Author Topic: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT  (Read 85515 times)


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #250 on: 23 July, 2021, 12:33:29 am »
^^Thirded.  Sometimes I have to restart the phone, reinstall the app, restart and re-pair the device - before going through all the inane "Hey Wahooligan!" guff for the nth time.


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #251 on: 23 July, 2021, 09:16:52 am »
^^Thirded.  Sometimes I have to restart the phone, reinstall the app, restart and repair the device - before going through all the inane "Hey Wahooligan!" guff for the nth time.

I've never had to go that far to get it to sync. But it's definitely not as simple as it used to be.

Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #252 on: 23 July, 2021, 09:37:16 am »

As for gps accuracy, you don't live in the south of England do you? Might be external reasons for a 10m/20m shift...

I do, but the problem seems to only occur on my 'away day' rides. Last 2x times I had this problem i was in Wales and Devon.

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #253 on: 23 July, 2021, 07:40:33 pm »
^^Thirded.  Sometimes I have to restart the phone, reinstall the app, restart and re-pair the device - before going through all the inane "Hey Wahooligan!" guff for the nth time.

I’ve done all the reinstalling, re-pairing etc. with no effect.

I’m still going through various settings with Wahoo support - e.g. ensuring battery optimisation is off for the app, and checking the phone’s location settings. I’m not sure that is going to help. How will that help with the issue of rides occasionally transferring to the app but the map not loading? Or the fact that almost all rides do sync properly, so the settings must be right?

They have asked me to check that my firmware is updated, quoting a version number that is umpteen numbers behind the version that I have got. I shall persevere. Suspect this is not something they know how to fix. I might have to revert to manually uploading rides perhaps.


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #254 on: 23 July, 2021, 09:52:37 pm »
I’ve done all the reinstalling, re-pairing etc. with no effect.

I’m still going through various settings with Wahoo support - e.g. ensuring battery optimisation is off for the app, and checking the phone’s location settings. I’m not sure that is going to help. How will that help with the issue of rides occasionally transferring to the app but the map not loading? Or the fact that almost all rides do sync properly, so the settings must be right?

They have asked me to check that my firmware is updated, quoting a version number that is umpteen numbers behind the version that I have got. I shall persevere. Suspect this is not something they know how to fix. I might have to revert to manually uploading rides perhaps.

If you want to DM me your issue number, i can file one with wahoo support as well, mention you have a similar issue. IF they have more than one person logging it, they are likely to take it more seriously.

Beer, bikes, and backpacking


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #255 on: 07 August, 2021, 05:14:53 pm »

Well yesterday has been a bit of a ride.

Got a prompt to update the firmware on my bolt. Which I did.

Out on a ride, I had the device crash 3 times. each the same cause. Zoom out to 10km, zoom back to 500m, crashes in 5-10 seconds.

The first two times, it recovered just fine. The 3rd it did a factory reset. I lost all my settings, and all my history. Even the map wasn't displaying.

Today I connected it to my laptop and was able to pull a file from yesterday's ride out of it, which I was able to recover and upload to strava.

I've filed a support ticket with wahoo. Random crashes are annoying, full on factory reset with unrecoverable* ride data is more of a problem. I hope they can fix this, I'd like to be able to use zoom...


* without a laptop and some complex fettling
Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #256 on: 22 October, 2021, 09:43:58 am »
It appears that Mike Broadwith had some problems yesterday with a crashing Bolt during his Edinburgh London Record ride. Certainly something to do with navigation and timing devices almost cost him the record.

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #257 on: 22 October, 2021, 09:53:37 am »
I got one of the V2 Bolts earlier in the year but kept the V1 as backup for taking on long rides so I can just swap over if the need arises.  Not had to use it yet and that includes a few 15h+ days with the V2 being powered by USB battery pack.

Apparently the V2 also suffers from USB C charging issues but again not had a problem personally.
The sound of one pannier flapping

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #258 on: 26 June, 2022, 08:51:18 am »
Mine, my partners' and a mates Bolt V1's have all seemingly given up the ghost within a week of each other after years of happy use.

