Author Topic: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet  (Read 7494 times)

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #25 on: 28 May, 2019, 11:40:11 am »
just seen this thread...planned my route to Les Essarts some months ago

I see you stick on the Avenue Verte to Serquex before picking up roads.  I didn't think much of the D915 which we used (on the group ride) on the way back from PBP 2015.  I thought the road was too busy with traffic and have avoided it completely this year.  I did plot alternate routes to see, using the D915 only saved about 5km at most from what I have planned. It saves more if we were still starting at the St Quentin velodrome. Hope you'll be joining us for coffee and the bakery at Neufchatel (where our routes split) rather than fly through on the Avenue Verte as you have planned. It was a nice stop for breakfast after the ferry last time.

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #26 on: 28 May, 2019, 12:14:39 pm »
absolument cher ami, bien sur  :thumbsup:

and quite ready to consider an alternative improved route plan

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #27 on: 28 May, 2019, 03:26:17 pm »
absolument cher ami, bien sur  :thumbsup:

and quite ready to consider an alternative improved route plan

Here's a version of the route I have planned but splitting at Longnes (after the Seine and the last of our food / drink stops) to Les Eaarts. So you get to ride 152km of the same route then the last 37km to Les Eaarts solo (or with anyone else going that way).

A bit further than your planned route but uses much quieter (and good roads) based on our experiences last time.  Here is the view to the Seine from the approach I have chosen as it has great views as you descend its curves.

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #28 on: 28 May, 2019, 03:44:10 pm »
splendid service Phil, thanks, I think I owe you a glass of cider  :thumbsup:

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #29 on: 28 May, 2019, 04:14:59 pm »
It'd be rude to turn down that glass of cider, so I'll have to accept.  If we time it right we should also be able to converge for elevenses on the Seine during the ride back.

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #30 on: 29 May, 2019, 10:32:50 am »
In the final few km to Rambouillet we have a choice of the road or there is a paved cycle track right through the center of the forest. The distance covered on the cycle track would be 5km, no change in overall distance.  Are there any preferences, the route is mapped along the road at the moment?  The road is the way PBP departs / arrives Rambouillet

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #31 on: 29 May, 2019, 10:35:49 am »
I'm easy (ho-hum), as long as there aren't stupid gates/bollards on the cycle track it makes no difference to me.

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #32 on: 29 May, 2019, 10:49:29 am »
From what I can tell there are a couple of places with these along the route where it crosses trafficed roads. The horizontal wooden slats seem to be movable looking at one of the "gates".

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #33 on: 29 May, 2019, 01:38:22 pm »
Chicanes! I just don't want to be having to lift the velomobile when it's full of stuff, or ask others to help (that's not fair), hard to say whether they can be negotiated as is even at an angle.

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #34 on: 29 May, 2019, 02:01:00 pm »
Yeah, will keep route on the road.  Will possibly explore the forest cycle tracks on the Saturday in between bike checks and drinking and eating

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #35 on: 29 May, 2019, 02:55:18 pm »
I don't want to force a route that others may not want to do, I don't mind making my own way. We may be forced to split anyway as you are aware the differences in speeds between different bikes/weights multiplied by a factor of (x) for me as I will be twiddling my way up hills and not riding the brakes down them.

Actually that has me thinking, that maybe we should have "controls" to re-group just in case that happens and a split occurs?

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #36 on: 29 May, 2019, 03:23:42 pm »
"controls" ? Wash your mouth out. Save the controls for PBP itself.  There are planned refreshment stops if you get ahead but last time we all managed to stay together.  If the pace is too slow for you, you are of course free to make your own choices.  If you think full value or touring pace you will have the right idea.  There's no rush during the ride down / back.

Don't worry about the forest cycle track. It's only 5km at the end and besides I may yet leave the road route I've planned to follow that instead.  So there well may be a split in the last 5km or so. It is also an option for Saturday during down time.

Besides we do get some forest roads earlier on in the ride

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #37 on: 30 May, 2019, 07:30:51 pm »
Here is a link to the route sheet for this route.  Be aware it does not mention every junction or turn but does cover where the road number changes.  Places passed through are in bold as per convention. I have stuck with the road for the last bit to Rambouillet.

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #38 on: 30 May, 2019, 08:23:39 pm »
 :thumbsup:Thanks Phil, I have the feeling that you enjoy this planning phase.

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #39 on: 31 May, 2019, 10:30:30 am »
Thanks also to you  Phil. Will enjoy using your route.

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #40 on: 31 May, 2019, 12:06:33 pm »
Thanks.  I do enjoy planning routes.  In 2015 didn't pay as much attention to places to stop to eat / drink on the way.  It turned out ok but we were left guessing as to how far it was to a place we could stop at.  So this time paid more attention to the potential food / drink stops.

Just the matter of getting my 600 qualifier out of the way (this weekend) now!

