Yet Another Cycling Forum

General Category => Freewheeling => Racing => Topic started by: mattc on 29 June, 2013, 11:24:59 am

Title: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 29 June, 2013, 11:24:59 am
It's on!

I've seen the first break go away, they're racing.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 29 June, 2013, 11:46:39 am
And the phones at the Corsica Tourist Board must be ringing off their hooks!

Excellent coverage from ITV4 this year too with Rendell, Boulting and Boardman on the mike, so no need for Eurosport either.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 11:48:34 am
Froome's mechanic must be getting nervous.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: eck on 29 June, 2013, 11:58:35 am
And the phones at the Corsica Tourist Board must be ringing off their hooks!

Excellent coverage from ITV4 this year too with Rendell, Boulting and Boardman on the mike, so no need for Eurosport either.
:hand: Just heard Ned Boulting say that the Phil 'n' Paul double act will be commentating later.  :facepalm: If that's true, I just might have to give in and get Eurosport after all.  ::-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 29 June, 2013, 12:03:52 pm
The lot on itv4 is a nice change to the "normal" UK cycling voices.

Sounds like Froome had a spill.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 29 June, 2013, 12:20:17 pm
I hope something happens soon - anything to stop you lot moaning about the commentary  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 29 June, 2013, 12:25:35 pm
Oohh - first jersey of the day decided.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: eck on 29 June, 2013, 12:35:05 pm
I hope something happens soon - anything to stop you lot moaning about the commentary  ;D

I'll only be moaning if they wheel out YKW.  :-X
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 29 June, 2013, 12:57:38 pm
And they are back...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 01:09:26 pm
I hope the French baggage-handlers have mislaid all the suitca.......... no, I just can't.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 29 June, 2013, 01:16:03 pm
Well, I've made the calculation and the monthly Eurosport sub will only cost me 25p per day. *strokes chin*
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 29 June, 2013, 01:34:31 pm
I've made the calculation

Plus the royalties you owe to Sean Kelly.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 01:44:43 pm
Did anything happen on the Isle of Elba? P+P have neglected to mention it. 3 times in 20 minutes.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: eck on 29 June, 2013, 02:29:10 pm
And they are back...
And I'm off to Eurosport. F*ck 'em.  >:(
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Rhys W on 29 June, 2013, 03:06:52 pm
Still disappointed with the no-show of David Harmon... Still, Carlton Kirby is an affable buffon in the David Duffield mould.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 29 June, 2013, 03:17:46 pm
Did anything happen on the Isle of Elba? P+P have neglected to mention it. 3 times in 20 minutes.

I've no idea, but apparently a diminutive French Army general was once exiled there. At least that's what Phil and Paul just said.

Don't worry race-heads. I'm sure normal service will resume soon.

PS I don't know whether it's down to a lack of Wiggins, but I don't feel particularly fired up about the Tour this year.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 29 June, 2013, 04:02:33 pm
Two crashes because bad banner next to the road and a bus stuck at the finish line it's all go at TDF.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 29 June, 2013, 04:05:17 pm
Two crashes because bad banner next to the road and a bus stuck at the finish line it's all go at TDF.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 29 June, 2013, 04:09:06 pm
Finish at 3km right on a bend in the road, there is going to blood.

Bus moving ... What is going on

Pile up arrrgghhh
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 04:12:17 pm
Vacancy: Coach driver. Must have good height perception.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 29 June, 2013, 04:12:47 pm
To me it looked like Cav swerved off his line and instigated the crash.. *takes cover*

Edit; Looking at the replay, I was confusing him with somebody else wearing a stripy white top. Cav was way back.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 29 June, 2013, 04:14:37 pm
Vacancy: Coach driver. Must have good height perception.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Rhys W on 29 June, 2013, 04:20:26 pm
The one thing that's for certain in the Tour de France, drama that is off the scale compared to any other race! Not always the right type though.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 04:21:25 pm
Was Millar up there?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 29 June, 2013, 04:26:18 pm
Ned Boulting almost doing a Shteve McLaren in that finish line interview with Danny Van Poppel!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 04:28:45 pm
If you were undecided about race radios before..........
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 29 June, 2013, 04:39:25 pm
To me it looked like Cav swerved off his line and instigated the crash.. *takes cover*
It was greipel, not Cav, cav was caught behind the crash.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 04:40:56 pm
Rumour has it that the bus was 'unwedged' by a single blow from Bernard Hinault.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 29 June, 2013, 04:48:17 pm
To me it looked like Cav swerved off his line and instigated the crash.. *takes cover*
It was greipel, not Cav, cav was caught behind the crash.

Yeah. I can see that now on the replay.

I was going to put money on G not lasting ten stages, but things could be even worse.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 29 June, 2013, 04:49:09 pm
Potentially a big blow for OPQS, Eurosport reporting Tony Martin with a possible broken collarbone. 
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 05:26:58 pm
Potentially a big blow for OPQS, Eurosport reporting Tony Martin with a possible broken collarbone.


Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 29 June, 2013, 05:29:18 pm
Virtually every eyewitness report confirms the coach driver was waved through. Poor sod.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: eck on 29 June, 2013, 06:26:27 pm
Well, I've made the calculation and the monthly Eurosport sub will only cost me 25p per day. *strokes chin*
Goldilocks, the cheapest deal Sky are offering me is £26.50pm, half price for first year. Can you share, by PM if you want,  what your deal is? Thanks.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 29 June, 2013, 06:36:40 pm
Well, I've made the calculation and the monthly Eurosport sub will only cost me 25p per day. *strokes chin*
Goldilocks, the cheapest deal Sky are offering me is £26.50pm, half price for first year. Can you share, by PM if you want,  what your deal is? Thanks.

I imagine it's the Eurosport Player streaming app, rather than via Sky.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andyoxon on 29 June, 2013, 06:51:13 pm
<Sets ITV4 Highlights series record>

After the main summit tomorrow - there seems to be around 40km of downhill...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 29 June, 2013, 08:38:31 pm
Tony - has a concussion and a contusion on his left lung. He also has soft tissue damages on his hip, chest, left knee and shoulder, and also on his back. Furthermore, he has a very deep wound 5cm wide on his left elbow that reaches his muscles, which causes a lot of pain and a problem moving his arm.

And they are still thinking about if he is starting tomorrow, is he the next Jens?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: jogler on 29 June, 2013, 08:46:00 pm
he must be bionic :o
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimC on 29 June, 2013, 09:02:54 pm
Was Millar up there?

Yes he was. Fourth, I think.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: jogler on 29 June, 2013, 09:08:18 pm
Millar contesting a sprint finish is a rare thing.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Auntie Helen on 29 June, 2013, 09:09:04 pm
Wow, what an exciting stage!

I couldn't watch it Live, I was at a Strawberry Tea (lots of cakes), but was looking at the updates on the BBC website. Quite an exciting way to follow the story, actually. Sad for Cav and Tony Martin but certainly not a dull day!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 29 June, 2013, 09:09:39 pm
Well that certainly seemed a bit erratic at the end.  It didn't look like the bus driver was at fault, the race organisers should ensure that there's headroom for such vehicles, or not let them down there at all.  Typically they aren't moving that fast, and people have plenty of time to stop them, so I can't see how the driver could be at fault.  Conceivably the team had a vehicle that was too high, but I'm betting on the banner arrangement being too low.

Presumably the change of the end to 3km (with the riders at 5km!), and then changing it back to the finish line, probably didn't exactly help the rider's concentration, so may well have been part of the cause of that crash, but it's not unusual to get crashes at this point in a stage, so it's as much down to the riders, and sheer bad luck as anything else.

