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Racing / Re: TCR No 10
« Last post by quixoticgeek on Today at 03:49:06 pm »

What's the situation with the ferries to get to CP4? How frequently do they run? Are they 24 hours a day ?

Am wondering  if this could neutralise any lewd between some of the front runners.

The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by Woofage on Today at 03:25:45 pm »
Di Eagle an' di Bear - Linton Kwesi Johnson
Arts and Entertainment / Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Last post by Diver300 on Today at 03:13:21 pm »
Hundreds of Beavers
A micro-budget black-and-white live-action non-verbal mashup of Looney Tunes, Buster Keaton, silent slapstick, and level-based video games. The beavers and other critters are played by people in mascot costumes. I almost sprang a rib laughing
I went to see it last week. It’s very good.
The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by spesh on Today at 03:06:48 pm »
On Peregrine Wings - Joe Satriani
The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by rogerzilla on Today at 03:00:42 pm »
Wings Of A Dove - Madness
The Pub / Re: What have you fettled today?
« Last post by pumpkin on Today at 02:49:39 pm »
Front hub had some play so tightened the preload cap. Also the fixie is clicking. Possibly the bb so will have to take it to a shop
The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by CAMRAMan on Today at 02:43:48 pm »
Let 'Em In - Wings
On The Road / Re: On the commute today
« Last post by pumpkin on Today at 02:38:10 pm »
Just factor in the same time and do it first thing? It's something I've got ahead of me next year. So I need to do 20 miles a day 5 days a week. I might just go and ride those miles a bit later in the am
This in reply to the above post.

Day off on Friday so I thought I would ride to the shops. I usually go on the ride into work. Took a different route and partway to my destination realised my pannier had gone!!!!!!! I hadnt clipped it properly to the rack. Turned round and rode the route twice. No, its vanished. Of course my debit cards and a small amount of cash were in the bag and some cycling bits incl a Shakedry jacket. Half the route was a gravel track but some was main road. Anyway, the bags gone. Cards cancelled
The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by rogerzilla on Today at 02:26:07 pm »
They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Napoleon XIV
Coincidentally we’ve had our electric and gas meters upgraded to smart. And this really was by stealth as even the dogs didn’t notice.

We only found out when the incumbent Mrs F went to enter the reading on her anabaric diascope and found them already there
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