aggregate it, as happens in some blocks of flats into big skips. Does it matter, or should it matter, if someone else puts their rubbish in your bin? Also, of course, we need to recycle more* and consume less shit**.
*Denotes lack of reality.
**Denotes total insanity.