Taking out all of the potential winners was a god send to Kittel, who is now in Yellow, Green and White apparently!  I don't imagine he'll hang on to all of those for long, but it's certainly been an eventful day for him, I don't think he'll forget it easily!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Toady on 29 June, 2013, 09:19:20 pm
Well that certainly seemed a bit erratic at the end.  It didn't look like the bus driver was at fault, the race organisers should ensure that there's headroom for such vehicles, or not let them down there at all.  Typically they aren't moving that fast, and people have plenty of time to stop them, so I can't see how the driver could be at fault.  Conceivably the team had a vehicle that was too high, but I'm betting on the banner arrangement being too low.
Said on telly that the banner is at a high setting during the day when the road is open, then it's lowered and the finish is closed to traffic.  Sounds like a screw up where the driver was wrongly directed.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Rhys W on 29 June, 2013, 11:43:10 pm
The footage I saw when the bus was stuck, the top of the gantry thing seemed to be above where it would be at its highest and still the bus was too tall for it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 30 June, 2013, 12:35:02 am
Well, I've made the calculation and the monthly Eurosport sub will only cost me 25p per day. *strokes chin*
Goldilocks, the cheapest deal Sky are offering me is £26.50pm, half price for first year. Can you share, by PM if you want,  what your deal is? Thanks.

I imagine it's the Eurosport Player streaming app, rather than via Sky.


4.99 of your earth pounds per month, via 'pooter
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: benborp on 30 June, 2013, 12:53:33 am
I believe there's another deal where annual subscription works out substantially cheaper. Makes sense if you follow the classics and all three grand tours. There doesn't seem to be as much of the more esoteric stuff that used to transfix me when I first came across Eurosport but it is still value for money compared to what else is out there.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: gavster on 30 June, 2013, 08:04:21 am
My one month iPad subscription to Eurosport costs 2.99. For three quid I am very happy with it and did the same thing for the giro.

Advantage for me is I can watch it anywhere i have wifi and not just at home.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 30 June, 2013, 10:43:29 am
It's a fiver a month for a one off subscription cancellable any time, or £36 for the entire year. Then again, you might try the old trick of using ITV4 pictures and chasing around for freebie Eurosport internet streams for the commentary (bearing in mind the delay), if the two Ps get too irritating.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 30 June, 2013, 10:47:15 am
Ligget and Sherwin are just appalling twats.

Yesterday Liggett said "Voigt has found the elixir of youth"  ;D

Yeah, Phil. Its called EPO.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LEE on 30 June, 2013, 11:43:53 am
Ligget and Sherwin are just appalling twats.

Yesterday Liggett said "Voigt has found the elixir of youth"  ;D

Yeah, Phil. Its called EPO.

EOY surely
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 30 June, 2013, 11:51:31 am
Ligget and Sherwin are just appalling twats.

Yesterday Liggett said "Voigt has found the elixir of youth"  ;D

Yeah, Phil. Its called EPO.

I love Jensie, and I really want to believe he's been clean all these years. I really do. But... yeah.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: eck on 30 June, 2013, 01:09:12 pm
Ligget and Sherwin are just appalling twats.
According to Ligget (within a minute of being on air), today is the warmest day of the Tour so far.
Well, fancy that!  :facepalm:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 30 June, 2013, 01:13:09 pm
I was just about to use that to start a new thread of Phil&Paul-isms, but now you've beaten me to it  >:(
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: eck on 30 June, 2013, 01:19:13 pm
 :-[ Sorry Mr B. But you're right, please feel free to start a new thread of Phil 'n' Paul-isms. I'm sure there will be another one along any minute now. ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 30 June, 2013, 02:24:27 pm
On the ITV coverage, they just mentioned that Belkin Procycling was formed from what was the Rabobank team, but I saw Rabobank team cars on the Noordwijk Classic in Noordwijk last week, and looking things up, it seems that it was the Men's Team that they pulled out from funding, and they still sponsor the Rabobank-Liv Giant woman's professional road racing team.

I guess that this reflects a lesser use of drugs (possibly) in the professional women's teams, and more likely simply the much lower profile of women's professional cycling.  I never really understand why women's cycling has such poor support (presumably largely with the sponsors), hence the debacle which the Tour de France Féminin became in recent years. :(
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 30 June, 2013, 05:05:22 pm
That was an interesting finish!  I thought that the small group was going to be entirely swept up, but Bakelants just managed to stay ahead, although I was convinced that he was going to be caught, since he was repeatedly looking behind himself, rather than just putting everything he had into it, which is all you can really do in that situation.

Not surprisingly, Kittel hasn't managed to stay in yellow, although he does retain his green jersey, for the time being. He's now at 142 position, over 17 minutes down on the leader!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 30 June, 2013, 05:48:51 pm
Ligget and Sherwin are just appalling twats.

Yesterday Liggett said "Voigt has found the elixir of youth"  ;D

Yeah, Phil. Its called EPO.


Voigt and EPO?

A rider who I would put my money on as being clean.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 30 June, 2013, 06:39:01 pm
....Not surprisingly, Kittel hasn't managed to stay in yellow, although he does retain his green jersey, for the time being. He's now at 142 position, over 17 minutes down on the leader!

This is setting out to be a far more interesting opening week than the usual prologue TT, followed by three stage wins for Cavendish etc formula. Maybe the organisers could try shaking up the usual order of things like this every third year or so.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 30 June, 2013, 07:15:00 pm
....Not surprisingly, Kittel hasn't managed to stay in yellow, although he does retain his green jersey, for the time being. He's now at 142 position, over 17 minutes down on the leader!

This is setting out to be a far more interesting opening week than the usual prologue TT, followed by three stage wins for Cavendish etc formula. Maybe the organisers could try shaking up the usual order of things like this every third year or so.

That's the advantage of starting somewhere hilly like Corsica which TDF has never visited before
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andygates on 30 June, 2013, 08:02:04 pm
Plucky Break Holds Out To The Last Second. :thumbsup:

That's movie stuff, that is. I can see why he's sleeping in yellow. 
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: pcolbeck on 30 June, 2013, 08:05:38 pm
That was excellent !the whole breakaway coul have eaten the pack if they hadn't started fannying about with 2km to go.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 30 June, 2013, 08:25:18 pm
Ligget and Sherwin are just appalling twats.

Yesterday Liggett said "Voigt has found the elixir of youth"  ;D

Yeah, Phil. Its called EPO.


Voigt and EPO?

A rider who I would put my money on as being clean.

Hamilton would advise against that bet, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 30 June, 2013, 08:30:48 pm
Ligget and Sherwin are just appalling twats.

Yesterday Liggett said "Voigt has found the elixir of youth"  ;D

Yeah, Phil. Its called EPO.
His book was a good read. No mention of JV.

Possible not every rider was doping, or do you assume 100% doping?


Voigt and EPO?

A rider who I would put my money on as being clean.

Hamilton would advise against that bet, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 30 June, 2013, 09:14:07 pm
Hamilton has said that Voigt not knowing about the doping on CSC is the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard. He's convinced Voigt doped. I would consider it highly unlikely that Voigt has always been a clean rider.

May I ask why on earth you think he is?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 30 June, 2013, 09:53:06 pm

Why do people do it??? Dogs off the lead as the peloton bears down at full tilt.

He's convinced Voigt doped

That would be sad if so :(
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 30 June, 2013, 09:58:45 pm
I think it is interesting how we accord some people the benefit of the doubt that we don't accord to others.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 30 June, 2013, 10:10:18 pm
It's more that I don't believe it's necessarily the case that every rider that competed in that era doped. I suppose the fact that Jens was never really a contender for the upper ranks in the big tours, to me, means that he might have had less incentive to take the risk.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 30 June, 2013, 10:30:29 pm
Unfortunately, it seems clear that the salient point is....there was no risk.

Think about Armstrong's '500' tests. How many of them positive?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 30 June, 2013, 10:33:37 pm
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 30 June, 2013, 10:34:21 pm
Not officially/ not at the time.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 30 June, 2013, 10:35:30 pm
/not that were made public
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 30 June, 2013, 10:41:54 pm
Did anyone hear the total f'up that Phil did today. Kept calling the leading rider the wrong name and then when he figured out that he was doing so used an other name. Couldn't even see the nice big circle with an R in and figure out that he still was on the wrong donkey. He had to re-record the last few km's with the right name on.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 30 June, 2013, 11:04:05 pm
/not that were made public


No risk, unless you were stupid.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: robgul on 01 July, 2013, 05:46:16 am
How many people on yacf are in Nice for the TTT on Tues?  Seems like every second person here is British.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 01 July, 2013, 11:42:27 am
When I was in Gran Canaria in January, I saw the women's Rabobank team out riding a few times.  A fine sight they were, too!  I did wonder at the time about what I'd heard about them withdrawing sponsorship.

