I was a bit stuck with my 15€ jumble sale photo scanner which is playing up due to a broken trap and a very dodgy micro-USB connection. I had started to contemplate the alternatives, reading up on DSLR scanning (which seems to be slide-copying as used to be done in the Dark Ages), looking at flat-bed scanners (way over my budget) and thinking about building an enlarger (all the ones being advertised were way too expensive). This afternoon in the Emmaüs charity warehouse I came across a number of enlargers, a huge medium-format jobby out of the last century or two, a Durst M6xx which was too big for me so I didn't check whether it looked ok, a Durst C35 which I had already seen and knew that the focussing wasn't moving properly ... and a couple of Durst F30 heads, one of which was still on its mast and had its lens and the other was just the head. The one on the mast had been messed about with, lamp housing was wrecked and the focussing was (is still) seized solid. The other head had the focussing ok and the lamp housing complete. No baseboard, no mast foot to connect baseboard to mast. The man said, "30€ for the two", I said "it's too much given that neither is complete or working. How about 25€, which is still more than they're worth?" He said"I can't interest you in one of the others, a nice Durst M6xx or a C35?" I said "the one's too big for me, the other doesn't work!" So he accepted my 25€ (they were really only worth about 20 in that condition).
At home I transfer the lens to the working one. Yup the bulb is ok, it focusses, there is a lot of dust but the condenser is in the filter tray which makes cleaning a bit easier, I should still have an old Scneider camera lens which I used to use on my old F30, which may be better, and now I just have to make up a foot for the mast and cut a bit of tree for the baseboard. Looking forward to doing a bit of enlarging again (about 30 years since the last time). Really pleased!