Author Topic: Interval Training  (Read 4866 times)

Chris S

Interval Training
« on: 04 September, 2008, 06:45:05 pm »
Thought we needed a thread for this - there are various bits and pieces scattered about on other threads.

Tuesday I did 6x iterations of Palgrave Hill - a convenient nearby hill that has a 40m gain and steepens toward the top for that extra kick. All I need to do is maintain 18km/hr all the way up, and try not to throw up. My heart rate is usually 100% for the last 20s or so - around about the 185 mark.

Now - I just got back from only my second ever 2x20 session. The best part about it? Stopping  ;D.

The second best part is the endorphine rush afterwards. Oh my...

Anyway some useless facts:

Outward: 172bpm, 9.9km, 28.8km/hr
Return: 175bpm, 10.2km, 30.1km/hr

Ooh... jelly legs.

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #1 on: 05 September, 2008, 07:30:51 pm »
2 x 20 for me tonight too, most of it in a cold, windy storm.  There's a reasonably flat loop near me, 3 sides of the rectangle takes about 20 minutes then I use the 4th to recover before the second lap.  There's a firm headwind on the last bit of the 20.

1st run - 174bpm, 32.3kph

a 5 minute recovery, then

2nd run - 183bpm, 33.5kph

then I nearly expired on the ride home!

Chris S

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #2 on: 09 September, 2008, 08:56:45 am »
Moved my 2x20 to Tuesday this week so I have a few days to recover before Saturday's audax.

Also rode it first thing, rather than late afternoon. Not a good idea. Outward 20 was fine, but the return became increasingly hard - I just couldn't keep my heart-rate up. The last 5 minutes or so, it was as much as I could do to maintain 165 bpm. My legs were burning, and I just couldn't get them to work hard enough.

Bonked I guess - 12 hours since dinner last night...

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #3 on: 09 September, 2008, 07:30:47 pm »
tonight was short, sharp intervals.  Two lots of 3 x 3minutes at almost flat out, 3 minutes between each of the 3 minute efforts, and 10 minutes between each set (if that makes any sense).

Bloody marvellous ride - progressively stronger in each one, with lots of grunting.  I did most of them uphill so speeds were low, but my legs are throbbing gently now so it must have been a good session!

For the record, the HR average for all six was about 175 (with a max HR of 185-188 in each) and the average speed was about 33kph - quickest was 39 (not uphill!), slowest was 23.

Chris S

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #4 on: 16 September, 2008, 09:38:10 am »
Hill repeats this morning. I did wonder whether Saturday's Anfractuous 200 might have counted as an extended hill repeat session, but decided to go out anyway. I wasn't sure how well I'd do as my legs were still a bit heavy feeling yesterday.

Best session I've had so far - in fact I upped it to 6x iterations. My legs were jelly by the end, but I felt good.

Strange thing - my HR peaks at about the same as I can maintain it on the 2x20's, but the RPE is much higher - I'm on the point of gasping for breath on the hills whereas it's much more sustainable on the longer intervals.

Chris S

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #5 on: 23 September, 2008, 10:32:25 am »
Not sure whether this morning's 2x20 will trigger any adaptations or not. This week is densely packed, so didn't have much choice but to set out early today.

Once again, my legs just couldn't deliver the power over the two 20's. Outward leg was fine and I kept my HR down a little to try and make it more sustainable - but it was the same story as last time; ran out of power half way through the return. I could feel my work-rate was too low, but my legs hurt too much to deliver any more power. Is it possible to be at my lactate threshold without feeling like I'm working hard enough?

Could be two days is not enough to recover from a long ride (did 130km on Sunday), or could be I just can't to these intervals first thing in the morning.

Chris S

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #6 on: 07 October, 2008, 04:48:12 pm »
Today's session was excellent  :thumbsup:.

The only downside. I had to go out at lunchtime to beat the weather and fit the session between work calls. Now it's about 5pm and I really really want a nap...


Re: Interval Training
« Reply #7 on: 09 October, 2008, 09:22:04 am »
It's amazing how tough intervals can really fry your brain!
Your Royal Charles are belong to us.