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #41 on: 31 May, 2019, 07:10:33 pm »
Good luck  :thumbsup:


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #42 on: 06 July, 2019, 06:16:36 am »
I'll get me maps out.

Bearing in mind I'll be on fixed and with camping gear in a couple of panniers, I might not keep up with the 'credit card tourists'. I'll be saving the legs for another ride ...

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #43 on: 06 July, 2019, 06:29:42 am »
A change of plan has resulted in me not riding to Rambouillet or back to ferry, the car will be taking the strain, this does mean that I will have some capacity as baggage carrier to and from (if peeps so wish me to be), first come first served at the car park of the Flying Fish, the only caveat is that I will not be roaming around Rambouillet looking for people to unite them with their baggage, they will have to find me in the campervan section parking, although mine will probably be the only non campervan vehicle there.

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #44 on: 06 July, 2019, 07:39:54 am »
I'll get me maps out.

Bearing in mind I'll be on fixed and with camping gear in a couple of panniers, I might not keep up with the 'credit card tourists'. I'll be saving the legs for another ride ...

Cue Tomsk sprinting off the front...

I will certainly be taking at least one pannier of stuff for before / after the ride.  Plan is relaxed ride from my point of view. No intention to wreck legs.  Link to route sheet up thread if you want to use that.


  • E=112
Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #45 on: 06 July, 2019, 07:56:15 am »
I rode up & down the St-Léger-en-Yvellines - Rambouillet section yesterday / Thursday. There’s a paved cycle path alongside the road for about half the distance. It changes sides once, and ducks into the forest once to pass behind a house, but very rideable (25mm tyres, solo, touring load). Traffic on the road was moderate, and quite fast, but minimal HGV. Used flashing rear light for added confidence. Final bit in Rambouillet goes round the houses because of major drainage works, but easy to follow. Not riding PBP, but just done done the route from Brest as a 6-day tour. Bonne route, et bonne chance!
Néophyte > 2007 > Ancien > 2011 > Récidiviste

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #46 on: 15 August, 2019, 01:08:35 pm »
If you’re riding the Avenue Verte, turn right where the railway part ends by Serquex. If you turn left under the bridge and try to follow the extra bit you’ll find the road bridge is being replaced and have to walk your bike over a temporary footbridge.


  • Full of bon courage.
Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #47 on: 16 August, 2019, 04:05:06 pm »
Good route phil!

Apart from the headwinds.

Oh and the typical French lack of anything open in the last 60km - the shop at gambais was a life saver.

The view of the Seine at the top of the toughest hill of the day was spectacular and well worth the effort!

Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #48 on: 16 August, 2019, 10:45:23 pm »
Apart from the headwinds.

Indeed. If I'd wanted to ride into the Fenland Hairdryer I'd have gone to East Angular.

Aside from that, as Marcus says that Seine view *almost* made the climb worthwhile - it would be fair to say that when I caught sight of the slope my joy knew no beginning - while the rest of the roads were never less than pleasant.

I fancy that 2015's route might have had better lunch options (note to self, Restaurant aux Specialites Turcques is French for kebab shop), and Gambais could have done with an open bar (ok, ok, in addition to rather than instead of the shop), but I suppose we could tolerate it ...

(click to show/hide)

Phil W

Re: Routes: Dieppe ---> Rambouillet
« Reply #49 on: 23 August, 2019, 10:55:31 am »
Good route phil!

Apart from the headwinds.

Oh and the typical French lack of anything open in the last 60km - the shop at gambais was a life saver.

The view of the Seine at the top of the toughest hill of the day was spectacular and well worth the effort!

Last place I had marked as definitely open was the pizzeria in Breval, 45km from the end, which was indeed open. Longnes did have an open tabac but that was 200m off the route where you crossed the roundabout.  Tilly had an old school water pump, just 70m off route, on a side road, Houdan had a range of cafes but off route and added extra distance.  It's a difficult one as you always have to compromise between the distance ridden, and facilities along the way.   

You will have noted that it was possible to avoid the toughest hill of the day by crossing the ridgeline about 3km away.  But when I was researching, saw the sweeping curves to the road descent to the Seine and did a streetview I decided it had to be ridden.

On the way back I struck north from Gasny along the Voie Verte to Gisors.  Gasny (going south it is the last place before the turn to Grommecourt and the toughest climb) had a large supermarket with a nice attached cafe, just 300m off the route.  Note in the route sheet but perehaps missed by those on GPS.   

I've decided I prefer a two day ride there (and back) anyway. So should I do this again I'd plan a route for two days, in which case some extra overall distance to take in more places for cafes would be good.

I did note on my alternate route back via Gisors that the centre of Gisors is a fantastic tourist spot for restaurants, cafes and shops. You've got bigger hills between Gisors and Forges Les Eaux (than going via the route I shared), but the Voie Verte between Gasny and Gisors is super flat.  Over two days I'd be tempted to go this way on the way out with a hotel or camping stop (lakeside camping at Dahu just south looked nice) at Gisors or a bit further down the Voie Verte.