Author Topic: Pietersen's going...gone.  (Read 3714 times)


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: Pietersen's going...gone.
« Reply #25 on: 10 February, 2014, 12:16:09 am »
Maybe they didn't want him to spoil his record too much?
It is simpler than it looks.

Re: Pietersen's going...gone.
« Reply #26 on: 10 February, 2014, 01:26:52 am »
Sure, the media are probably hoping for them to crack and announce "we ditched Petersen cos he was an arrogant prick", but that doesn't excuse the ECB, who have been pretty terrible for years. Dropping the batsman who has the best record in the team certainly deserves more of an explanation than has been offered so far.

Well I'm glad that's all clear then  :hand:

It's all very well not offering an explanation for a decision to axe one your best players when his career isn't necessarily over, and feeling that you have the high moral ground for doing so, that's all very well and good, but in this rapacious-media age any lack of explanation is going to be met with an awful lot speculation. You've got to be ready for that. Lot of journalists out there just ready and waiting to rip you apart if you give them blank paper. If you're not ready for that, or don't like it then, well then're stupid. The more it goes on, the more I think the ECB have really shot themselves in the foot. Once again.

Basically, they've got nothing concrete on Pietersen really. If there was any significant incident [like the textgate affair] then they'd be on it like a shot, and wouldn't hesitate to use that as the reason. But no, just a vague rambling pile of crap. I suspect Pietersen probably, maybe, gave an uninvited opinion about why things went so horribly wrong in Australia, it may have been in response to criticism of his own batting by somebody or other, to which he may have gone on the defensive and bought the form and shot selection of other players, especially the Captain to the attention of those same people. That probably didn't go down too well. Or whatever, something like that....

Who knows. It was always never about his batting though.
Garry Broad


Re: Pietersen's going...gone.
« Reply #27 on: 10 February, 2014, 12:07:06 pm »
It was always never about his batting though.

I certainly agree with that! Personally, I feel that if it was only about his batting then he'd still be in the team.  In fact, it's near as dammit a statement of the obvious.

I'm intrigued by the mentions of legal conversations, of gagging clauses and confidentiality. A lot of this will obviously to do with contract matters but I get this vague feeling of there being something else....with no idea nor suggestion of what that might be. All my conjecture of course.

I think the ECB might want to have a look at how they do things (selection included) in the future but, for now, we are were we are and you play by current rules.

I remain convinced that KP has p*ssed a lot of people off big time. Sufficient for there to be team mutiny if he were to be selected again. You get egos and arrogance in the dressing room in any sport. It goes with the territory, many successful sportsman are arseholes almost by default. Normally, it's managed and tolerated. Usually there's a common ground found for the sake of the team. That this hasn't happened with KP speaks volumes to me. Again, just my conjecture.

I suspect we'll never really know - but I expect there'll be gossip, and maybe autobiographies to come. I certainly don't expect the ECB will ever officially clarify any further.


Re: Pietersen's going...gone.
« Reply #28 on: 10 February, 2014, 01:55:33 pm »
Hmm.  I think a reasonable alternative might have been to sack everybody iexcept Pietersen and start from there!

Re: Pietersen's going...gone.
« Reply #29 on: 10 February, 2014, 09:17:57 pm »
It was always never about his batting though.
I remain convinced that KP has p*ssed a lot of people off big time. Sufficient for there to be team mutiny if he were to be selected again. You get egos and arrogance in the dressing room in any sport. It goes with the territory, many successful sportsman are arseholes almost by default. Normally, it's managed and tolerated. Usually there's a common ground found for the sake of the team. That this hasn't happened with KP speaks volumes to me. Again, just my conjecture.

Well, this is Graeme Swan talking about KP [I think this might even ahve been before he was ousted]. Not sure what interview this was, I would imagine a radio interview, but GS is hardly a company man. He appears after about one minute.

Pat Murphy's contribution [always worth listening too...and this most definitely is] to the Tuffers and Vaughan special last week on the whole affair was really interesting listening. The whole show was fascinating [highly recommended if you're that bothered about the whole saga....particularly what Michael Vaughan had to say, especially about Darren Lehmann. Steve Harmison was very good too]. It was broadcast last week, so only has a couple of days to run before it disappears.

I just don't buy the whole dressing room fallout at all. There's no concrete evidence. At the moment.

And as much as this blokes opinion might not be helpful, it just doesn't look good for the way the ECB have gone about things.

Anyway.....I'm kind of asking myself why on earth I seem to have bitten on the whole story actually? It's hardly that important. But something's got my goat about the whole thing that's for sure. I need to move on :)
Garry Broad

Re: Pietersen's going...gone.
« Reply #30 on: 10 February, 2014, 09:37:43 pm »
Phew! Before I clicked the link I thought "this bloke" might have been Piers Morgan. I wonder how many people are judging KP by the company he keeps?

There's probably a really interesting story bubbling under the surface, I agree. Broader than KP just being a pain. Let's wait for the biographies.


Re: Pietersen's going...gone.
« Reply #31 on: 11 February, 2014, 12:36:26 pm »
Anyway.....I'm kind of asking myself why on earth I seem to have bitten on the whole story actually?

Yes, me too! Of all the stories around at the moment, I can't quite work out why I've taken an interest in this one! I'm guessing it's the evident disparity between crime and punishment. I've no idea what KP has done that merits his sacking so I'm taking the line that his sacking is somehow warranted and so assuming he's dumped on someone's desk.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Pietersen's going...gone.
« Reply #32 on: 12 February, 2014, 11:25:03 am »
Thanks for the Tuffers/Vaughan link, VB. 2 things struck me:

- can people really listen to a programme like that for 2 hours?! 5 Live's "style" just wears me out. Mr Vaughan knows some stuff, but I think I'd rather share a quick half with him than have him round for dinner.
- KP was once made england test captain. I'd forgotten that. What utter madness!
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