Just encountered this issue on our two household Bromptons - both B75s, one dates from March 2020 and one from summer 2021, so not very old and not used particularly heavily.
The really odd thing is that both bikes have been from being fine to almost impossible to fold/unfold (main frame hinge only, stem hinge is fine) in about 2 weeks, gradually getting worse. And at exactly the same time. We took them to the Hebrides but most of the time there they stayed indoors folded in their bags as they arrived from the flight, only being unfolded the last day to ride to the airport for our flight home, so they weren't exposed much to salty air or left out in rain. Transit damage while flying seems unlikely - no sign of anything and the chances of that affecting both bikes identically seems very small. The one thing we did which I don't think we have ever done before with previous bikes was to hang them on the sleeper train rather than fold them - we had booked bike spaces so decided to use them. Is there some (apparently unpublished) rule that a Brompton must not be suspended by the front wheel?
We have started trying to free them with a drop of 3 in 1 as we had that available, but no real sign of progress.