Emboldened by the news in the above post and by the arrival of an e-mail from the lovely folks at
BRITISH Airways I started printing Stuffs today, and discovered that the Shiny Metal Birb to San Francisco does not depart at lunchtime, no, it goes at ten past bloody ten in the ack emma, meaning either an audax o'clock start or giving money to the robdogs of Heathrow Express.
Careful analysis of Mr Zuckerberg’s Walled Garden reveals that Hans and Ellen van Vugt are already in-country, as is their long-awaited new machine. Oily bits by Hans, æro by the aforementioned Calvin Moes. On the minus side, not only is Cobus Burger unable to compete this year because Work*, but some horrible git stole his Shelby Mustang recently
Professor Sir Admiral Viscount Timelord Jun Nogami has doned a blog post featuring known runners and riders so I shall post a link to it rather than duplicate his efforts:
https://jnyyz.wordpress.com/2024/08/26/whpsc-2024-preview/* IIRC he’s a commercial pilot and thus prone to being rescheduled at no notice