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Rides and Touring / Re: Mid-Essex Mid-Week Nocturnal Series
« Last post by psyclist on Today at 11:32:20 pm »
ETA: Black Lion it is then!  :thumbsup:
  I'll aim for 20:00 and something to eat...

I’ll aim for 8pm too
The Pub / Re: Dez's funeral - 3rd May, 1pm.
« Last post by Wowbagger on Today at 11:23:38 pm »

Some have said they couldn't hear the voices clearly. There's the recording of the service with a transcript (with suitable mistakes).
I have been in a line of cyclists where the first and third riders had no issues without deviating their speed or direction but a squirrel bounced off the front wheel of the second rider. It is pretty easy for a collision course to only affect one rider.
The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by Woofage on Today at 11:20:54 pm »
Too Drunk to Fuck - Dead Kennedys
On The Road / Re: Cyclist who knocked down and killed pensioner
« Last post by Peter on Today at 11:17:27 pm »
True.  In addition, if we want cycling to be taken seriously, bikes must be considered and treated as vehicles when they are sharing the road, and that includes speeding restrictions.  It can't be left up to cyclists (who are just people on bikes, no more or less intelligent than people in general) to decide what is too fast.

Had I actually studied the reports, I might have worded this differently.  Sorry if I have given the wrong impression, though I still believe my sentiments to be correct in general.  Thank you all for not jumping down my throat!
On The Road / Re: Cyclist who knocked down and killed pensioner
« Last post by Veloman on Today at 11:01:36 pm »
And yet the 2 cyclists in front of Fitzgerald managed to avoid the pedestrian.

And yet despite the front two in the paceline nearly missing her, the pedestrian didn’t get out of the way.

Momentum, and no time.

Nearly missing?

My understanding is first 2 riders in the line completely avoided a collision. Fitzgerald collided with pedestrian and judging by comments with quite some force in terms of injuries sustained.

Seems strange for 3rd man to collide while others managed to completely avoid and even stranger nobody appears to have shouted a warning to the pedestrian or to others in the cycling line.
Ctrl-Alt-Del / Re: Going VOIP - losing the landline
« Last post by StuAff on Today at 10:59:14 pm »
Had CityFibre install FTTP last week (Openreach haven't got round to doing Pompey yet). Back when I got Openreach FTTC (Plusnet as ISP), that went on a second line, splitter in the front hallway then a cable run to the master socket in an upstairs bedroom (the IT department  ;D  ). CF were happy to run the fibre to the bedroom. If they hadn't been, I'd just have had the ONT downstairs and run ethernet to the router.
On The Road / Re: 'War on Motorist'
« Last post by drossall on Today at 10:29:35 pm »
But isn't a useful consultation aimed at finding out what people think, as opposed to finding people who think like you do? If so, I thought the Civil Service might have the role of helping a consultation to do that?
Audax / Re: Grimpeurs du Sud
« Last post by GdS on Today at 10:25:41 pm »
a few places still left on D2DR, Down 2 Downs Reversed. I'm running the hot dog stand solo and need at least 2 hours to get to Star Hill and assemble the Argos gazebo then prepare lunch (athough having bought it hopefully it won't be needed and can go back!)

Food & Drink / Re: The Bread Thread
« Last post by Feanor on Today at 10:22:02 pm »
Second attempt today.

Schedule: Mixed the dough at noon yesterday, overnight ferment in the fridge till 8 this morning.
Timings here are not critical, the bulk ferment can be anything from 12 to 48 hours!
Tip into the baking tin, proof for 3 hours then bake at 11, out of oven by 11:20, ready for lunch at 12.

Used greaseproof parchment to great effect.

Cut the parchment so it sits in the bottom, and also folds up the sides.
Lightly Olive Oil the tray, insert parchment.
The oil will cling the parchment to the bottom and sides of the tin.

Oil the inside of the parchment a bit more heavily than you think is reasonable.
You don't want so much oil that the entire outside is deep-fried to a depth of an inch like a deep-fried pizza; so it's a bit of a balance.
I'd say a 'generous coating' over the bottom and sides, coating all the parchment.

Coup the dough in, gently prodding it towards the corners. Don't over-prod, an 80% hydrated dough will find it's own way. Let it proof for whatever. 3 hours in my case.
The dough will take up some of this oil.

Allow to cool for as long as possible before attempting to release it.
It released perfectly, and was not in the slightest 'deep fried'; there was a crispy skin less than 1mm thick, I'd say. It was just what I was wanting.

I've also stopped using Fan mode on the oven for bread.
Fan mode can reduce temperature gradients top-to-bottom, but can produce massive temperature gradients back-to-front.
In my oven, fan mode uses an element at the back, wrapped around the fan. This causes a blast of hot air from back to front.
The temperature gradient this causes is very noticeable. I have to turn things around mid-way through cooking, because the back is much hotter than the front.
My oven has a mode for non-fan top-and-bottom elements, and I find this much moar betterer.
(For sourdoughs in the Dutch Oven, it doesn't matter: the thermal mass of the Dutch Oven evens it all out.)

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