Author Topic: Velosolo Club Independence Day Ride  (Read 3525 times)


Velosolo Club Independence Day Ride
« on: 08 May, 2023, 09:10:11 pm »
(That's the US independence day, not the one on 23 June, of which it's perhaps best we do not speak so as not to offend Remainer Brexiter sensibilities.)

I'd be surprised if this ride gets any takers, which is why I feel comfortable advertising it.*


You're welcome to join me on a tour of Jack Fuller's follies, scattered in hills near Burwash. This is about 40 miles south of London as the crow flies, close to the Hastings line.

Jack was an 18th~19th century mad squire, which is the best kind. He had enough money to have built a small collection of follies, the most famous being the pyramid under which he was buried whilst still alive. Sorry, I'm making that part up. Unfortunately the pyramid is currently under wraps, but it's still pyramid shaped.

There is no connection that I'm aware of between Jack and the US.

I'll include Bodiam Castle in the tour, because he owned it at one point, and it's a little way apart from the follies, which is necessary to make this any kind of a ride. Also it's occurred to me as I'm typing this that we won't even be able to get to two of the follies because they're offroad. So to pad this out we'll swing by Rudyard Kipling's place, as well as Roger Daltrey and Robert Smith's.

As yet I have no route, but I expect it'll be around 30 hilly miles, which as we all know is equivalent to more flat ones.

Date to be announced, because July 4th is a Tuesday. One of the weekend days before or after that.

There's decent food at the Bear Inn in Burwash, as well as a nearby cafe.

file photo of bear

*I'm extremely covid averse, so have no intention of getting closer than 10 feet to anyone who does turn up. Sorry, I'm not making that part up.

Seriously though: I think this is doable, but if you wonder why I'm a little standoffish, wonder no more. There's no way I'm going into the Bear Inn, for example. Fortunately they have some outdoor seating.


Re: Velosolo Club Independence Day Ride
« Reply #1 on: 08 May, 2023, 09:42:29 pm »
Ride report of a previous outing, some of which was in this area: Hastings to the sea


Re: Velosolo Club Independence Day Ride
« Reply #2 on: 22 July, 2023, 10:20:26 am »
This has been & gone without being actioned. Even I forgot about it. I'll have to reschedule, perhaps with a slightly better conceived theme. Should be as easy as a name change: goodbye 'Independence Day ride', hello 'The March of Folly'.*

The good news is the pyramid is now restored to its former glory – it's been repointed and everything. The bad news is it looked better when it was decrepit.

*What do you mean that's been taken?


Independence Day Ride
« Reply #3 on: 27 February, 2024, 05:37:28 am »
Artless bump.

Another year, another Independence Day (for both Yanks & Brits!), another possibility of a ride. It's never too early to register your interest, if you have any. It looks like it'd be Saturday July 6th, but like so much in life, that's subject to change.

on edit:
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