Author Topic: boris bike hell  (Read 748 times)


  • Shedist
boris bike hell
« on: 01 March, 2012, 12:44:15 pm »
Boris bikes have really t'd me off this morning. collected a bike with no problem near liverpool street and had a reasonably pleasent ride over to the Stock Exchange. Rack full. Wait 10 mins to see if someone takes one, as normal. check status of other sites. 1 space at London Museum (my usual second choice) but 14 just behind st pauls. cycle over to St pauls. yep, there's 14 spaces alright, but they are surrounded by a fence (roadworks). Back to the Stock Exchange. still no turnover, look at status again. London Museum still has 1 space. Cycle to london museum. Yahoo a space, and I got there just before the other chap. Mine!

It's broken.

Try and try again. Nope, not working. go to terminal ot check status again. Other chap tries the space i've just tried, and he has no joy either. Status tells me there are now two spaces at the Stock Exchange. Damn. Back to the Stock Exchange. Nope its a lie, no activity here.

Give it 5 more mins. sod it. status not changed on any of the local sites. Decide to cycle up towards Holbon. passed one full rack, onto the second full rack. Now at chancery lane. Check status of local sites. Oh, 5 spaces on Theobold street. Cycle to Theobold street. It's a lie.

check status. 14 spaces at Wren Street. WTF is Wren street? it's not marked on the map. Get iphone out and find Wren Street is off Greys inn Road. cycle there. Spaces. hallelujah.

Now particularly fed up. Costa coffee right next to rack. Down tools and have a coffee.

Ok, now where's the nearest tube. Russell St, but chancery Lane is second and that's on the Central line.

Walk down Greys Inn Road. now some of you will know the danger of Greys Inn Road, particularly for some one as frustrated with Boris Bikes.

I did try to walk past, after all I'm already seriously late. Nope, i failed. I popped in. Nipped down stairs, and they had 10 or 15 Brommies. Ohh. The credit card in my pocket is seriously warm in my pocket. Damn, all the sales driods are busy. consider waiting. then realise that even once I engage a sales driod, it will take me a while, and do i want one of the colours they've got in stock or not. Guilt gets the better of me as I can't really afford any more time. Besides, I hadn't discussed this with the financial controller.

Walk the rest of the way to Chancery Lane tube, one stop to St Pauls. Get in to work 10:50

For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Re: boris bike hell
« Reply #1 on: 01 March, 2012, 02:00:27 pm »
Brommies are very useful in that there Londontown.

I used to hope on train in York with one, off at Kings Cross, brommie through the traffic, laptop in camera case strapped to back, no tubes for me. In at work in Square Mile FatCatBuilding by 9:30 at the latest.
<i>Marmite slave</i>