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 I took a long look at the video zigzag and I suspect that the internal componenents of the mech are semi seized as discussed.
Its beyond my abilities to strip it down as shown and I cant imagine it being cost effective to have a mechanic do that.
It looks like the best option is to suck it up and stump up for a new front mech.
Thanks for the link though, it was curiously interesting, and slighlty alarming that there are so many small pins etc inside that can seize up what I had always considered a fit and forget component.
Audax / Re: Hanze 6-9-6 Netherlands (1200 or 2100km)
« Last post by slugbait on Today at 05:18:46 pm »
Thanks for the meetup & (city) leadout...

No problem, I had just finished my breakfast and noticed that you and Matt were taking a long break at the train station. I figured I could help get you out of the city more smoothly than you would've otherwise had managed.   
Audax / Re: Steady lights on on calendar events - resolution for AUK AGM
« Last post by T42 on Today at 04:57:47 pm »
Whether steady is okay in a group depends on its mounting point, brightness and orientation. Death ray brightness and / or pointing into eyes of others definitely not okay.

Indeed.  The angle of modern seat stays make it hard to get a rearlight to point straight back, too.
The Dark Side / Re: More power, Igor! (ICE trike with Falco e-motor)
« Last post by Kim on Today at 04:38:26 pm »
Because someone just asked, I'll add a couple more updates from 2024:

- The membrane switch power level control buttons de-laminated a few years ago.  I replaced them with a cheap plastic power level switch for some random Chinese system.  This, combined with moving these controls to a point low down on the right handlebar, has been a great ergonomic improvement.

- No problems with the motor itself.  It's had a few soakings and not a lot of miles.

- The console is still alive, and is as terrible as ever.  We're careful to keep it protected from rain.

- The Ping LiFePO4 battery is still working, although one of the balance lights on the BMS never illuminates.  I haven't investigated properly, but presumably a dying cell.

- I bought a cheap 48VDC -> 230VAC inverter on AliExpress and made up a suitable lead to connect it to the battery pack.  This has been surprisingly useful, not least to power the BHPC's race timing equipment (which draws about 120-130VA, so will run for over 6 hours).  So far, the battery has only been fully depleted twice, both when used to power this inverter rather than when riding the trike.

- We briefly instigated a BHPC e-assist racing class.  Barakta managed to win the championship before it was indefinitely suspended on the grounds that we couldn't realistically enforce the insurance requirement that e-assist cycles be road legal.

- The only reason we've removed the motor wheel in recent memory was for BHPC races.  (I raced the trike for the truncated 2020 season, and came second in Multitrack.  Natalya's lanterne-rouged a few races un-assisted.)

- Natalya's been cycling a lot less in recent years.  Combination of hip dysplasia (and recovering from surgeries to attempt to correct it), and deterioration of her visual processing / migraine.  Shoulders are also an issue, though not usually the limiting factor.  Her ability to walk has deteriorated faster, to the point where the trike mostly gets used as a mobility aid in the rare situations (campsites, etc) where it's useful and appropriate to use it as such.

- I still think that the rear hub is the best place to put a motor in a tadpole recumbent trike, but:

- I'm extremely impressed by the current generation of mid-drive motors from Shimano and Bosch.  If you want an e-assist trike, depending on what you want to use it for, I'd recommend either a new trike with the factory e-assist option, or the cheapest nastiest retrofit kit you can find (combined with appropriately low expectations).

- As most manufacturers now offer an e-assist option, there are better ways of mounting a battery easily than there were in 2013.  You really want it under or behind the seat, not on top of the rear rack.

- Lithium Polymer batteries are substantially cheaper and have better longevity than they did a decade ago.  I wouldn't use LiFePO4 on an HPV today without a specific reason; it's just too much weight.

- Falco are inexplicably still in business.  Ping doesn't seem to be.

Audax / Re: Adding image to post
« Last post by Lightning Phil on Today at 04:28:05 pm »
Yep, instagram is part of Zuckerberg’s walled garden.  You’ll need to put the image on another platform such as Flickr or Google photos or Dropbox etc to directly show image here or other forums.
The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by CAMRAMan on Today at 04:24:26 pm »
Another Nail in My Heart - Squeeze
Whether steady is okay in a group depends on its mounting point, brightness and orientation. Death ray brightness and / or pointing into eyes of others definitely not okay.
Damp gloom.
Audax / Re: Steady lights on on calendar events - resolution for AUK AGM
« Last post by T42 on Today at 04:04:40 pm »
Flashing lights are OK if you're riding solo, otherwise not. And I don't know about the UK Highway Code, but here it's illegal to have only a flashing light - you have to have a steady one as well.
Freewheeling / Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Last post by carlosferreiro on Today at 03:12:45 pm »
Great stuff @northumberlandnick - that's some off the beaten track Cairngorms corridor  :)

I've ended up with Dundee city complete and Aberdeen city pretty near without trying for them specifically.
Aberdeen looks to need to wait until a development to get finished before I can get to the last tile though.

I started off looking to get all the Shetland tiles, but have gone quiet on that idea. I'd have to make up my own rules on what was needed to complete it though. Would it be all land? All the little skerries and holms? Or just actual islands with vegetation? Or just inhabited islands? Even then there's a fair lot of dodgy cliffs to get absolutely all land, so it's probably just as well I'm not hard invested in completion. I'm not safe at sea, so no SUP/Kayk plans  :thumbsup:
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