Yesterday: Wind forecast to be light and no rain forecast so set out for Mutzig, 70-odd km south of here so a 150k round trip, with the option of going via Obernai to make it 180k. Once on the road the wind set SWerly and strong: my bigger battery was 1 bar out of 5 down by 25k and down to 2 bars by 50, my legs were complaining and I'd spent so long on the drops that my neck was asking for a raise and threatening strike action. Stopped at just 60k for lunch/recharge. Meal took >2hrs so battery got 4v back and lasted another 60k.
Lunch, yeah. The resto where I'd stopped en catastrophe was moderately up-market but they had a lunchtime menu at 11,50€ so I ordered that. The main-course fish was already sold out so they offered chicken instead. This turned out to be case-hardened lumps of chicken breast in the left-over sauce from the fish, along with dark brown uncrisp chips. So much for up-market. Note to self: carry toothpicks in HB bag.
After lunch both Obernai and Mutzig had lost their charm so I chopped the bottom off my loop and presently headed N again with the wind behind. Had a pleasant coffee stop with a slice of apple tart about 35k from home. While I was eating a trio of kids, aged ~7 to 11, went by across the road on BFO electric bikes. Bloody hell.
Wind seemed to shift NE in late pm, so I had a stroppy headwind again for the last 20k.
Wildlife: as I was leaving the village a red squirrel crossed most of the road ahead of me and stopped bolt upright in my lane, maybe in the hope that if it made itself as tall as possible it could scare me off. I stopped and talked to it, and after a few seconds it decided not to kill me and went on across. A bit further on there was a dead badger at the roadside. I've seen quite a few dead but only ever one alive, galumphing across a field ~50 metres away. Shame. Didn't see any birds of note: see above under neck.
135k in the end; still stiff and sore, and moderately brain-dead (yeah sure, business as usual) today.
ETA: thought so: electric bikes only legal for kids 14 and over. Now wondering if they were e-bike lookalikes, which would be equally bloody hell.