One day we overtook a few of them.  They were basically just rolling back to their hotel at the end of a ride. 

On the ITV coverage, they just mentioned that Belkin Procycling was formed from what was the Rabobank team, but I saw Rabobank team cars on the Noordwijk Classic in Noordwijk last week, and looking things up, it seems that it was the Men's Team that they pulled out from funding, and they still sponsor the Rabobank-Liv Giant woman's professional road racing team.

I guess that this reflects a lesser use of drugs (possibly) in the professional women's teams, and more likely simply the much lower profile of women's professional cycling.  I never really understand why women's cycling has such poor support (presumably largely with the sponsors), hence the debacle which the Tour de France Féminin became in recent years. :(
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clarion on 01 July, 2013, 11:46:15 am
Wow, if a bank thinks you're bad for it's image, you really are a bit stymied.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 01 July, 2013, 12:05:29 pm
Still disappointed with the no-show of David Harmon... Still, Carlton Kirby is an affable buffon in the David Duffield mould.

I spent a very pleasant Saturday afternoon lying on the sofa with Carlton Kirby and Sean Kelly droning away. My wife was unimpressed with the inanity of their conversation. I pointed out that it could be a lot worse.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andyoxon on 01 July, 2013, 12:16:42 pm
The road surface on the run down from the summit (2nd stage) to the finish looked very good, & smooth, as the riders leant into corners at 40-50 ish degrees.   Routes may I suppose been resurfaced specially (though the white lines were worn in places) & I'm sure we have some reasonable roads, but, the UK impression in general is one off utility company scarred, bone-shakingly uneven, excessively gravelly, pot-hole riven, never-a-dull-moment tarmac.  I know climate is a factor though.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: fuzzy on 01 July, 2013, 12:23:02 pm
How many people on yacf are in Nice for the TTT on Tues?  Seems like every second person here is British.


We so badly wanted to do Corsica and Nice this year. SWMBO boss put the kybosh on that though. She can't be away for month end >:(
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 01 July, 2013, 12:25:32 pm
When the Tour came down to Kent in 2007, many miles of the route were resurfaced specially. I was musing on this fact only the other day as I drove into Canterbury, along the road where the finish straight was. It's showing the signs of six years wear and tear but I fear it highly unlikely that it'll get redone any time soon - and when they do, it'll most likely be a top dressing rather than proper resurfacing like it was last time.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 01 July, 2013, 12:59:04 pm
Just watched the highlights - what a great finish! I love a late breakaway, plus lots of action on the 10km-to-go climb. And a canine near miss, the stage had everything.

So nice to see such a pleased winner too, and giving good interview. [but he needs to work on his victory salute]

(I haven't been paying attention - why is Millar still 2nd on GC? Loads of riders on the same time finished in higher placings today. Is it decided on goal difference? Or net run rate?)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: rafletcher on 01 July, 2013, 01:38:37 pm
(I haven't been paying attention - why is Millar still 2nd on GC? Loads of riders on the same time finished in higher placings today. Is it decided on goal difference? Or net run rate?)

I think it's because he was 4th on stage 1, and 1st,2nd & 3rd from stage 1 all lost time - so he was highest placed left on the same time.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 01 July, 2013, 02:14:54 pm
After Bakelants, everyone down to 93rd is on the same time. Looking at the rest of the top 5:

Millar was 4th on stage 1, 13th on stage 2.
Simon was 13th on stage 1, 6th on stage 2.
Impey was 11th on stage 1, 8th on stage 2.
EBH was 24th on stage 1, 5th on stage 2.

So presumably Millar's position in GC is based on lowest aggregate finishing place.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 01 July, 2013, 02:25:30 pm
Drat - I didn't explain myself ... try again:

So, if they'd caught Bakelites, would Millar have needed to stay within 9 places of Simon, 7 places of Impey etc etc ...?
Cos the commentary implied he just needed to finish in the bunch.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 01 July, 2013, 02:31:51 pm
I wouldn't necessarily trust the commentators - they had Irizar down as the winner at first...

But no, I didn't understand that comment either - I thought they were being rather presumptuous. Or maybe they just didn't realise that other high-placed finishers from stage 1 were in the lead group? Impey, for example, sneaked in there unnoticed by most. They must have realised Simon was in contention though, surely?

I thought EBH had done better on stage 1 too, but he must have lost a lot of places in the last few metres.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: pcolbeck on 01 July, 2013, 02:37:26 pm
The interview with Millar suggested that he thought he just had to finish in the bunch and for the bunch to have caught the breakaway for him to be in yellow.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 01 July, 2013, 02:40:20 pm
It's possibly true. I'm just guessing about the aggregate position thing. Who knows how the Tour organisers work these things out? I suspect they employ Mr Duckworth and Mr Lewis to help them.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: pcolbeck on 01 July, 2013, 02:44:59 pm
I have no idea how they work it out in this kind of situation either. And in this particular case it was even more confusing with the finish line changing twice.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Illegal Combat Ant on 01 July, 2013, 02:58:09 pm
According to the live commentary on Geraint Thomas is riding with a "small fracture of the pelvis".  :o

Never mind he'll be mostly sitting down for the next 3 weeks.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 01 July, 2013, 03:19:34 pm
I'm always amazed at how they continue on with the race, even after some quite significant injuries.  Having said that, the TdF is such a shatteringly hard race anyway, I'm somewhat amazed that they race at the speeds they do!  I guess adding on some pain to what is probably quite a painful experience, possibly doesn't make that much additional difference!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: rafletcher on 01 July, 2013, 03:29:43 pm
According to the live commentary on Geraint Thomas is riding with a "small fracture of the pelvis".  :o

Never mind he'll be mostly sitting down for the next 3 weeks.

And on the cyclingnews commentary it's Clarke who has the pelvic fracture, and Thomas getting magic spray on his "tailbone"
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: fuzzy on 01 July, 2013, 03:34:46 pm
According to the live commentary on Geraint Thomas is riding with a "small fracture of the pelvis".  :o

Never mind he'll be mostly sitting down for the next 3 weeks.

And on the cyclingnews commentary it's Clarke who has the pelvic fracture, and Thomas getting magic spray on his "tailbone"

He did describe a heavy landing straight on his back when interviewed after stage 1.....
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: rafletcher on 01 July, 2013, 03:41:59 pm
Either way.. OUCH!

And the Tony Martin episode reminds me of years ago, when Stuart O'Grady (I think) was doing a tour diary to camera for Channel 4 after each stage. He'd come off in a sprint I think, and was "filmed" showering after. he screamed when the water hit hi back - all the skin and some of the flesh had gone from the area over his vertebrae. He was asked about continuing. The somewhat laconic response was along the lines  "well, it's going to hurt anyway, may as well hurt on the bike"
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 01 July, 2013, 04:06:01 pm
The first Aussie woman to ride PBP (1987) had cracked her pelvis less than 2 weeks before.

An Aussie bloke at PBP03 cracked his pelvis before Loudiac but rode to the finish in time. He couldn't walk (carried in/out of controls by a couple mates riding with him) or ride standing up but was sort of comfortable sitting on a saddle.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: fuzzy on 01 July, 2013, 04:16:08 pm
Either way.. OUCH!

And the Tony Martin episode reminds me of years ago, when Stuart O'Grady (I think) was doing a tour diary to camera for Channel 4 after each stage. He'd come off in a sprint I think, and was "filmed" showering after. he screamed when the water hit hi back - all the skin and some of the flesh had gone from the area over his vertebrae. He was asked about continuing. The somewhat laconic response was along the lines  "well, it's going to hurt anyway, may as well hurt on the bike"

Robbie McEwan.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 01 July, 2013, 08:45:43 pm
How many people on yacf are in Nice for the TTT on Tues?  Seems like every second person here is British.


Guilty as charged Sir!

And also Cagnes on Wed.

Yorkshire stand appears the place to be if you don't want any free stuff. Might have had some loose gravel or a pot hole to give some atmosphere!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Pancho on 01 July, 2013, 09:24:13 pm
So jealous of you guys getting to watch this.

