I doubt you'll find any. the 308 version has been discontinued for about a decade, current version is 420 and there's been at least one between. Schwalbe don't list any 24 x 1.5 Marathon, though assuming they're 507 rims (Airnimal use two 24" sizes) there is a 1.75 along with that size in a few other models. I'm not aware of any Schwalbe 507 tyres narrower than 1.75, though I haven't looked through them all. If they're the other rim size, I know nothing about them. To rub salt in, Spa were flogging off one of the older versions for £6 ea but they seem to have gone, sorry I may have had the last.
My Joey has always had 1.75 tyres, for general use and a bit of touring, I don't think I'd want to go narrower.