Author Topic: Banned bike ad...  (Read 1568 times)


  • Mostly Harmless
Banned bike ad...
« on: 30 June, 2020, 03:15:18 pm »
It would appear France has banned a Van Moof bike add for being anti car industry...

As yet noone is able to tell me what the French is for Streisand effect...

Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Pedal Castro

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    • Two beers or not two beers...
Re: Banned bike ad...
« Reply #1 on: 30 June, 2020, 04:45:02 pm »
Maybe not banned but "fake news" in order to go viral on social media for lots of free advertising?


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Banned bike ad...
« Reply #2 on: 01 July, 2020, 01:12:11 pm »
Not fake news, a French law that adverts must not use fear and distress.
“Some images in the reflection of the car are, in our opinion, unbalanced and discredit the entire car sector,” the ARPP said in a letter sent to VanMoof. “The images of factories/chimneys and an accident create a climate of fear. So they will have to be adapted.”

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The French advertising code prohibits the exploitation of fear and suffering in commercials.
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Re: Banned bike ad...
« Reply #3 on: 03 July, 2020, 08:12:05 am »
It would appear France has banned a Van Moof bike add for being anti car industry...

As yet noone is able to tell me what the French is for Streisand effect...


L’effet Streisand a.k.a. the l'effet Pierre-sur-Haute.

In April 2013, the French-language Wikipedia article about [The Pierre-sur-Haute military radio station] attracted attention from the French interior intelligence agency DCRI, which pressured the president of Wikimedia France into deleting the article. It was promptly restored by another Wikipedia contributor living in Switzerland. Publicity about the affair resulted in the Streisand effect and many thousands of page views.

Polémique[modifier | modifier le code]
La chaîne de télévision régionale TL7 avait diffusé, fin 2004, de nombreuses informations relatives au site, dans le cadre d'un documentaire autorisé par l'Armée de l'air12.

Début mars 2013, la direction centrale du Renseignement intérieur (DCRI), service de renseignement de la police française, demande à la fondation Wikimedia, dans le cadre d'une enquête préliminaire pour « compromission » conduite par la section antiterroriste du Parquet de Paris13, la suppression d'un article (créé en juillet 2009) de Wikipédia en français concernant la station militaire, parce qu'il contiendrait par exemple certains « taux de résistance de matériaux »14 et plus généralement « des informations militaires classées relatives à la chaîne de transmission d'ordre de mise à feu nucléaire »15. La Fondation refuse la suppression totale de l'article et demande à la DCRI de préciser les passages litigieux pour cibler les modifications13. La DCRI refuse, et convoque Rémi Mathis, alors président de l'association Wikimédia France, qui dispose des outils d'administrateur sur la version francophone de l'encyclopédie Wikipédia. Mis « en garde contre le risque d’engagement de poursuites judiciaires »15, Rémi Mathis supprime l'article le 4 avril et en avertit les autres administrateurs. Cette suppression paraissant contraire aux règles et aux usages de l'encyclopédieNote 3, l'article est restauré dès le lendemain par une contributrice résidant en Suisse, elle aussi administratrice. L'association Wikimédia France proteste contre les actions de la DCRI en diffusant un communiqué de presse en français16 et en anglais17.

L'action de la DCRI et ses suites provoquent une attention médiatique nationale et internationale, entraînant un effet Streisand sur l'article, augmenté depuis, créé dans plusieurs autres langues, et largement consulté18,19,20,21,22. Le Syndicat des commissaires de la Police nationale (SCPN) évoque alors, sans que cela engage la DCRI, l'éventualité d'un blocage de l'article par décision judiciaire : « Nous avons des moyens juridiques en France, il faudrait que les différents opérateurs internet reçoivent l'ordre judiciaire de bloquer l'accès aux pages concernées »14, précise le secrétaire général du syndicat, Emmanuel Roux23,24. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) déplorera les actions des autorités françaises en tant que « un précédent regrettable »25.

Controversy change code]
At the end of 2004, the regional television channel TL7 had broadcast a great deal of information relating to the site, in the context of a documentary authorized by the Air Force12.

In early March 2013, the Central Directorate of Internal Intelligence (DCRI), the intelligence service of the French police, asked the Wikimedia foundation, as part of a preliminary investigation for "compromise" led by the anti-terrorist section of the Paris Prosecutor's Office13, the deletion of an article (created in July 2009) from Wikipedia in French concerning the military station, because it would contain, for example, certain “rate of resistance of materials” 14 and more generally “classified military information relating to the chain of transmission of nuclear firing orders ”15. The Foundation refuses the total deletion of the article and asks the DCRI to specify the disputed passages to target the modifications13. The DCRI refuses, and summons Rémi Mathis, then president of the association Wikimedia France, which has administrator tools on the French-speaking version of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Put "on guard against the risk of legal action" 15, Rémi Mathis deleted the article on April 4 and warned the other administrators. This deletion appears to be contrary to the rules and customs of the encyclopediaNote 3, the article is restored the next day by a contributor resident in Switzerland, also an administrator. The Wikimedia France association protests against the actions of the DCRI by distributing a press release in French16 and in English17.

The DCRI's action and its aftermath provoked national and international media attention, resulting in a Streisand effect on the article, which has since been increased, created in several other languages, and widely consulted18,19,20,21,22. The Syndicate of Commissioners of the National Police (SCPN) then evokes, without this committing the DCRI, the possibility of a blockage of the article by judicial decision: "We have legal means in France, it would be necessary that the different Internet operators receive the judicial order to block access to the pages concerned ”14, specifies the general secretary of the union, Emmanuel Roux23,24. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) will deplore the actions of the French authorities as "a regrettable precedent" 25.
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