I'm having to spend a lot of time in the office and the bastards in IT have blocked every method of watching/following that I can fathom.

I've seen the TdF in the flesh twice; the Tourmalet and, by way of contrast, Portsmouth.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 01 July, 2013, 10:43:28 pm
An Aussie bloke at PBP03 cracked his pelvis before Loudiac but rode to the finish in time. He couldn't walk (carried in/out of controls by a couple mates riding with him) or ride standing up but was sort of comfortable sitting on a saddle.

As did our own Nick Jackson in 2011. Sub 60-hour finish and I rode some of the later stages with him.

That was after riding most of the BCM on a bodged singlespeed.  He didn't exactly have the smoothest of seasons!  I remember talking to him back in Paris after finishing (13 hours later) and thinking "I don't want to be as hard as you, it can't be much fun."
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Russell on 02 July, 2013, 09:39:35 am
Geraint Thomas is riding with a "small fracture of the pelvis".

Apparently we no longer say to someone "man up!", the current phrase is to "G up!"

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: fuzzy on 02 July, 2013, 10:36:41 am
Geraint Thomas is riding with a "small fracture of the pelvis".

Apparently we no longer say to someone "man up!", the current phrase is to "G up!"


Or GTFU :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nick H. on 02 July, 2013, 03:29:35 pm
Did anyone see Boardman's wind tunnel piece on the ITV highlights last night? He said that having someone on your wheel speeds you up by tidying up the airflow behind you. I think he said it was an 8 watts saving. (Can't remember what speed that's at.) Some pretty big implications - e.g. if you send someone up the road to fuck up a break by sitting there and doing no work, you're actually helping them to stay away. And in a TTT if you're not strong enough to take a turn you can still help the team by sitting at the back.

Plus there's the question of etiquette for recreational cyclists - when you grab a stranger's wheel and they get the hump you can tell them you're speeding them up.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: matthew on 02 July, 2013, 04:00:40 pm
The saving was from 400W to 382W so ~4.5%
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nick H. on 02 July, 2013, 04:03:51 pm
Thanks, so it was 18 watts, not 8. What speed was that at? And does this count as new news? Is it making waves anywhere?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: matthew on 02 July, 2013, 04:11:30 pm
Speed is a function of Watts and conditions1, they didn't state it unless you were to look back to Saturdays coverage and assume the same conditions.

1 For a given power on the flat then the speed will be a function of the wind speed and mechanical losses.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 02 July, 2013, 04:11:46 pm
The guy in the break could still probably do more damage than good by fucking up the break.

Now today's stage was good: How to stick the middle finger up to technology and win with no radios.  I love how this Tour has put the yellow jersey onto three unexpected riders so far.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nick H. on 02 July, 2013, 04:42:53 pm
Is anyone troubled by Greenedge posting the fastest ever TTT and having a former US Postal doper for a DS?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 02 July, 2013, 04:45:38 pm
Don't you know? The peloton is clean now! You aren't following the script.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 02 July, 2013, 05:03:50 pm
I thought he was sacked. I didn't know they'd taken him back on again!  :o
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nick H. on 02 July, 2013, 05:18:53 pm
Yeah, it was a shock to me to see his shifty mug in the post-race interview. Shame the interviewer didn't say 'nice to see you back in the sport, Matt.'
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 03 July, 2013, 08:59:00 am
I feel a bit sorry for young Kwiatowski who for so long probably expected to be taking yellow and ended up a second away from it -  ie no different from at the start of the day.

I see there’s a campaign - at least in the Anglophone corner of the Twitter cycling world – to have Ted King re-instated after missing the cut yesterday, on the grounds that
a) he hasn’t recovered from his injuries from stage 1 – with the implication that it was the orgs’ fault in the first place.
b) he claims his SRM timings showed that he was inside the cut-off time.

Not much chance, I should think.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 03 July, 2013, 10:07:10 am
The Reinstate Ted King campaign has mostly been sentimental nonsense. Can't be doing with that.

Vaughters has made the one genuinely good argument in favour of reinstating him that I've seen so far: harsh time limits do nothing to encourage clean cycling. Apparently, he's been campaigning for relaxing the time limits for a while.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 03 July, 2013, 10:48:13 am
I like some sentimental nonsense.  I like it that Paul Sherwen was reinstated when missing the cut-off by over 20 minutes after crashing in the first few minutes of a mountain stage, but rode solo for six hours to the finish.  The difference with Ted King is that his incident occurred 3 days earlier.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 03 July, 2013, 10:52:17 am
Road stages are emotional experiences, and an injured rider who publicly finishes outside the limit is much prized as an example of 'Courage'. But France is also a meritocratic society, and a time trial is a sort of public examination, 'The race of truth'. King has failed that exam, and is not eligible to proceed.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 03 July, 2013, 11:09:29 am
I like it that Paul Sherwen was reinstated when missing the cut-off by over 20 minutes after crashing in the first few minutes of a mountain stage, but rode solo for six hours to the finish.

OTOH, Taylor Phinney didn't get reinstated after his equally epic solo ride at the Tirreno-Adriatico recently...

I agree with Vaughters though.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 03 July, 2013, 11:20:36 am
But France is also a meritocratic society

Hands up everyone who thinks they would have done the same to Tommy Voekler..., nobody?  :-\
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 03 July, 2013, 11:41:08 am
But France is also a meritocratic society

Hands up everyone who thinks they would have done the same to Tommy Voekler..., nobody?  :-\

Voekler wouldn't have been left on his own. The time is for the first 5 over the line, so a rider would have been there to shepherd him if it was felt to be the right thing. King is just an apprentice in the Tour, Voekler is a master. Aspects of the Tour are a nod to the French apprenticeship system.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: rafletcher on 03 July, 2013, 11:57:43 am
I thought he was sacked. I didn't know they'd taken him back on again!  :o

He apparently was sacked by Cycling Australia, but "stepped down voluntarily" from his DS spot whilst the team "considered future".  So we know what decision they arrived it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 03 July, 2013, 12:27:05 pm
But France is also a meritocratic society

Hands up everyone who thinks they would have done the same to Tommy Voekler..., nobody?  :-\

Voekler wouldn't have been left on his own. The time is for the first 5 over the line, so a rider would have been there to shepherd him if it was felt to be the right thing. King is just an apprentice in the Tour, Voekler is a master. Aspects of the Tour are a nod to the French apprenticeship system.

But the ASO could have been lenient, and have been lenient in the past.

Of course this is the same ASO who have apparently, on the same day, fined Tony Martin 2,000 CHF for having world champ stripes on his TT bike. I suspect a massive sense-of-humour failure.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 03 July, 2013, 12:57:41 pm
There are 6 different coefficients for the time limits that riders have to finish within. Time trials are Coefficient 5, 25% of the winner's time.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 03 July, 2013, 01:16:49 pm
Is anyone troubled by Greenedge posting the fastest ever TTT and having a former US Postal doper for a DS?

Don't believe everything you read on the Internet

...besides, name me an ex-pro DS who wasn't a doper.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Eccentrica Gallumbits on 03 July, 2013, 03:18:04 pm
According to the live commentary on Geraint Thomas is riding with a "small fracture of the pelvis".  :o

Never mind he'll be mostly sitting down for the next 3 weeks.
Given that 18 months after my small fracture of the pelvis, I can't bear to be on a bike for more than about 2 miles at a time because of the pain, I have no idea how he's doing it. His must be a smaller fracture and in a different place, because there's no way he's tougher than me.  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gus on 04 July, 2013, 12:01:25 pm
Jurgen Van Den Broeck is out now :'( knee injury.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 04 July, 2013, 12:09:32 pm
We Brits are all very blasé about Cavendish wins these days, aren't we?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 04 July, 2013, 01:33:09 pm
We Brits are all very blasé about Cavendish wins these days, aren't we?

What, because he boringly won again.  Meh.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Toady on 04 July, 2013, 01:39:02 pm
We Brits are all very blasé about Cavendish wins these days, aren't we?

What, because he boringly won again.  Meh.

