Author Topic: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square  (Read 386688 times)

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2250 on: 23 August, 2021, 09:25:48 am »

Would it be mean of me to point out that you have a false positive down on Rommey Marsh (on the Military Road between Rye and Appledore)? I only noticed it because it's one I've been trying to work out how to get myself so I thought I'd have a look and see how you managed it... I think it's possible to get it by going across the dyke further up, and then along a farm track on the other side, but the road doesn't quite go through it.

I will probably take the footpath to the South, which looks fairly straightforward.

I have also noticed that I could have got another tile by walking to the end of Deal Pier!


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2251 on: 23 August, 2021, 10:04:42 am »
I have also noticed that I could have got another tile by walking to the end of Deal Pier!

Yes, that one is on my radar too. That and the St Margaret's one are tiles I've visited many times in my life, just never with GPS.

Several tiles along that stretch of the coast are possibly accessible on foot at low tide, or by swimming.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2252 on: 23 August, 2021, 10:59:48 am »
My 200km ride yesterday included 6.5km of footpaths and 15km of Sustrans/tracks.
I've had to throw out my shoes.

I really need to get over this tiling obsession, it's doing SFA for my pace.
[73 new tiles, cluster +30, missed a crucial tile which would have joined to Hull so have to go back to the East Riding)

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2253 on: 23 August, 2021, 12:06:27 pm »
22 tiles collect and max cluster increased by 61.  It should have been 23 and 66 but I missed one of my spikes so there is still a stray tile that will need collecting.  I have generally set proximity alarms on the spikes but didn't bother for yesterday's ride  ::-)


Yesterday's clubrun was going in the right direction so I left them at the cafe and headed off to sort out the blemish.  I then retraced my steps and completed the club route at my own pace rather than having my legs ripped off  ::-)  130k for one tile doesn't seem particularly efficient but it was a good ride out.

Biggest disappointment of the day was when I cycled past a board declaring 'We are open' outside a delicatessen/patisserie with 3k to go to the tile.  I spent the next 6k deciding what I would reward myself with and decided that something with raspberries would be good.  When I got back to the shop I read the small print which said '...Tues-Sat'   :'(


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2254 on: 23 August, 2021, 04:07:52 pm »
My 200km ride yesterday included 6.5km of footpaths and 15km of Sustrans/tracks.
I've had to throw out my shoes.

I really need to get over this tiling obsession, it's doing SFA for my pace.
[73 new tiles, cluster +30, missed a crucial tile which would have joined to Hull so have to go back to the East Riding)

I have a 220km route planned (hoping to do it on one of my days off next week) which could be similar. Komoot reckons about 25km "off-road" in total, including -
Unpaved: 8.19 km
Compacted Gravel: 5.63 km

It'll be worth it for the tiles though - about 60, I think. But I might wait to see what the weather is like before deciding whether to ride it.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2255 on: 24 August, 2021, 09:16:57 am »
Wishlist for Veloviewer tiles. Is there a way to delete individual tiles, would be much easier than going into rides and cropping or splitting runs. Have a few short ferries where I never paused the garmin as I was pre Stava and some of the ferry sections have 10s of crossing.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2256 on: 24 August, 2021, 09:33:38 am »
Up on the Moray area catching missed tiles on the mountain bike. Missed one or two in another small cluster.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2257 on: 24 August, 2021, 05:09:12 pm »
Veloviewer doesn't seem to update my stats any way to force them?

The map is correct but my numbers on the leaderboard don't move any more. They took sometimes a couple of days in the past but have been missing cluster gains from over two weeks ago now.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2258 on: 24 August, 2021, 07:09:27 pm »
Veloviewer doesn't seem to update my stats any way to force them?

The map is correct but my numbers on the leaderboard don't move any more. They took sometimes a couple of days in the past but have been missing cluster gains from over two weeks ago now.
I thought there was an update tab to do this. Mine don't update automatically

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2259 on: 27 August, 2021, 04:20:23 pm »
Took advantage of a glorious lunch time to hop out on the paddleboard and pick up two tiles less than 1/2 mile from home.

Getting them only adds 5 to the cluster (1305) but means I have clustered across the Forth bridges.  Now hope to do the gap between the Forth Bridges and Kincardine. could be a way to make decent progress on my max square if I can get it to bridge both sides of the Forth.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2260 on: 29 August, 2021, 08:26:46 pm »
Up in Dingwall camping. Round the Loch Glass, Loch Bealach Culaidh circuit to Contin. Back into the forest for the Strathpuffer on way back into Dingwall. A good track from the gate before Loch Glass and about 35 new tiles
 on the dirt tracks

