In no particular order,
Getting an unexpected 4am face wash from that disabled bog where I did not put the seat down. Then finding myself having a Basil Faultyesque rant at said bog.
Being woken by a massively loud fart by a neighbour in the Brampton dorm, eventually leaving my pit early rather than face death by farts.
Eating the bestest porridge ever at Moffat. I had to have three bowls full just to be sure.
In the toilets at Traquair after consuming a couple of drams, waving my hands furiously about to start the hand drier only to realise after some considerable time, it was a paper towel machine.
Approaching Thirsk and finding a rider (Calvin McKensie ? )having trouble with his bottom bracket which was in mechanic speak 'shagged'. Being able to use local knowledge to direct him to Cowleys Cycles in Northallerton where the b/bkt was replaced in the time it took him to drink a coffee. Nice one Cowleys.
Pub staff allowing me to eat my chippy bought fish and chips in the pub whilst having a pint at Stamford Bridge. The locals were very interested in LEL, having seen the coming and going of riders over the previous few days. Loads of praise and admiration from the pub punters subsequently leading to difficulty in donning casque.
Northbound at Kirton I complained to Gerry B that the dehydration notices had been placed far too high up. Gerry said he was still able to read them despite his limited stature. I said I could read them okay but couldn't piss high enough to compare the colour to the chart. A lady sat beside him was eating soup and did the food /nose snorting thing. I'd call that a result!