And to make matters worse he was really nice & personable in the interview afterwards, and completely failed to be arrogant or controversial. 
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 04 July, 2013, 02:19:58 pm

I can assure you I was jumping up and down with glee when he won yesterday, and will do likewise when he wins again today!  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 04 July, 2013, 02:38:27 pm
What, with your profile pic?  I'd never have guessed.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 04 July, 2013, 04:18:47 pm
CAV down!

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 04 July, 2013, 04:35:44 pm
What, with your profile pic?  I'd never have guessed.


(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 04 July, 2013, 08:00:44 pm
Is there any video of Cav's bunny hop / roundabout incident today?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 04 July, 2013, 08:32:19 pm
Yes. It was on the highlights quite early on. On ITV catch up I expect
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 05 July, 2013, 02:52:49 pm
It's here:

Less exciting than the reports I had read suggested.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clarion on 05 July, 2013, 02:59:48 pm
Still overtook three cars in a single move.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 05 July, 2013, 03:17:51 pm
Still overtook three cars in a single move.
Was probably doing 30mph + at the time and only just had room to get by the car at the exit bollard.

I'd like to see any detractors manage that.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: eck on 06 July, 2013, 09:51:54 am
Yay, that's Sky TV up and running chez nous. so Eurosport FTW. No more Phil 'n' Paul drivel, no more throwing things at the telly.

Note to Sherwen: "lime green" is not the only green; other shades are available.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: pcolbeck on 06 July, 2013, 10:26:55 am
I missed the last two stages. What happened to David Millar on stage 6 to make him loose 15 minutes?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: cyclone on 06 July, 2013, 07:11:51 pm
Froome = alien! Amazing last climb in crushing temps....
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 06 July, 2013, 07:40:58 pm
Froome = alien! Amazing last climb in crushing temps....

Having been born in Kenya and brought up in SA I would imagine he felt it less than northern Europeans.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: padbeat on 06 July, 2013, 08:10:05 pm
Yay, that's Sky TV up and running chez nous. so Eurosport FTW. No more Phil 'n' Paul drivel, no more throwing things at the telly.

Note to Sherwen: "lime green" is not the only green; other shades are available.
The Phil 'n' Paul show is a bit grim, but better that Sean 'more boring than Steve Davis' Kelly!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clifftaylor on 06 July, 2013, 09:07:28 pm
Froome = alien! Amazing last climb in crushing temps....

Having been born in Kenya and brought up in SA I would imagine he felt it less than northern Europeans.

Alien indeed - he did the climb faster than Armstrong ever did.........
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Toady on 06 July, 2013, 09:33:37 pm
Froome = alien! Amazing last climb in crushing temps....

Having been born in Kenya and brought up in SA I would imagine he felt it less than northern Europeans.

Alien indeed - he did the climb faster than Armstrong ever did.........
Not according to this link ( (I can't vouch for accuracy) but it's a darn close run thing.   And faster than Ullrich, Basso, Vino did.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 06 July, 2013, 09:44:56 pm
Froome = alien! Amazing last climb in crushing temps....

Or a robot pushing a shopping trolley as described by one of the ITV4 pundits today!

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 06 July, 2013, 10:30:24 pm
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: padbeat on 07 July, 2013, 12:06:00 am
It was the fishnet Blue Oyster Club jerseys what done it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: cyclone on 07 July, 2013, 07:50:53 am
Probably  ;)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 07 July, 2013, 12:18:38 pm
Just watched the highlights...


That wasn't so much blowing the race apart as dropping a nuke on it. Shows how much Sky were riding to Wiggo's weakness last year.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ray 6701 on 07 July, 2013, 12:34:33 pm
Yay, that's Sky TV up and running chez nous. so Eurosport FTW. No more Phil 'n' Paul drivel, no more throwing things at the telly.

Note to Sherwen: "lime green" is not the only green; other shades are available.
The Phil 'n' Paul show is a bit grim, but better that Sean 'more boring than Steve Davis' Kelly!

Sean Kelly is absolutely bloody brilliant!  He was very quiet when he 1st started but I think you'll find he is much more open now & has a very dry sense of humour. 

Carlton Kirby is a bit of a Duffield replacement though  :thumbsup:  & what's happened to David Harmon  ???
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 07 July, 2013, 12:42:59 pm
what's happened to David Harmon  ???

Taking time out reportedly with mental health issues. Hope he's OK.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 07 July, 2013, 12:44:52 pm
If you're doing the P+P drinking game and you picked the word 'isolated' you must be pissed as a fart after the first 30 mins coverage.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 07 July, 2013, 01:08:48 pm
It's a bit of a bike race this one isn't it?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 07 July, 2013, 01:12:16 pm
Why is Pierre Rolland wearing his pyjamas? Did he get up late?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 07 July, 2013, 01:30:07 pm
That wasn't so much blowing the race apart as dropping a nuke on it.

They're paying the price today though... This is turning into one hell of a race...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: lord hereford on 07 July, 2013, 02:07:01 pm
Just the last climb to go now. I can't remember many stages as open as this where the Yellow Jersey team have been spat out and left the leader alone for so long. FWIW I think Froome will cope on the last climb and limit any losses. Has Bertie taken some special stuff after yesterday? Moo..... we'll soon see.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 07 July, 2013, 02:25:41 pm
But France is also a meritocratic society

Hands up everyone who thinks they would have done the same to Tommy Voekler..., nobody?  :-\

Voekler wouldn't have been left on his own. The time is for the first 5 over the line, so a rider would have been there to shepherd him if it was felt to be the right thing. King is just an apprentice in the Tour, Voekler is a master. Aspects of the Tour are a nod to the French apprenticeship system.

But the ASO could have been lenient, and have been lenient in the past.

Of course this is the same ASO who have apparently, on the same day, fined Tony Martin 2,000 CHF for having world champ stripes on his TT bike. I suspect a massive sense-of-humour failure.  :facepalm:

Well today will be interesting. Five big climbs and a cut-off point of reportedly just half an hour or so. Let's hope the sprint guys brought their climbing legs, if the race jury continues to be as strict as they are then some big names just might need them.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 07 July, 2013, 02:34:29 pm
Is this tour a tour or what its been a long time since it has been this exciting with so many teams and riders going for it,  loving it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 07 July, 2013, 03:10:50 pm
Come on Dan Martin!!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mcshroom on 07 July, 2013, 03:17:06 pm
Well that was some very clever cat and mousing :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Aidan on 07 July, 2013, 03:44:37 pm
Good win!

Did anyone else see the mooner at the roadside with 7.2 to go. :-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 07 July, 2013, 03:46:32 pm
Yes we spotted the bike rack :-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 07 July, 2013, 03:47:49 pm
Wonder what Wiggo was thinking if he watched that stage? 'Well done Froomy' or 'Come on Movistar!!'?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Tewdric on 07 July, 2013, 05:52:39 pm
A Brailsford feint perchance?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 07 July, 2013, 05:53:58 pm
Well today will be interesting. Five big climbs and a cut-off point of reportedly just half an hour or so. Let's hope the sprint guys brought their climbing legs, if the race jury continues to be as strict as they are then some big names just might need them.

Shut up, me.

All the sprinters made it back in time - but Sky have lost Kiryenka, who it seems was the last man home and missed the time cut by about a minute. Time will tell how much pressure losing him puts on the the Sky train.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 07 July, 2013, 06:48:34 pm
A Brailsford feint perchance?

What, Porte losing minutes?

Doubt it very much. What if Froome crashes out or gets ill?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 07 July, 2013, 08:33:18 pm
Well today will be interesting. Five big climbs and a cut-off point of reportedly just half an hour or so. Let's hope the sprint guys brought their climbing legs, if the race jury continues to be as strict as they are then some big names just might need them.

I believe there is a rule that if a group containing 25% or more of the field is out of time then they are OK as you are not allowed to disqualify 25% of the field.  Sadly, Kiryenka was not in a group of 25% of the field, so he is out.

Doubt it very much. What if Froome crashes out or gets ill?

Then he will not win the tour and neither will Sky.

