Looking for ideas/experience. We are planning a visit to a friend on the Hebrides and intend to fly as getting to the ferry via public transport and current Calmac reliability suggests it's a better option. So it's Loganair Highlands and Islands from Inverness to Benbecula and probably back to Glasgow (to tie in with sleeper train from/to London). We are an immunocompromised household so still covid nervous (yes I know maybe we shouldn't travel at all) but feel that sleeper train, not very busy airports in November and a short plane trip is probably within our risk level. So thoughts turned to how to get to Euston and to airports in Scotland, and then we discovered they will take bikes on those small planes. Big bikes could be tricky when we get there, but Bromptons would work fine.
So how to protect them? Whatever we use has to be portable enough to ride there with it. We could just leave them as bikes in big plastic bag, but would need to turn bars and remove pedals. Or we could fold them - we have the standard covers which leave the saddle sticking out (keeps Eurostar happy) so hopefully shows it's a bike not a suitcase. So we wondered about something like wrapping in a cheap foam sleeping map under the cover, maybe securing with tape as necessary. Benbecula end is no worry for handling, and my memory of Inverness airport suggests it shouldn't be an issue there out of season either, main issue would be incoming to Glasgow.
The price they charge for those flights they should treat everything as precious bone china...but realistically that won't happen.