Author Topic: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)  (Read 2994417 times)

Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15125 on: 09 February, 2013, 05:02:01 pm »
^^ in spades with a shuvel and a BEAR
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Venture Altruist
  • Agent Orange
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15126 on: 09 February, 2013, 05:08:58 pm »
^^ in spades with a shuvel and a BEAR
Games Workshop were a client of the company I used to work for - they could teach Apple a thing or two about being litigious pricks and were thoroughly unpleasant to deal with (but then, since they were giving us money we had to be nice to them)

I think 'Doc' Smith might well have dibs on the first use of the term 'Space Marine' in the Lensman series - I think that the first three books predate Heinlein, although not by much.

Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15127 on: 09 February, 2013, 10:01:36 pm »
Fucking Games Workshop, & fucking publishers of music, films, & just about enything else. How DARE you try to claim that a term that was around long before your firm even existed can be your trademark! "Space Marine" was used by Heinlein in a published work not just before your firm existed, but before any of its founders were born. I read the bloody books before your firm was founded. And yet you have the temerity to claim that you own the term, not only as a trademark for gaming, but for all published works! If there's any copyright in it, it belonged to Robert Heinlein at the time you claimed it, you evil, money-grubbing, dishonest, bullying, bastards, & your trademark claim infringed that. And Amazon - FUCK OFF! Can't you afford lawyers? Are you really such lazy, careless, cowardly gits that you'd rather succumb supinely to spurious claims of ownership by such sleazy slimeballs than tell them to stuff their heads where they belong? What is this? No claims of corporate copyright can be questioned? Bah! Humbug! I spit on your corporate crap! Test it in court, you grovelling gits! Games Workshop would back down in an instant (or as soon as it'd got legal advice, whichever was sooner), if anyone with enough cash to take it to court challenged it. It's bollocks. But you're on the side of copyrighting or trademarking everything, aren't you, you spineless scumbags? What next? We'll have to pay you royalties when we mention a river in Brazil?

PS. Even Heinlein (in 1939) wasn't the first. There were published stories using the term "Space Marine" as early as 1932.

One of the old-skool gaming bloggers has posted up an editorial from issue 5 of White Dwarf (GW's in-house magazine), on the subject of copyright - makes interesting reading in light of GW's recent dickery:

Considering the company's roots, it's kind of ironic how Games Workshop have now become a mirror of the Imperium from their lucrative W40K franchise - which, according to the in-game back-story, is now the very antithesis of what its founder intended it to be...
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche

Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15128 on: 10 February, 2013, 06:26:03 pm »
I think 'Doc' Smith might well have dibs on the first use of the term 'Space Marine' in the Lensman series - I think that the first three books predate Heinlein, although not by much.
I spent a minute searching & found that even he was beaten to it. Wiki has 1932, & who knows if that was really the first?

PS. Amazon's reported to have changed its mind, & decided to ignore Games Workshop's spurious trademark claim.  :thumbsup:
"A woman on a bicycle has all the world before her where to choose; she can go where she will, no man hindering." The Type-Writer Girl, 1897


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15129 on: 11 February, 2013, 02:39:33 pm »
Note to charming little boutiques on Bond Street: if you decide to up sticks and move to Brompton Road, please update your fucking website to reflect that fact. Preferably before I set out on a lunchtime shopping mission.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15130 on: 12 February, 2013, 08:26:06 am »
Here we go again.

Quote, from an ebay email this morning:

"Are you sure it's a 46cm frame?"

FFS, I feel like replying and saying "No, I have no clue how to use a tape measure..."
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15131 on: 13 February, 2013, 06:44:31 am »
Our Potterton boiler has crapped out again.  Totally.  It has broken down every 18 months over the last 11 years, and it is a pile of shite.  And Mrs Z and the kids are going away for 3 days and I have uncancellable meetings, so can't get BG out to fix the bastard thing until Friday afternoon.  I might camp out at work.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


  • Is it supposed to hurt this much?
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15132 on: 13 February, 2013, 08:11:32 am »
Get a real heating engineer, not BG.  BG are the most appalling ripoff merchants.

Wombat, owner of a 6 yr old Potterton Promax 15/2HE that has been utterly perfect (so far :facepalm:).


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15133 on: 13 February, 2013, 08:14:37 am »
The good news is that it's on a service contract and we have had the cost of about two new boilers out of BG so far!
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.

Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15134 on: 13 February, 2013, 08:56:40 am »
Our Potterton boiler has crapped out again.  Totally.  It has broken down every 18 months over the last 11 years, and it is a pile of shite.  And Mrs Z and the kids are going away for 3 days and I have uncancellable meetings, so can't get BG out to fix the bastard thing until Friday afternoon.  I might camp out at work.

Funny you should say that. My house is 17 years old and I've lived there for 16 years. The Potterton boiler has broken down 4 times, twice needing its whole circuit board replaced which is an expensive part. It's definitely a pile of shite!