Last year was somewhat unique in modern times with the same team on the podium.  Can't expect it to always be so and Sky will have to risk it along with other teams, just like BMC did when Evans won.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 07 July, 2013, 08:36:17 pm
Point I am making is that Sky are unlikely to deliberately pull Porte back.  No way would Sky have chosen for Froome to be isolated
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andygates on 07 July, 2013, 08:42:17 pm
Not when you saw Porte riding like a dog to regain contact, no.

That was a cracking stage.  Inspired me to get my road bike out and blow the cobwebs off with some Devon descending.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 07 July, 2013, 08:44:51 pm
Point I am making is that Sky are unlikely to deliberately pull Porte back.  No way would Sky have chosen for Froome to be isolated

They had no choice as Porte was shot, so he might as well lose a lot of time and preserve his strength rather than push on to limit losses, still end-up well down on other GC contenders and be well and truly shot.  Now he can recuperate and get ready to help Froome on Ventoux and in the Alps.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andyoxon on 08 July, 2013, 10:23:26 pm
Just watched the highlights - exciting stuff!

Noticed Froome's elliptical chainset  -   I suppose there must be some advantage to using them then...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Greenbank on 09 July, 2013, 02:29:03 pm
Just through Quédillac (past the secret control)and Saint-Méen-Le-Grand. Any sharp eyed PBP-ers spot anything familiar?

(Helps to look at the right route!)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 09 July, 2013, 07:58:58 pm
This thread seems very quiet, considering the events of the latter stages today!  :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 09 July, 2013, 08:06:50 pm
Yup, just saw the highlights - fecking heck what a sprint and not a in a good mood Cab at the interview. It looked to me that the other fella drifted towards Cav and he retaliate a wee bit hard, because he was pissed that he had run out of lead outs.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 09 July, 2013, 08:08:03 pm
Yup, just saw the highlights - fecking heck what a sprint and not a in a good mood Cab at the interview. It looked to me that the other fella drifted towards Cab and he retaliate a wee bit hard, because he was pissed that he had run out of lead outs.

My thoughts entirely.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 09 July, 2013, 08:09:22 pm
I think he was pissed at someone not contesting the sprint in his way. It was a bit 50/50 really...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 09 July, 2013, 08:11:55 pm
Cav flicks the bike right and leans left to keep balance, Veelers moves right and stops pedalling, drifts straight into a left leaning Cav. A minor brush, but it caught Veelers arm and down he went. A racing incident and one that would have been avoided if Veelers had kept his line.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 09 July, 2013, 08:12:07 pm
There's more trains than they are tracks these days, and we're starting to get collisions at the points. The number of riders trying to drop off through the leading contenders is impeding the sprint.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 09 July, 2013, 08:13:29 pm
Cav had a point I think. Putting the finish line on a bend is a Bit Daft.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 09 July, 2013, 08:31:53 pm
It looked to me that the other fella drifted towards Cav and he retaliate a wee bit hard, because he was pissed that he had run out of lead outs.

I think you have it right.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 09 July, 2013, 08:35:33 pm
I don't think there was that much chance to make such a decision.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Tewdric on 09 July, 2013, 08:47:32 pm
Just watched the highlights - exciting stuff!

Noticed Froome's elliptical chainset  -   I suppose there must be some advantage to using them then...

Financial, primarily, is my guess.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 10 July, 2013, 12:41:02 am
Noticed Froome's elliptical chainset  -   I suppose there must be some advantage to using them then...
I tried some out around 18 years ago and for my kinda riding on a MTB - I could feel a wee bit as I was pulling or rather dragging more chain around on each stroke. But that feeling only hanged around for a ride or two.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: rafletcher on 10 July, 2013, 08:32:32 am
And now Renshaw back with Cav next year...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: rafletcher on 10 July, 2013, 12:41:52 pm
And Cav suffering for his perceived transgressions yesterday..

"Sadly there are confirmed reports that roadside spectators have thrown urine at Mark Cavendish during his time trial. We'll try and find out more."  :o

from the Cylingnews feed.  :-X
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 10 July, 2013, 12:44:44 pm
Niiice.  :sick:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: cyclone on 10 July, 2013, 05:14:06 pm
great ride from Froome again - mashed the movistar challenge, but I really hope that the rest of the team can help for next week......

not impressed with the urine soaking of Cav either......
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: αdαmsκι on 10 July, 2013, 10:49:48 pm
Tour de France on fast forward + Benny Hill music = comedy  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 11 July, 2013, 01:15:56 pm
Tony Martin's top gear: 58x11  :o My knees hurt just thinking about that.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 11 July, 2013, 01:20:24 pm
not impressed with the urine soaking of Cav either......
When interviewed about it did Froome really say: "It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth."?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 11 July, 2013, 01:34:55 pm
not impressed with the urine soaking of Cav either......
When interviewed about it did Froome really say: "It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth."?

The exact quote was:

"One individual doing that just leaves a bit of a bad taste in the mouth. And a bad taste in Mark's mouth."  ;D

Mind you, Cav appeared to see the funny side as well:

Mark Cavendish ‏@MarkCavendish (
Well i think the apple juice looks far from appetising for me tonight... And I'm not taking the piss. Did that once already today. #standup
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hillbilly on 11 July, 2013, 06:12:13 pm
Not the first time a urine sample has sullied the reputation of le Tour.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clifftaylor on 11 July, 2013, 07:04:02 pm
There's yellow jerseys,  and there's yellow jerseys.....
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: domesticated ape on 11 July, 2013, 08:11:02 pm
I'm a big Cavendish fan, but I have to say that Marcel Kittel has been outstanding in the last two stages. Yesterday Greipel had a perfect lead-out and Kittel managed to sneak onto his wheel and take the win, and today he did exactly the same thing to Cav. With Kittel and Greipel around Cavendish will do well just to get another win, fingers crossed he can pull it out of the bag on the Champs-Elysees!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimC on 11 July, 2013, 09:07:56 pm
I got the impression that Cav backed off approaching the line and was kind of surprised that Kittel was there! It was certainly a commanding display by Kittel, very impressive.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 11 July, 2013, 09:13:04 pm
I didn't think Cav had backed off. I thought the look on his face was just a realisation that he's had a perfect run in, and had gone as fast as he was able, but that Kittel simply had more power.

I'm amazed at how few really serious injuries there are in some of these crashes during the Tour so far.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 11 July, 2013, 09:53:08 pm
It was a headwind finish, so Kittel's greater power to frontal area would be an advantage, Cav might have done better to go later. It was a good finish with Steegmans riding a textbook leadout. I'm still appreciative of a British rider coming second by half a wheel, and of a British rider on a British team, in yellow coming second to the world champion in a time trial.
I'm a bit perplexed by the lack of enthusiasm for Froome, he's riding a much more entertaining race than Bradley.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hillbilly on 11 July, 2013, 10:26:18 pm
Froome is the Greg Rusedski of cycling as opposed to Wiggins as Tim Henman?  British but kind of viewed as not?

Or perhaps boring rider but entertaining personailty (Wiggins) trumps boring personality but entertaining cyclist (Froome)?  Especially for the media.  Compare Wiggins' and Froome's responses in yellow to questions about doping.  Wiggo was memorable but Froome merely measured and rwasoned (and in French).
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 11 July, 2013, 10:32:52 pm
Also, although last year Wiggins was favourite, there was still a kinda feeling of "Can a British rider really do it?!"

This year, Froome was expected to piss it before a pedal was even turned. Nobody is remotely surprised...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 11 July, 2013, 10:57:57 pm
The Argos-Shimano kit looks really shit. But at least it makes another team easy to spot in the run-in.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 12 July, 2013, 08:21:58 am
OPQS made errors in the leadout which made it possible for Kittel to win. Steegmans lost the wheel, ended up launching Cav early. Steegmans leadout rider dragged Kittel up towards the finish, giving him the opportunity to mug Cav.

Cav would probably have won with a 20m later leadout.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: fuzzy on 12 July, 2013, 08:32:33 am
That was my observation. As soon as I saw him go I was thinking 'Too early!'

Still, Chapeau to Marcel Kittel (I must control my urge to call him Marcel Wave ( Makes me wonder how he would have fared last year if he hadn't been taken ill.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 12 July, 2013, 09:41:56 am
Froome is the Greg Rusedski of cycling as opposed to Wiggins as Tim Henman?  British but kind of viewed as not?

