Author Topic: I'm fed up with solo DIYs  (Read 2885 times)

Chris N

I'm fed up with solo DIYs
« on: 30 March, 2008, 09:33:22 pm »
I can't wait to ride the Elenith next week and have some company.  Fancied getting some hill climbing practice in today so rode some of the route for the Midlander Super Grimpeur as a DIY.  Not the whole thing, but about 2/3 of it, plus the Snake Pass for good measure - 250 km in total.  The first few climbs were fine - crossing Swinscoe Hill, out of Ilam, Up to Axe Edge Moor and the Cat and Fiddle (with headwind...), even the multiple chevrons toward Pym Chair.

Got slower and slower riding up the Snake Pass, even with a tailwind, and by the time I got to Hope (150km in) I'd had enough - there was no way I could face the climb up Mam Nick (back into the wind) or Millers Dale.  At the pace I was riding, it would have taken well over 15 hours for a 250 - not really a problem, but on the first day of BST and with a full week at work next week I decided that I'd be better off getting the train home.

The Elenith might feel comparatively easy after today. :thumbsup:

Re: I'm fed up with solo DIYs
« Reply #1 on: 30 March, 2008, 10:36:18 pm »
I know what you mean.  Just having a wheel for a while can make a load of difference for me.
BCM here we come  :thumbsup: