Author Topic: Rhiwbach slate quarry over nighter  (Read 6887 times)

Rhiwbach slate quarry over nighter
« on: 05 March, 2019, 12:27:46 pm »
So thanks for letting me onto your forum some epic journeys on here and I am jealous of some peoples epic trips.
I did a micro adventure last week on my new bike a pinnacle arkose and decided to give it a decent test ride and take it for a wild camp. So got the train to Blaenau Ffestiniog and cycled down to Ffestiniog and up the quarry road (and what a road it was) and onto the path to Rhiwbach disused slate quarry. Day one the weather was 20 and the sun was blazing without a cloud in the sky and was hard to believe it was February and soon found myself it my camp site. Soon the tent was up and the beers where opened and I sat back and watched the quite amazing views and countless stars in the sky and enjoyed my home made curry. After having my fill of ale i retired and was soon fast asleep I awoke to a completely different day weather wise as I had rain and fog and quickly packed up despite somehow losing my cooking pan. The mist only added charter to this place though which now had a had a slightly eerie fell to it. Thankfully it was mostly down hill although the road down was dodgy as the fog was vert thick in places but over all a fantastic couple of days and the bike worked great.
A short video of my bit of a trip

Re: Rhiwbach slate quarry over nighter
« Reply #1 on: 05 March, 2019, 01:18:39 pm »
Enjoyed that thanks.
Get a bicycle. You will never regret it, if you live- Mark Twain