Froome is Tony Greig to Wiggins' Ian Botham or Freddy Flintoff. Victory through meticulous preparation isn't a good story the second time around. We've had all the detail about how much detailed planning there's been, and now we're stuck for an angle. ITV4 have been setting up a story about how the balance of power has shifted among the sprinters, resulting in three trains attempting to find the best lines for their lead-outs.
The obvious team for a lead-out train is Sky, with a nucleus of Olympic team pursuiters, but they've lost their sprinter. I've got a lot of nostalgia for the Cipo' era, when the legacy of the Olympic 100km TTT meant that his train kept the last 20km safely lined out. We could do with some of that, especially in these days of traffic calming
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 12:03:46 pm
Froome is the Greg Rusedski of cycling


I really like Froome. I like the way he rides (though not the way he looks on a bike), and I like him as a person - he seems intelligent, measured and grounded.

He also knows how to make a bike race exciting. Remember stage 17 of the Vuelta in 2011?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 12 July, 2013, 12:43:42 pm
Froome is the Greg Rusedski of cycling


I really like Froome. I like the way he rides (though not the way he looks on a bike), and I like him as a person - he seems intelligent, measured and grounded.

He also knows how to make a bike race exciting. Remember stage 17 of the Vuelta in 2011?

Best description I've seen: 'Looks like an octopus that fell out of a tree'  ;D I quite like him. I think his apparent blandness come from being shy.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 12 July, 2013, 12:48:41 pm
Froome is the Greg Rusedski of cycling


I really like Froome. I like the way he rides (though not the way he looks on a bike), and I like him as a person - he seems intelligent, measured and grounded.

He also knows how to make a bike race exciting. Remember stage 17 of the Vuelta in 2011?

Best description I've seen: 'Looks like an octopus that fell out of a tree'  ;D I quite like him. I think his apparent blandness come from being shy.

I just don't see it. For me it'll always be "pushing a shopping trolley with a phone tucked on his shoulder".
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 12 July, 2013, 12:57:38 pm
I just don't see it. For me it'll always be "pushing a shopping trolley with a phone tucked on his shoulder".

Has there been a less likely looking favourite/winner ever before?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 12 July, 2013, 01:12:53 pm
I just don't see it. For me it'll always be "pushing a shopping trolley with a phone tucked on his shoulder".

Has there been a less likely looking favourite/winner ever before?

I can't take credit for it, I think I read it somewhere on here :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 12 July, 2013, 01:24:45 pm

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 12 July, 2013, 01:55:19 pm
The only person with a worse style is Dan Martin. He looks like a bag of loosely connected spanners that are about to spring apart at any moment. Very effective bag of spanners though and one of Brums finest exports.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 12 July, 2013, 03:06:26 pm
McEwen reckons Cav's below par this year. Let's hope so and he'll his find form again, otherwise his target of most stage wins is in jeopardy.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimC on 12 July, 2013, 04:12:43 pm
I just don't see it. For me it'll always be "pushing a shopping trolley with a phone tucked on his shoulder".

Has there been a less likely looking favourite/winner ever before?

He is a bit gangly and inelegant, isn't he? And he's a bit boring too, but he's a great rider. Looks to me like the wheels are coming off Sky's effort, and Froomey's looking more and more isolated. I hope he can hang on to the Yellow Jersey until the mountains, and that his teammates are still around to give him some support.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 12 July, 2013, 04:13:00 pm
What a fantastic stage! Wasn't expecting anything like that today!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 12 July, 2013, 04:13:43 pm
What a fantastic stage! Wasn't expecting anything like that today!

I bet there are some riders thinking the same!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 12 July, 2013, 04:13:59 pm
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Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gus on 12 July, 2013, 04:17:05 pm
And that's how you make a massacre in crosswind, brilliant racing today  :D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 12 July, 2013, 04:19:43 pm
Great riding from OMFG - keeping Cav at the head of the race as it was blowing to pieces...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 12 July, 2013, 04:20:04 pm
Blimey! That looked brutal. 29mph average speed too.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hillbilly on 12 July, 2013, 04:22:20 pm
Looking forward to the highlights this evening.

And here was me thinking when I saw the stage profile yesterday "will be a dull stage, won't pay much attention to it".  How wrong, how wrong....
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 12 July, 2013, 04:28:26 pm
BBC commentators admitted they thought the same.

Truly epic dueling there.
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Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 12 July, 2013, 04:30:50 pm
That is up there with one of the best stages I've seen in the TdF. Not even a mountain sight either!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 04:36:29 pm
That was magnificent. Everything that's to love about bike racing.

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Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 04:37:32 pm
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Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 12 July, 2013, 04:42:16 pm
I wonder what the 'Sky are the new USPS dopers' brigade will say now. They have fallen apart twice now. If they are on a program they're making a sodding awful job of it. (FWIW I believe they are clean)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 12 July, 2013, 04:45:25 pm
I wouldn't have described that as falling apart. Geraint is injured and can't contribute as much as might have been expected. One other out.

So two men down - the team burnt themselves up keeping Froome in contention for GC
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: JenM on 12 July, 2013, 05:02:46 pm
Sky have 2 withdrawals - Edvald Boasson Hagen (broke shoulder in crash yesterday) and Vasil Kiryienka (out as didn't reach the cut-off time) + Geraint injury
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 12 July, 2013, 05:05:09 pm
Sky are down to 7 men and G is injured. F won't ride unless he absolutely has to.
Tomorrow may well be interesting too. Missed the last hour - how come Froome got caught out?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 05:11:50 pm
In the post race interview, Froome said Stannard tried to make the jump when Saxo attacked but he was boxed in and by the time they extricated themselves, it was too late.

Partly bad luck, partly tactical naivety - the Sky boys possibly should have been nearer the front at that point.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: JenM on 12 July, 2013, 05:12:29 pm
Saxo seeing that Froome's support was dwindling put the hammer down. Sky and others didn't / couldn't get organised to counter.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: red marley on 12 July, 2013, 05:15:30 pm
Cav put it rather well in the post-race interview (he was last to make the jump to the leading breakaway) - it's like falling though ice; you have about 5 seconds to sort yourself out or you're finished.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 12 July, 2013, 05:21:12 pm
Sky are down to 7 men and G is injured. F won't ride unless he absolutely has to.
Tomorrow may well be interesting too. Missed the last hour - how come Froome got caught out?
Dithered on whether to hang on to breakaway Saxo group. You could actually see him in no-mans-land thinking it through. For the sake of 45 seconds worth of 100% effort i'm surprised he didn't bite. But with echelons it is difficult I admit.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 12 July, 2013, 05:25:54 pm
Cav put it rather well in the post-race interview (he was last to make the jump to the leading breakaway) - it's like falling though ice; you have about 5 seconds to sort yourself out or you're finished.

I like it when Cav gets all metaphorical. That was a good one!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 07:30:41 pm
Mr Nibbles going against the tide of popular opinion, I suspect:

L'azione al #TdF2013 di oggi nei confronti di @alejanvalverde è una cosa che non piace a nessuno!! La ruota gira per tutti prima o poi.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 12 July, 2013, 07:34:53 pm
Mr Nibbles going against the tide of popular opinion, I suspect:

L'azione al #TdF2013 di oggi nei confronti di @alejanvalverde è una cosa che non piace a nessuno!! La ruota gira per tutti prima o poi.

"The action at # TdF2013 today against @ alejanvalverde is one thing that no one likes it! The wheel turns for everyone sooner or later."

Meh. The whole peloton can't be expected to sit up just because someone has a puncture; the cat was already among the pigeons and it wasn't a GC team who put it there. Admittedly Belkin and Saxo Tinkoff twisted the knife a little later on, but at that point Movistar were well and truely dropped.

Welcome to the big boy's league.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 07:42:14 pm
I might have felt more sympathy if it had happened to someone other than Valverde.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 07:47:41 pm
Valverde takes it on the chin:

Gracias por los ánimos. Tenemos una semana de alpes que vais a disfrutar de lo lindo los amantes del ciclismo, os lo aseguro.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 07:48:44 pm
What was that about the wheel coming round, Mr Nibbles?

