Author Topic: Pissing Cat!  (Read 2746 times)

Pissing Cat!
« on: 10 November, 2023, 11:43:25 am »
Took the PTSD cat to the vet's for her annual checkup and she returned totally out of sorts, reverted to her hiding ways and started leaving puddles about the house (writing off two rugs).
A couple vet trips later she doesn't have a UTI (coz she's only ~4) but rather it's a stress thing.

We had a week of no puddles (yay) but then a bunch of them yesterday.  Any thoughts as to what we can do (other than a cat curry).

It's so frustrating, as she had reached a really calm and semi mellow level before her vet trip for a checkup.
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Re: Pissing Cat!
« Reply #1 on: 10 November, 2023, 11:55:13 am »
No real advice but sympathy. Our thoroughly unrewarding animal. who has never really recovered from her abusive kittenhood, has decided it's important to mark the Smaller Sprocket's bedding. Any time someone leaves that door open it's time to wash the bedding and swap over / discard the duvet, depending. I don't see an end point.

The enzyme spray called Urine Off does a lot to reduce the smell, though it isn't perfect. It's probably important to clean everywhere she has pissed as thoroughly as possible, so she doesn't take the remaining smell as encouragement.

Not especially helpful or mature


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Re: Pissing Cat!
« Reply #2 on: 10 November, 2023, 12:03:52 pm »
Some cats are very sensitive to stress, of course, just as some vets are more anxiety-inducing than others. Does the vet have a calm, relaxed manner? Is the waiting room full of scary dogs?

Good luck, it's not easy, I know from experience  ::-)

Re: Pissing Cat!
« Reply #3 on: 10 November, 2023, 02:13:33 pm »
When we adopted Sam, we were warned he might spray (and as a very recently neutered tom, that would not have been pleasant).
The plug in Feliway was recommended by the RSPCA and we used that until the cartridge ran out, since when he's been very relaxed anyway.
Having more than one litter tray is also recommended.
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Re: Pissing Cat!
« Reply #4 on: 10 November, 2023, 05:48:31 pm »
Don't clean up the piss with bleach or anything strong-smelling.  Bio washing powder in solution is suggested as the enzymes neutralise the chemicals that keep the cat coming back for more watersports fun.
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Re: Pissing Cat!
« Reply #5 on: 10 November, 2023, 06:00:36 pm »
We didn't find much helped (incl Feliway or valerian) until lockdown when we were home all day. Not really much useful advice to offer that hasn't already been said but having BTDTGTTS I sympathise.
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Re: Pissing Cat!
« Reply #6 on: 11 November, 2023, 10:26:56 pm »
Another cleanup alternative is Piss Off. That's an Australian product for cleaning wet suits. One of mine marks indoors when he's stressed but doesn't seem stressed by the smell of that stuff. To my inferior nose it works.
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Re: Pissing Cat!
« Reply #7 on: 12 November, 2023, 08:47:11 pm »
Our cat has bouts of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis - all the symptoms of cystitis but no apparent cause such as infection.
Probably stress due to other cats on her territory. Vet usually prescribes pain killers which may be effective, but I suspect it would clear up by itself anyway.
Have you got a urine testing kit from the vet? Its just a sachet of plastic beads that go in a clean litter tray instead of the litter. then a pipette and sterile bottle for the sample. I keep one in stock so when she has symptoms I can get a urine sample (it can take a long time) and take it in with her - saves on time and travel.

However, our vets did spend about 3 years trying to sort out her other symptoms, which sometimes seemed to be like cystitis, before we got her referred to a consultant vet, who turned out to be a feline neurologist.  She immediately recognised the problem as feline hyperthesia, and prescribed anti epileptic medication, which mostly keeps the symptoms under control. No-one at our vets practice had heard of feline hyperthesia... 
I think what I'm saying is if she doesn't improve, and if you have insurance, referral to a neurology/behavoir consultant would be worthwhile. (actually, the £180 consultant's fee was a lot less than the £2000 we were quoted for an MRI scan which was what I thought she was going to the consultant for!)

A unexpected bonus of the long distance trip to the consultant was that I bought a much bigger pet carrier.
Cats need to squat upright to pee or defaecate, and most carriers are just not tall enough. So after a lot of searching I found a
larger and taller one, and she travels much better. Only the occasional meaow instead of the protracted yowling.  Its also heavy, so we use it as an additional barricade against the cat hatch when we want her shut in at night!