Different issues:
Mine - It won't switch off. It says it has, but when you press the power button it's immediately on. No 20s boot-up. So  I don't think it is actually switching off. Obviously, this means it's flat when i come to use it unless i level it plugged in all the time.
Partner - Her's has had a regular problem of crashing when over ~120km into a ride. Now seems to have a similar but different power off issue. The screen is permanently on.
Mate - 'Page' button non functional. 

Hovering over a new V2, but I'm left thinking it's mighty convenient for Wahoo's cashflow to have their legacy products all fail at the same time.... In built obsolescence or have they nuked mine with a firmware update??  ::-)

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #259 on: 26 June, 2022, 11:16:03 am »
I have seen similar issues with my 2 Bolts, and all others I know with an Elemnt or Bolt have had at least one of the issues also. Started happening perhaps 2 months ago, which suggests it is a software rather than a hardware issue. Given the frequency of updates, I surmise it is a problem that is receiving attention, but not yet resolved.

For the power off issue, if you press the power off button and the bottom right button together, and hold down for a few seconds, the device will power off properly. I do this when it hasn't shut down, and the screen is still on, albeit with nothing displayed.

For the crashing, thankfully every time that has happened I have been able to recover the ride, reload the route, and continue the ride without any issues. I rode a 220km yesterday without the crash, so possibly it has been resolved, or I was lucky.

On a 400km ride, both my Bolt and that of a riding partner crashed within a couple of kilometres of each other. Both recovered fine.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #260 on: 28 June, 2022, 11:16:56 am »
Yeah, i've had it crash a handful of times over the years and all data was recoverable.

Anyway, I have a V2 in my hands now. So shiny! I don't feel too aggrieved about the V1, I feel i got more than my monies worth. The battery is down to ~6-7hrs when in navigation mode, the buttons are falling off, the charging port door has perished. It's had a hard life and served me well.

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #261 on: 04 September, 2022, 02:31:56 pm »
I had a slightly annoying issue with my Bolt v2 today. I was riding a route created on RWGPS, a loop.  At around the half way point, the actual route goes off road into a park. I elected to stay on the road, intending to go around the park to the next entrance. As expected, the device rerouted me along the road outside the park. At this point the distance remaining was roughly as expected for the half way point of the ride. When I looked at the Bolt again, the dist remaining had changed to 1 - 2 km (same as distance to next cue) and it became clear the route had been aborted. I then had to create a route back.

I have change in distance remaining before twice - but on both occasions I was in deep lanes in the Surrey Hills and I think the device lost its bearings. On these occasions, as I rode on, the distance remaining corrected itself and I was able to continue the planned route to the end.

Today was different - ride ended early after deliberately veering (slightly) off route for a couple of km. Has anyone any insights into what is going on there?

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #262 on: 04 September, 2022, 04:53:53 pm »
Sounds like you have auto rerouting switched on. I would switch that off if you are following a route prepared beforehand. Then if you go off route you generally know roughly how to pick up the route again.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #263 on: 04 September, 2022, 04:55:48 pm »
On my Roam I spotted that the 'distance to finish' display flips to 'distance to getting back on route' when I deviate off the route, but I've not had it bail out of the route completely.
Rust never sleeps

Re: Wahoo Elemnt BOLT
« Reply #264 on: 04 September, 2022, 05:05:04 pm »
On my Roam I spotted that the 'distance to finish' display flips to 'distance to getting back on route' when I deviate off the route, but I've not had it bail out of the route completely.

Maybe that is all that was happening. Perhaps even when I headed back towards the route, I simply didn’t go far enough to actually rejoin it, although I thought I had. Hence the “dist remaining” approached zero and if I had actually carried on a bit longer along the re-route, it would have flipped back to the full route.

Thanks! That makes me feel (1) stupid and (2) relieved that my Bolt and routes are probably perfectly OK.

Sounds like you have auto rerouting switched on. I would switch that off if you are following a route prepared beforehand. Then if you go off route you generally know roughly how to pick up the route again.

I find it handy for built up areas that are new to me, when I would quickly lose track of how to get back on route.