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
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Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15135 on: 13 February, 2013, 12:29:13 pm »
Cow-worker. Stop sitting there in the huff at me over some non-existent perceived injustice, if you've got a problem just bloody well get it out and stop acting like a child. You were the one who just said in the group meeting that everyone needed to be happier and speak to each other to make the office atmosphere a nicer place to be.
Just get a grip.
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.

Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15136 on: 13 February, 2013, 01:28:25 pm »
Our Potterton boiler has crapped out again.  Totally.  It has broken down every 18 months over the last 11 years, and it is a pile of shite.  And Mrs Z and the kids are going away for 3 days and I have uncancellable meetings, so can't get BG out to fix the bastard thing until Friday afternoon.  I might camp out at work.

Funny you should say that. My house is 17 years old and I've lived there for 16 years. The Potterton boiler has broken down 4 times, twice needing its whole circuit board replaced which is an expensive part. It's definitely a pile of shite!
I've lived in my house it for 25 years. The boiler has been here longer. Needed a new thermocouple twice - the second time because the unscrupulous bastard who replaced the first one fitted a dirt cheap piece of crap (according to the bloke who fitted a new one a couple of years later, which is now ten years old), despite leaving a Honeywell packet sitting around where I could see it. Apart from that, it's been serviced every couple of years (frequent enough, according to my tame CORGI). Still working just fine. Low efficiency compared to a new boiler, though.

It's an Ideal Elan 2. If Ideal's current boilers are as reliable, I'd happily buy one.
"A woman on a bicycle has all the world before her where to choose; she can go where she will, no man hindering." The Type-Writer Girl, 1897


  • stop eating cheeseburgers big boy!!!!
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15137 on: 13 February, 2013, 08:38:57 pm »
Piss off winter I want to try my new bike out >:(
struggling up hills since 1981 !!!


  • Retired
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15138 on: 14 February, 2013, 08:21:04 am »
Feckin weather. Feckin motons.

Yesterday arternoon the sno reduced visibility to about 1/3 mile and made the roads slushy. Feckin motons thought it a good idea to drive at 60 with no lights on. TWATS

This morning it was half-dark and pissing down, reducing visibility to about 1/2 mile and covering the roads with sheets of water. Fecking motons thought it a good idea to drive at 60 with no lights on. TWATS
"The Opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject"  Marcus Aurelius


  • Still Suffolkating
    • Now Suffolkating on the internet:
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15139 on: 14 February, 2013, 10:33:23 pm »
Just totally lost it with this stupid woman on the train. She decided that peak evening rush hour was the perfect time to take a fucking giant dog on the train with her, now this train is standing room only, lots of bikes, lots of luggage, so when people are trying to get off it's common courtesy to get out of the way of the door. That doesn't mean slightly pushing the wolf beast to one side, it means GETTING IT OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY, by getting OFF the train so the people trying to leave can actually, you know, leave. I already had to move away from the slobbering creature as I do not want dog hair, drool or any of the assorted shite that is no doubt matted into it's manky fur on my clothes. OK, I hate dogs, but this is hardly a unique position. Trying to lift a folding bike plus my bag over the stupid thing's head without actually touching it has probably knackered my back, but hey, as long as you didn't have to actually move your arse and GET THE DOG OUT OF THE WAY, screw everybody else, right? What makes you think the commuters of Cambridge want to spend time pressed up against your foul-smelling 'best friend', FFS other people's questionable personal hygiene is bad enough without them bringing DOGS along as well. There's no such thing as a clean dog, I don't care if it's your substitute child**, it's still a manky, flea-ridden animal that drops fur*, rolls in fox shit and eats it's own vomit which for some reason dog owners think is cute. There are two trains a day that are this busy, some (any!) thinking or brain activity could have told you that 6pm is going to be one of those times and therefore, not the best time to transport your dog. It wasn't a guide dog or one that does anything useful. They shoud be banned from trains full stop, why the hell do you want to take a dog on a train for!? Take it on holiday in your own vehicle, not one you're sharing with other people.

*fur that my husband is allergic to, by the way, so if my clothes get covered in it I will not only have to wash all of them including my winter coat but then I will have to clean out the washing machine filter, a great way to spend an evening. And then my coat will still be wet in the morning so I'll be freezing for the rest of the week in a thinner jacket, all because you couldn't wait an hour (or get your shit together to travel during the day).

**Think I'm exaggerating? Try and criticize a dog to it's owner, see how they leap to it's defence.
Not overly audacious


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15140 on: 15 February, 2013, 09:03:44 am »
Morrisette, that sounds hideous and yucky and I absolutely agree (I don't like dogs either and Kim's pretty allergic to them).


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15141 on: 15 February, 2013, 02:53:17 pm »
Office window: open
Office radiator valve: fully open

Guys, you're all meant to be scientific and technical researchers here.  Can't you optimise this simple situation?


