With the previous iteration of our Bosch gas hob, I used to be able to turn the teeny tiny ring to "barely there" and cook my porridge without boiling it to deth. With your new Flame Select device I can only choose your pre set flames, the smallest of which is not low enough, effectively not solving a problem that didn't exist.
Just need to remember to do it in short blasts and stir regularly. You really don’t want porridge boiling over in your microwave. DAMHIKT.
Kim, you are very bad!
Ah, I see we have moved away from porridge onto Welsh Chips.
Quote from: Jaded on 02 November, 2022, 09:07:14 pmAh, I see we have moved away from porridge onto Welsh Chips. My erstwhile local chippy (Y Mabinogion, Bethesda) used to do a regular and a large chips. Figuring that large isn't generally twice the size of regular, and as neither of us were massively hungry, I once got us a large to share.Four pounds.Not sterling: 4lb.Lasted a week of chip omelettes* every day.*A discovery when working in Tanzania: chipsi mayai (literally "chips eggs"). A 500 Tanzanian-shilling streetfood treat, of a two-egg-and-handful-of-chips omelette.
Quote from: Slave To The Viking on 11 November, 2022, 01:28:47 amQuote from: Jaded on 02 November, 2022, 09:07:14 pmAh, I see we have moved away from porridge onto Welsh Chips. My erstwhile local chippy (Y Mabinogion, Bethesda) used to do a regular and a large chips. Figuring that large isn't generally twice the size of regular, and as neither of us were massively hungry, I once got us a large to share.Four pounds.Not sterling: 4lb.Lasted a week of chip omelettes* every day.*A discovery when working in Tanzania: chipsi mayai (literally "chips eggs"). A 500 Tanzanian-shilling streetfood treat, of a two-egg-and-handful-of-chips omelette.Was Brân Fendigaidd a regular customer?
Macmillan coffee morning at work tomorrow, so in a fit of the vapours I thought I'd be sociable and go into the office.Make lemon polenta cake. Put it in oven. Return 40m later and it's still pale and wobbly. Oven is barely 120C, not 160. Bollocks. Finish it off on fan but it's a bit dried out and presumably one of the top or bottom element is gone. The oven was new in April. That's going to bugger my bread making schedule.