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2261 on: 01 September, 2021, 10:40:39 am »
Stopped on way home for a run out to Culra bothy. Its closed for overnights due to asbestos, not locked up as the weather can turn bad out in the hills. 16 tiles for the run.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2262 on: 04 September, 2021, 10:38:28 pm »
beyond that I would either have to become aquatic or venture into Swindon, neither of which have much appeal.
Doncaster was my Swindon, but a couple of rides polished off that wretched area.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2263 on: 04 September, 2021, 10:40:18 pm »
But I chickened out of soloing it. And asked a friend who likes to SUP, if he fancied keeping me company.
You should have borrowed a SUP, there would have been far fewer DOMS then.
Congrats on your soggy tile though.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2264 on: 04 September, 2021, 10:42:00 pm »
I'm working on a coast to coast link.
Hexham to Haltwhistle is brutal.
My long term goal will be a C2C cluster.
It may take a very long time to do.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2265 on: 04 September, 2021, 10:45:48 pm »
Did another tile-bagging commute this morning - headed south from Bromley via Biggin Hill before heading back northwards through Croydon, Mitcham and Tooting into central London.
A lot of my London tiles will be around there as my sister lives in Tooting.

Bloody hell, it's lumpy round Biggin Hill, isn't it? Total of about 500m climbing (according to Strava) in 49km,
That's bang on the average climbing for anywhere around here, Sheffield/Peak District. Sounds odd to get that much climbing darn London Way.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2266 on: 04 September, 2021, 11:09:51 pm »
beyond that I would either have to become aquatic or venture into Swindon, neither of which have much appeal.
Doncaster was my Swindon, but a couple of rides polished off that wretched area.

A personal goal is to find something of some kind of interest in every tile, but I really struggled in Dunstable, which seemed to be Luton without the glamour.

[The Dunstable Downs ridge was nice to ride along, but that's a couple of tiles off to the south-west]

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2267 on: 04 September, 2021, 11:21:04 pm »
A personal goal is to find something of some kind of interest in every tile, but I really struggled in Dunstable, which seemed to be Luton without the glamour.
Something that has developed out of tiling is a photo project - I find everywhere new interesting, just in different ways.
Doncaster was the only place I thought - 'At least I won't have to ride here again', only to discover my GPS had borked so I had to repeat the first half all over and also managed to get bitten by a dog looping back to redo the first section that didn't record.
The Tile Collector


  • Occasionally rides a bike
VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2268 on: 05 September, 2021, 03:36:36 pm »
Bloody hell, it's lumpy round Biggin Hill, isn't it? Total of about 500m climbing (according to Strava) in 49km,
That's bang on the average climbing for anywhere around here, Sheffield/Peak District. Sounds odd to get that much climbing darn London Way.

Well, Biggin Hill is perhaps more Kent/Surrey than London. There's no great altitude there, just lots of short, sharp climbs - and the only reason my ride was so lumpy was that I was going back and forth across the gradients for the sake of the tiles. The main routes tend to follow the contours.

I have a 220km route planned (hoping to do it on one of my days off next week) which could be similar. Komoot reckons about 25km "off-road" in total, including -
Unpaved: 8.19 km
Compacted Gravel: 5.63 km

It'll be worth it for the tiles though - about 60, I think. But I might wait to see what the weather is like before deciding whether to ride it.

I did this ride on Wednesday. It was a lovely day out. Set off later than planned, and because of the terrain being quite difficult in places, it was slow going at times, so I ended up bailing out and getting the train because it was getting late and I needed to get home. But I managed to get all the tiles I'd set out to achieve, so job well done, I reckon...
Tiles 7393 > 7452
Max cluster 1354 > 1442
Max square 21 > 23

Filled in a nice chunk of tiles along the Kent/Sussex border around the Cranbrook/Tenterden area. (There's another big chunk of tiles that need filling further along the border around Tunbridge Wells, plus a big hole in West Kent, and some odd bits down near Dungeness, but I'm well on the way to getting the whole of Kent covered - question is whether I can beat trickedem to it... think I'm still some way behind him though.)


Cranbrook tiles by citoyen, on Flickr


Cranbrook tiles by citoyen, on Flickr

The route involved going through Bedgebury Forest - a popular spot for mountain bikers. Not really ideal for road bikes, but the alternative would have been loading the MTB up on the car and driving down there. The main routes through the forest aren't too bad - wide, hard-pack trails like this:

Bedgebury by citoyen, on Flickr

Or not so wide but still easily navigable on 28mm slick tyres, like this:

Bedgebury by citoyen, on Flickr

Bedgebury by citoyen, on Flickr

But then there were occasional obstacles like this...

Hmmm... left or right? by citoyen, on Flickr

And one or two nice bits of singletrack...

Bedgebury by citoyen, on Flickr

Further along the route, there was another woodland trail that was the only way to reach a particular tile - I admit I got off and walked a few bits... but I did stick to my guns and follow the trail all the way through the woods, even though it would have been easier to only go far enough to get the tile then double back and take the road round:

Cranbrook by citoyen, on Flickr

Cranbrook by citoyen, on Flickr

There were also a couple of dead end farm tracks that I only went along far enough to reach the tile. Never happy about doing that, but there was no through-route option that I could see on the map.

