Author Topic: Sodding arthritis  (Read 71857 times)

Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #50 on: 18 October, 2010, 12:55:39 am »
This has been useful (but rather scary) to read.  I've been experiencing moderate/severe hip pain since the end of August, worrisome as arthritis runs in the family, mum getting it when she was 22 - and I was 23 a couple of months back.

Pain has died down to virtually nothing through use of naproxen and a pair of crutches over the last few weeks and I even made it out of the house with no sticks today, but I'm not much looking forward to a life of this if it turns out I've inherited the bad gene  :-\

Get thee to the rheumatologist.

When I was first told that I might have rheumatoid arthritis, about 5 years ago, it frightened me to death. However, it also changed my life for the better in many ways, getting back into cycling and losing 2 stones being perhaps the best of those. Apart, of course, from finding the forerunner of this forum and meeting some absolutely lovely people who are, without doubt, some of the best friends I've ever made.

There are plenty of things they can do to slow down the onset of the full disease. They probably wouldn't prescribe methotrexate for someone your age because the risk of liver damage would be to great (they figure it doesn't matter so much for an old git like me!) but there's other less noxious things around and it seems that they are discovering new drugs all the time.

Have an appointment on December 10th.

Went to A&E almost crying in pain with a blood pressure of 160/120 on September 11th, that was the earliest appt. they could offer me and it took 'em five weeks to wait for a cancellation or something in order to stay within the three month guideline.

Mum's on methotrexate and lodine at the moment, so I'm expecting those to be what they throw at me eventually, but I'm hoping for physio/hydrotherapy or somesuch in the short term, I've never been fond of sticking pills in my body long term and especially not so now having recently come off antidepressants after four years.  Even with the painkillers, I'm only taking one a day when I really need to; not had any today despite risking an evening out without the crutches.  (Have come home feeling fine, will have to see how I feel tomorrow to decide whether it was a stupid idea or not, though.)

I was already wanting to get fitter again and stuff, so it's been good motivation because going to the gym (doing low-impact stuff) and swimming makes me feel better in the short-term.  I have some wicked muscles starting to form in my upper arms from a month of levering myself around on sticks, too :D


  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #51 on: 04 November, 2010, 02:58:39 pm »
Suffering again today (and yesterday) which is a right pain (pun intended - my right hand won't work) as I've missed out on what would have been a lovely sunny ride on the warmest November day for many a long year.
Quote from: Dez
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #52 on: 04 November, 2010, 03:54:07 pm »
this is a topical thread - Mums RA is really bad at the moment.  She had her fourth hip replacement about 5 months ago and is still damn sore and they're talking about doing her fifth (and probably last) one in the new year.  she gave in and got an electric buggy which gets her round the village and lets her walk the dog. 

My twin sister was starting to get pain in her ankles (we're 39, mum was 41 when she had her first hip done) but has changed her diet completely cutting out everything acidic, so lives on rice and chicken, and it's almost completely better.  So I'm thinking of making a similar change to try and avoid the same, seems it's just a matter of time...   :-\

Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #53 on: 04 November, 2010, 03:58:40 pm »
It's probably worth the effort, Mike. I started getting problems about 8 years ago. Saw the doc etc and followed advice (mostly - stop running). There is/was a 50/50 chance I'd need a hip replacement before 45 - I'm 43 and the hip is doing well. Nowhere near needing to consider replacement.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #54 on: 10 November, 2010, 11:41:27 am »
Hospital appointment this morning. The nurse was concerned that I'm having too many flare-ups.

I've had my methotrexate dose increased to 17.5mg per week.
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  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #55 on: 21 November, 2010, 04:12:11 am »
Bad pain in left wrist Saturday 20th.

Both hands very painful, hence my current insomnia.
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  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #56 on: 12 May, 2011, 09:39:27 am »
Routine apptmt this morning. Saw the Top Man. No increase to methotrexate. Blood test from Monday came back OK.

Need another blood test re osteoporosis. Saw my back x-ray and Dr. Dasgupta confirmed that I've got osteoporosis.

"Do you drink?" Excess alcohol intake is probably the most common cause in men, but I don't reckon I drink that much (stop laughing at the back!). I pointed out that my mother had both RA and osteoporosis and I asked if it was hereditary. It is.

Went to the drop-in clinic fora blood test but they were queueing round the block. I've made an appointment for a blood test at another clinic on Tuesday.
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  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #57 on: 12 May, 2011, 11:52:21 am »
I forgot to mention: Dr. asked if I suffered any sexual dysfunctionality. Apparentlly this is quite common in men whose bone density is down (insert smiley of choice). I told him that my sexual functionality hadn't been tested recently. I think, in the interests of science, Mrs. Wow and I need an early night.
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #58 on: 12 May, 2011, 01:12:57 pm »
Sexual dysfunction is multifactorial. Since alcohol causes both osteoporosis and 'brewer's droop' your doc is right to ask.
Cigarettes also do bones and carnal delights no favours.
Enjoy your early night!


