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The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by rogerzilla on Today at 06:56:04 am »
More - The Sisters Of Mercy
Online quizzes / Re: Wordle
« Last post by Jaded on Today at 06:52:24 am »
Wordle 1,134 3/6

Online quizzes / Re: Wordle
« Last post by Gaston Lagaffe on Today at 04:41:18 am »
Wordle 1,134 4/6*


#LeMOT 931 3/6

The Pub / Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Last post by Jaded on Today at 01:35:44 am »
Trains may feel expensive, but the real question should be what the actual cost of transport is to the world, not how cheap flying and driving are.
The Sporting Life / Re: 2024 Olympics
« Last post by Jaded on Today at 01:33:47 am »
I’m afraid I missed it, on account of being in a field in Wiltshire.
The Sporting Life / Re: 2024 Olympics
« Last post by Beardy on Today at 12:33:53 am »
Thankfully, the artistic team involved in the planning of that extravaganza will have no further involvement with the performances of ANY team or their competitors during the next two weeks or so.
Rides and Touring / Re: Glasgow central station to Dumbarton
« Last post by telstarbox on Today at 12:10:12 am »
Nice one!
The Pub / Re: The "I'm Such a Fecking Div" Thread
« Last post by Pingu on Today at 12:05:06 am »
...To put the cap it all both my boss and boss^2 were there and watched it all. Boss^2 has had to speak to the corporate HSE team as well.  :facepalm:

You made a splash then  :thumbsup:
The Dark Side / Re: is darksiding wearing off?
« Last post by McWheels on Today at 12:00:17 am »
Darksiding, or the other way I put it to the odd inquisitive soul in London, 'It's just my bike now'.  Crappy roads were one of the absolute core reasons I switched since I didn't have the inclination to come up on the pedals every bloody time a pothole appeared - and with more sensitive and concentrated points of contact, it was all the worse on a legcy bike. Wouldn't swap the S40 for anything now, just need to keep looking after it.
Racing / Re: TCR No 10
« Last post by quixoticgeek on Yesterday at 11:47:37 pm »

Like I say. Boulder field masquerading as a road...

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