Author Topic: Garmin connect question  (Read 2767 times)


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Garmin connect question
« on: 25 September, 2022, 11:50:30 pm »
So say my brother and I do the same ride together and both sync with GC when we get to our respective homes right. The info then shows up in the GC news feed bit - same distance etc BUT without clicking on either to see the full stats , just looking in the scrolly news feed , his bit shows time and avg speed as the “moving” figures whilst mine shows as the “totals” which makes it look like we did the same route at vastly different speeds and times - is there a way to change that setting in mine ?? If there is I can’t find it

Re: Garmin connect question
« Reply #1 on: 26 September, 2022, 08:45:19 pm »
Does he have auto pause enabled and you don't (or does he manually pause every time you stop)?


  • Hair today gone tomorrow
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Re: Garmin connect question
« Reply #2 on: 26 September, 2022, 08:50:33 pm »
I think I may have figured it out. We both have auto pause enable but he has set his to 4.5kmh and I have mine unset or it just pauses when it’s “stopped” I think sometimes when we’re stopped mine still thinks it’s moving really slowly for a while - changed mine to pause below 4.5kmh and will see what happens this weekend