  • Venture Altruist
  • Agent Orange
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15142 on: 15 February, 2013, 02:55:23 pm »
Office window: open
Office radiator valve: fully open

Guys, you're all meant to be scientific and technical researchers here.  Can't you optimise this simple situation?
Radiator off, window open.
It's quite nice outside today.


  • Is it supposed to hurt this much?
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15143 on: 15 February, 2013, 09:01:09 pm »
Our Potterton boiler has crapped out again.  Totally.  It has broken down every 18 months over the last 11 years, and it is a pile of shite.  And Mrs Z and the kids are going away for 3 days and I have uncancellable meetings, so can't get BG out to fix the bastard thing until Friday afternoon.  I might camp out at work.

Funny you should say that. My house is 17 years old and I've lived there for 16 years. The Potterton boiler has broken down 4 times, twice needing its whole circuit board replaced which is an expensive part. It's definitely a pile of shite!
I've lived in my house it for 25 years. The boiler has been here longer. Needed a new thermocouple twice - the second time because the unscrupulous bastard who replaced the first one fitted a dirt cheap piece of crap (according to the bloke who fitted a new one a couple of years later, which is now ten years old), despite leaving a Honeywell packet sitting around where I could see it. Apart from that, it's been serviced every couple of years (frequent enough, according to my tame CORGI). Still working just fine. Low efficiency compared to a new boiler, though.

It's an Ideal Elan 2. If Ideal's current boilers are as reliable, I'd happily buy one.

They aren't!
Nit sure of their latest ones, but the ones from a period between 6 and 2 years ago, were so dreadfully crap that many have had to be totally replaced, as they were unrepairable.  The Govt funded Warm Front scheme used them, and I have had to deal with dozens of them that have failed after only a few years, not with minor defects, but requiring a new circuit board every year, at about £200 plus fitting.  I would earnestly suggest that no-one I care about goes anywhere near an Ideal Elan boiler.  It seesm that Vaillant have the best service backup and a very good reliability record.  Availability of spares after more than 5 years is critical for any boiler, and some just aren't.  Recent disaster from other makes included an  8 year old Baxi that just could not be made to emit less than twice the legal maximum amount of carbon monoxide, so our scheme ended up paying £1800 for a replacement to be fitted.  Sorry Baxi, but if a boiler of that age cannot be made legal, YOU shoud find the replacement, as your design was crap.


  • Just do it!
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15144 on: 18 February, 2013, 02:16:54 pm »
Overseas call centres:


You, dear caller, are not named 'Emma Williams' any more than I am.
I have not had a car accident.
I do not have a car, bimbette!
I want nothing to do with your fraudulent schemes.

I know he sleeps late in the mornings; that's our business, leave us alone FFS!

I can't do without my bedside phone; I have elderly parents and am expecting contact from hospitals treating me.

FUCK OFF AND DIE! yesterday would be too soon.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15145 on: 18 February, 2013, 07:01:47 pm »
Colleague, if you do not cease and desist your inappropriate use of smiley faces in work-related emails, you may soon discover that this is the perfect way to tap into the Patrick Bateman side of my character. You're 41, ffs, not 14.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15146 on: 18 February, 2013, 08:25:50 pm »
It is simpler than it looks.

Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15147 on: 19 February, 2013, 06:43:13 am »
Ebay buyers.

Do you realise just how STUPID you make yourself look when you ask questions that are clearly answered in the text of the listing?

Ebay sellers - Do you realise just how STUPID you make yourself look when you post a bike with no frame size?

Would you really walk into a shop and say "Can I have a pair of shoes please ?" - "Certainly sir, what size ?" "Oh, I don't care, any size will do, it really doen't matter".

"Hello, is that ATS? Can I have 2 new front tyres for my car. Size, oh, whatever you like, it really is irrelevant".

"Can I book a table for tonight please ? For how many ? Why should I care?"

Put the frame size on you numties.

Oh, and another thing. A bike made before 1990 is not "Vintage".



  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: The RANT thread (often contains fruity language)
« Reply #15148 on: 19 February, 2013, 08:23:06 am »
Ebay buyers.

Do you realise just how STUPID you make yourself look when you ask questions that are clearly answered in the text of the listing?

Ebay sellers - Do you realise just how STUPID you make yourself look when you post a bike with no frame size?

Would you really walk into a shop and say "Can I have a pair of shoes please ?" - "Certainly sir, what size ?" "Oh, I don't care, any size will do, it really doen't matter".

"Hello, is that ATS? Can I have 2 new front tyres for my car. Size, oh, whatever you like, it really is irrelevant".

"Can I book a table for tonight please ? For how many ? Why should I care?"

Put the frame size on you numties.

Oh, and another thing. A bike made before 1990 is not "Vintage".


Good point! Nor does the fact it has survived until now make it desirable, so calling it rare ir such like implying it is worth something is complete tosh (btw this isnot personal :)) a lot of dross was made, some of it built to last.
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


  • My favourite gender neutral pronoun is comrade
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." Amelia Earhart