And the final tricky bit of the day was a cluster of four tiles south of Tenterden, the middle two of which are only accessible via a bridlepath that starts next to Smallhythe Place. The first couple of hundred metres were fine, but I had to walk the rest... at least it was all dry. And I did follow it all the way through to rejoin the road at the other end...

Tenterden by citoyen, on Flickr

Tenterden by citoyen, on Flickr

These are the four tiles the path goes through:

Tenterden by citoyen, on Flickr

Zooming in on the above pic, you can see the path only just clips the corner of the top tile - would have meant some traipsing across fields otherwise:

Tenterden by citoyen, on Flickr

Treated myself to a splendid lunch from Waitrose in Hawkhurst at about the halfway point:

lunch by citoyen, on Flickr
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2269 on: 06 September, 2021, 10:26:59 pm »
Another member has been added to the Century Max Square Club.
So big congrats to William Oving.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2270 on: 07 September, 2021, 12:54:17 pm »
I have a 220km route planned (hoping to do it on one of my days off next week) which could be similar. Komoot reckons about 25km "off-road" in total, including -
Unpaved: 8.19 km
Compacted Gravel: 5.63 km

It'll be worth it for the tiles though - about 60, I think. But I might wait to see what the weather is like before deciding whether to ride it.

I did this ride on Wednesday... {snip}

Maybe it's because I cant get out much at the moment myself, but I do love these in-depth tiling reports, so thanks citoyen for this one.

Another member has been added to the Century Max Square Club.
So big congrats to William Oving.

Refineries, canoeing, private land, military land... ticking all the boxes for "tricky tiles" with that one!

By the way, with the permission of Yorick and the interviewees we are storing the interviews at e.g. for visibility.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2271 on: 07 September, 2021, 02:27:32 pm »
Refineries, canoeing, private land, military land... ticking all the boxes for "tricky tiles" with that one!
There are plenty more kinds of tricky tiles.  ;D
In possibly related news, I have now finally completed the whole of the Peak District bar 4 fairly easy tiles missed by having to rejig a couple of rides on the fly. Leaving them until later on to fill in with an interesting route or two.

By the way, with the permission of Yorick and the interviewees we are storing the interviews at e.g. for visibility.
That'll be handy.
The Tile Collector

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2272 on: 07 September, 2021, 03:13:27 pm »
Bloody hell, it's lumpy round Biggin Hill, isn't it? Total of about 500m climbing (according to Strava) in 49km,
That's bang on the average climbing for anywhere around here, Sheffield/Peak District. Sounds odd to get that much climbing darn London Way.
You need to try Devon and Cornwall. An 'average' ride is usually 750m of climbing per 50km; for tiling it's often over 1000m

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2273 on: 07 September, 2021, 03:27:31 pm »
Having trouble increasing my max sqaure above 19 - tricky in the SW with sea all around.

 I have got all the tiles in Cornwall that have road in them. There are a few tricky ones in Bodmin Moor that remain.
One in particular would let me go to 22x22, then 3 easy sqaures in Plymouth would get me much more.

 I've attempted to get into it 3 times, from 3 directions. From the north there is a tarck through a private woodland and I can't find the owner. From the East I have got within about 50 yards, after riding (but mostly walking) over more than 2 miles of moorland - to be confronted by an impossible barbed-wire fence (both sides of the fence are on common land, so this is extra frustrating). The easiest route in should be from the South, but the road to the ram there has plenty of 'private' signs; I have written (snaill-mail) to the farm's owners to ask permission but had no reply.
I've yet to try asking at the farms on the west side, but this will be a very steep slope.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #2274 on: 07 September, 2021, 03:58:15 pm »
You need to try Devon and Cornwall. An 'average' ride is usually 750m of climbing per 50km; for tiling it's often over 1000m
Folk from here have commented how steep it can be in your neck of woods. But that 500m/50km I should note is the road riding average on sensible loops including lots of city. Some friends recently did 3000m+ in 100km.  See here... - You can get even more climbing in, but with less elegant a route.
I went out for a short MTB ride last night with a couple of mates in the local woods. Managed 400m climbing in 12km.  I seem to recall the 'easy' 40km loop of an upcoming BHF MTB loop has IIRC of 1500m climbing. A recent tiling loop of 39km was 1,013m mostly off road climbing, the single track descent down off the top was incredible though. Tiling around here has been a tad slow, unsurprisingly.  ;D Though the hills are way easier than the path free moorlands.
I plotted a 2500m in 50km route when stuck in Swansea/The Gower during lockdown 1. That was to contrast with the 100m in 50km ride I also did.  :)
The Tile Collector