  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #59 on: 24 May, 2011, 11:59:37 am »
I have been taking my poison like a good boy.

Why, then, is the middle finger of my left hand so utterly useless and pain-racked?
Quote from: Dez
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #60 on: 24 May, 2011, 01:11:31 pm »
Cos shit happens!

Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #61 on: 24 May, 2011, 06:21:45 pm »
arthritis is a bastard.  Mum had her 5th hip replacement this morning.  Elbows and ankles due next then hip number six, all before she's 65.

here's hoping it's not hereditary. 


  • I come from a land up over!
Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #62 on: 24 May, 2011, 06:27:20 pm »
Why, then, is the middle finger of my left hand so utterly useless and pain-racked?

Overuse?   ;D
This isn't just a thousand to one shot. This is a professional blood sport. It can happen to you. And it can happen again.


  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #63 on: 24 May, 2011, 06:28:56 pm »
It's one of those unknowns.

My mum had rheumatoid arthritis from her late 50s, and osteoporosis. Hers wasn't treated, and compared to your mum was clearly very minor, given that she lived to the age of 93. There was plenty of evidence of spine curvature, lost height and ulna drift as she got older. She was well 'ard, though, and mostly suffered in silence.

I've got osteoporosis and RA as well, but given that (so far as I know) none of my 4 older siblings have, I can't think of a reason for me having osteoporosis other than a hereditary factor, but of course that doesn't seem to have affected anyone else.

Compared to my mum, I'm a dreadful wimp and go running off to the doctor, whereas she couldn't be bothered.
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  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #64 on: 24 May, 2011, 06:30:27 pm »
Why, then, is the middle finger of my left hand so utterly useless and pain-racked?

Overuse?   ;D

Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • I come from a land up over!
Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #65 on: 26 May, 2011, 11:50:39 pm »
Why, then, is the middle finger of my left hand so utterly useless and pain-racked?

Overuse?   ;D

Told you so!   :smug:
This isn't just a thousand to one shot. This is a professional blood sport. It can happen to you. And it can happen again.


  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #66 on: 13 July, 2011, 11:53:08 am »
My right wrist, and particularly my thumb-joint, are causing me considerable pain this morning. Bastards!
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  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #67 on: 23 July, 2011, 11:58:01 pm »
Bugger. I've had quite a week of pain. I don't think this is directly associated with the Dunwich Dynamo, but it might be indirectly. I have consumed more alcohol than normal this week, as a result of having had a lot of social engagements, of which the DD was the first. I have noticed a correlation between arthritic pain and alcohol consumption.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #68 on: 24 July, 2011, 12:03:58 am »
Bugger. I've had quite a week of pain. I don't think this is directly associated with the Dunwich Dynamo, but it might be indirectly. I have consumed more alcohol than normal this week, as a result of having had a lot of social engagements, of which the DD was the first. I have noticed a correlation between arthritic pain and alcohol consumption.

I'm sorry to hear this, Peter.  I think I may have heard somewhere else about this correlation, but I'm not certain.  As it's the hols., I might do a little experiment - purely in the interests of science, you understand.  Something along the lines of "How much alcohol to exacerbate arthritis, how much more to relieve, etc.".

Hope you get relief soon.


  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #69 on: 24 July, 2011, 12:06:09 am »
Hope you get relief soon.

What, with my right hand in its current state?  :P
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #70 on: 24 July, 2011, 12:10:07 am »
Hope you get relief soon.

What, with my right hand in its current state?  :P

Silly me (I'm left-handed).


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #71 on: 24 July, 2011, 12:11:23 am »
I had a conversation with a biochemist friend (who sadly died 2 weeks ago) when I had my original handfail problem cos I couldn't drink at all - even 1 unit gave me the most hideous nerve pain which nothing (short of going on amitriptyline for several weeks) touched.

He reckoned that alcohol can reduce pain in the very short term but cos of the impact it has on neurological wossnames it can cause rebound so that the pain is higher afterwards (I paraphrase heavily here). 

I'm not sure what actually causes the pain with arthritis?  My current armfail is probably nerve pain but doesn't seem to be exacerbated by alcohol this time - although that might just be I drink so rarely that it's never coincided but....

Completely unhelpful comment I know...


  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #72 on: 24 July, 2011, 08:13:10 am »
In rheumatoid arthritis and its friends the pain is caused by the immune system attacking cartilage. My tablets (methotrexate) are designed to suppress my misbehaving immune system.

I'm wondering if alcohol in the system somehow reduces the efficacy of the methotrexate.
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  • Stout dipper
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #73 on: 09 November, 2011, 11:35:41 am »
I had an appointment this morning. Everything tickety-boo.

Next appointment 15th November 2012.  :thumbsup:
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Re: Sodding arthritis
« Reply #74 on: 09 November, 2011, 11:41:05 am »
Well, that's good.  :thumbsup:

Had you experimented to see if a reduced alcohol intake improved things?
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