Last night on a multi modal trip to Lahndan (bike and train) I spotted this in my local (one horse) railway station platform shelter:
There were two others with it. Very suspicious, so I went down the rabbit hole that is the British Transport Police "report a crime" web form but it wanted to know who the victim was so I got bored. I nipped to the station this morning and they were still there. Home, phone BTP, queue, phone West Sussex Police, queue, yadda yadda, web forms etc then clicked on the Bike Register website. Boom. One of the bikes was reported stolen the same evening I saw them, from another larger station. Speak to a Nice Lady at Bike Register who wanted a frame number. Jump in the car, initially to get the number but have a change of plan and put the bikes (after a spot of front wheel removal) into the car and drive to the police station. When it eventually opened, at 10:00, they were pleased to take them off my hands, as at least one was reported stolen.