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #8 on: 13 October, 2008, 11:15:38 pm »
I decided to start my new training regime, and went out to do some interval training tonight.

Either I've lost more fitness than I realised, or intervals are tougher than I expected.  :sick:

I gave in the intervals having only done about half of my intended session. I felt sick, ached and had pains in my chest.  :-\

I guess I need to work on getting fit enough to train.  ::-)
If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is...

Chris S

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #9 on: 14 October, 2008, 08:11:11 am »
I gave in the intervals having only done about half of my intended session. I felt sick, ached and had pains in my chest:-\

I'd find that combination of symptoms alarming if it were me.

Were you pushing too hard - maybe 100% MHR? As I understand it, the longer intervals should only be done at 90-95% of MHR. More than that, and you are likely to induce some CV distress.

My GP told me to stop doing this if my BP started to go up over time (it hasn't - it's gone down, a lot) or if I started to get chest pains.

Take care WJ.

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #10 on: 14 October, 2008, 12:33:04 pm »
Is it the right time of year to do intervals?

Feeling sick doing intervals is no surprise to me. Feeling chest pain is worrying though. You should build up progressively and may have started a bit too hard, no?
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
Re: Interval Training
« Reply #11 on: 14 October, 2008, 01:06:24 pm »
Is it the right time of year to do intervals?


(unless you are entering some events in 10 weeks time ie Xmas eve)


  • Max - "make mine a Beophar Hairball Paste please"
Re: Interval Training
« Reply #12 on: 14 October, 2008, 01:24:22 pm »
<old git>

Change down to 42x16 or 17, ride lots of miles, enjoy crimbo, up the gears in January, avoid intervals until it's a bit warmer.

</old git>

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #13 on: 14 October, 2008, 01:25:21 pm »
That's what I thought...
Frenchie - Train à Grande Vitesse

Chris S

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #14 on: 14 October, 2008, 02:34:48 pm »
Is it the right time of year to do intervals?


(unless you are entering some events in 10 weeks time ie Xmas eve)

Or doing them as part of a weight-loss programme  :)

Intensity in exercise boosts fat-burning; and long period intervals are particularly effective. Doing intervals for TT training - yes, I'd agree - totally the wrong time of year.

Not all of us are chiseled hunks or racing snakes like you chaps  ;D

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #15 on: 14 October, 2008, 09:28:33 pm »
I think it was just too much too soon. I was doing reps of short intervals - aimed at improving aerobic ability.

I'm aiming to enter our 'Hardriders' open 25 in early Feb.
If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is...

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #16 on: 15 October, 2008, 11:49:07 pm »
Much better session tonight. I think I was pushing tooooo hard on the hard bits on Monday.

I completed the whole session and felt good at the end.

I now know that my complete session takes me to Three Holes and back.  :o

... it's a place::-)
If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is...

Chris S

Re: Interval Training
« Reply #17 on: 28 October, 2008, 11:10:39 am »
Hill repeats this morning. It was -2c, and my legs were still tired from a lot of cycling over the weekend. I didn't push it too hard TBH, but it was a nice ride out in the crisp sunshine.

A trick seems to be to listen to one's body - you can generally tell the difference between something hurting because you are doing well and pushing hard to adapt, and something hurting because you are over doing it; I kind of felt like the latter this morning, so backed off. I'll probably skip my 2x20 this week.


  • It's short for, erm....Bob!
Re: Interval Training
« Reply #18 on: 18 November, 2008, 12:59:14 pm »
Much better session tonight. I think I was pushing tooooo hard on the hard bits on Monday.

I completed the whole session and felt good at the end.

I now know that my complete session takes me to Three Holes and back.  :o

... it's a place::-)

I know the couple who run the pub in Three Holes! (or, at least, used to last time I saw them). Per and Linda. Per is a Danish chap and the couple used to run the pub in my parents home village beofre moving (inexplicably) to the middle of nowhere...  :)

Are they still there?