Several decades ago, not too far (about a 5 minute brisk walk) from the sign and adder pictured, my uncle's dog was nosing in some undergrowth and suddenly drew back with a wimper. Instantly diagnosed as an adder bite by someone. My other uncle, a GP, took control of the situation and said he would take the dog to the nearest vet about 7 miles away, while someone else phoned the vet to warn them. As a GP, my uncle had a green flashing light on a magnetic mount to indicate he was on an important mission. But as a GP in central Wolverhampton he'd never had the chance to use it. This was his chance. Onto the roof of his car it went, and off he sped with the dog and an aunt down the narrow twisty lanes (actually an A road most of the way, but width, surface, traffic count and likelihood of meeting a tractor more like what you would expect on an English county lane).
The vet did his bit, but it was touch and go for a couple of days because the bite was on the neck/throat and the swelling made breathing difficult for Biddy (the dog) but she survived for several years after the drama .