There is your answer to why Belkin are in front.. #tdf RT @Nancy_Arreola Tour de Swiss 2011 movistar went full gas when Bauke had a flat
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 12 July, 2013, 08:08:29 pm
Sky will find it difficult to contain these sort of attacks without the likes of Yates in the team car. There would have been riders in the chasing group who could have lent a hand, but the estrangement of Sky from cycling's murky past means that they will find themselves isolated. We saw some of that in the Olympic Road Race.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 12 July, 2013, 08:31:41 pm
What was that about the wheel coming round, Mr Nibbles?

There is your answer to why Belkin are in front.. #tdf RT @Nancy_Arreola Tour de Swiss 2011 movistar went full gas when Bauke had a flat

And the Dauphiné when Gesink had some issues with Valverde.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 12 July, 2013, 08:33:31 pm
Info from Dutch TV, one of the Belkin DS's had scouted out the stage in advance, noting all he spots where an echelon could be formed. He kept his boys informed on were be at the front. Regarding the Saxo move, one of them had talked before to one of the Belkin riders, asking them to join in.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 12 July, 2013, 08:39:01 pm
And the Dauphiné when Gesink had some issues with Valverde.

That sounds familiar, now you mention it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 12 July, 2013, 08:57:01 pm
Valverde lost out in the Vuelta last year on a similar stage as Sky attacked at the moment he fell - back in the days when they could put out a strong team.

It's a shame for the race as another strong climber higher up the standings would have added to the mix for next week, but well played to Contador and also Cavendish for exploiting the opportunities that presented themselves.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 12 July, 2013, 09:20:52 pm
On Sporza (Belgian TV) Peeters (Omega DS) told that over breakfast he had talks with Belkin riders and DS about forming echelons. Having riders who rode for eachothers teams did help he added. Sky lacked coalition partners. I guess that Sky lost that option in the spring when they won too much and didn't give some presents to some sprinters teams.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 12 July, 2013, 10:46:12 pm
Mr Nibbles going against the tide of popular opinion, I suspect:

L'azione al #TdF2013 di oggi nei confronti di @alejanvalverde è una cosa che non piace a nessuno!! La ruota gira per tutti prima o poi.

Belkin were working with OPQ at the front before Valverde's puncture.  I couldn't work out why.  Ivo's comments suggest that they thought they were capable of forming more splits from which they could benefit, and V's puncture was just an early bonus.  It would have been a bit 'off' if they'd been sitting on before the puncture and then hammered it afterwards, which is what Boardman said had happened. 

That's several stages won now where well-laid plans have come off.  I loved it when Cannondale picked their stage and won it, and pretty much sealed the the green jersey in one go for Sagan.  And when Garmin, in a less calculated way, just went wild last Sunday and Dan Martin reaped the benefit.  Now this with Belkin and Omega.  And I suppose Sky last Saturday, with a more familiar narrative, though executed in style.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 12 July, 2013, 11:15:02 pm
Some Twitter rumours infer that the Movistar and Belkin team cars were playing chicken  :o
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 13 July, 2013, 09:25:56 am
Without a good sprinter, I couldn't see why Belkin were working.

But I think this got them 2nd and 5th GC places - maybe that was worth the effort and planning.

Exciting stuff anyway! Cav was understandably happy.

shame this was the first stage where I got a spoiler by email - still, this shit happens every year, hopefully this was the only time for 2013. I'm going to a Ventoux stage BBQ, spoiler-invulnerability!

(People say "DS for Team X was scouting the course, what a tactical genius" - but we don't know if any DSes did NOT scout a particular stage!)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 13 July, 2013, 01:19:33 pm
Watching the highlights again this morning, I think perhaps there's a case for saying Belkin were slightly naughty, but Movistar aren't exactly the best placed team to take the moral high ground on this one.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: pcolbeck on 13 July, 2013, 02:52:25 pm
Jens  Voight starts another breakaway ! I'll really miss him when he finally retires.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 13 July, 2013, 04:07:12 pm
oooh, exciting finish! Glad I sat down for some food at just the right time today, to catch the last 10 miles.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 13 July, 2013, 10:04:26 pm
In the OPQS team car they were fairly pleased with Trentin.

If you only played the soundtrack you could get the wrong idea  ;)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 14 July, 2013, 11:28:36 am
From Twitter:

"It must be about now that Marc Madiot pulls out his CD of La Marseillaise and does the loudest team briefing ever"   ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 14 July, 2013, 02:44:44 pm
Nice wheelie from Sagan. He would have looked an almighty prick if he'd fucked it up though!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 14 July, 2013, 02:49:25 pm
Hehe that was well fun :-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 14 July, 2013, 03:11:29 pm
Richie Porte - so steady :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 14 July, 2013, 03:13:23 pm
Froomy fecking heck!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 14 July, 2013, 03:13:36 pm
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 14 July, 2013, 03:21:38 pm
30s ahead of Contador and Neve, 4 km to go. Gap lengthening...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 14 July, 2013, 03:23:53 pm
I'd love to know what they are saying, Froome and the Columbian.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 14 July, 2013, 03:28:41 pm
Awesome  :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Notsototalnewbie on 14 July, 2013, 03:30:39 pm
Why does he keep calling him Richie Froome?!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 14 July, 2013, 03:37:57 pm
With that finish, I hope Froome isn't doping...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 14 July, 2013, 03:47:54 pm
I bet the Cyclingnews forum has melted.

edit: Bugger me, I've just checked - it has  404 Not Found   ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 14 July, 2013, 03:53:07 pm
That was utterly freakin' awesome. I'm finally starting to warm to this Froome chappie now.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 14 July, 2013, 03:57:04 pm
I bet the Cyclingnews forum has melted.

edit: Bugger me, I've just checked - it has  404 Not Found   ;D

Damn, blast and Bugger you and your pointing out of yet another blinking forum which I was hitherto unaware of.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 14 July, 2013, 04:00:36 pm
I bet the Cyclingnews forum has melted.

edit: Bugger me, I've just checked - it has  404 Not Found   ;D

Damn, blast and Bugger you and your pointing out of yet another blinking forum which I was hitherto unaware of.

I shouldn't worry - they're all now in a coma, post apoplectic seizure.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Auntie Helen on 14 July, 2013, 04:34:19 pm
I like the fact that the music at the end of the ITV4 Live programme was "Night on Bald Mountain" by Mussorgsky!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andygates on 14 July, 2013, 04:34:32 pm
Wasn't that a stage?  Crikey?  Froome go boom boom boom, va va voom.  :thumbsup:

That's how to dominate a bike race.  By the end I was in sympathetic lactic agony.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clifftaylor on 14 July, 2013, 04:49:04 pm
Someone isn't impressed:

Here is the translation from Virenque: "Totally acceptable and believable perfomance, middle of the pack rider in Continental races for years, average clocker (time trialist), and can easily respond to attacks made by a world-class Colombian that weighs 12kg less than him in a Grand Tour on a 10% ramp, like Sir Dave, (mockingly) I also don't believe in physics, logic, or sharing performance data, I just believe in heart. All you need is heart. All the greats have heart, guys like me, Pantani, Vino, Di Luca, Armstrong, it's just heart. Unfortunately it's a heart of darkness."
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 14 July, 2013, 05:11:47 pm
Froome was 4 or 5 minutes slower for the last 15 km compared to some of the faster times, Pantani etc. And that's with a helpful wind today, reportedly.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Torslanda on 14 July, 2013, 05:22:31 pm
Someone isn't impressed:

Here is the translation from Virenque: "Totally acceptable and believable perfomance, middle of the pack rider in Continental races for years, average clocker (time trialist), and can easily respond to attacks made by a world-class Colombian that weighs 12kg less than him in a Grand Tour on a 10% ramp, like Sir Dave, (mockingly) I also don't believe in physics, logic, or sharing performance data, I just believe in heart. All you need is heart. All the greats have heart, guys like me, Pantani, Vino, Di Luca, Armstrong, it's just heart. Unfortunately it's a heart of darkness."

But don't forget the pharmaceuticals . . .
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 14 July, 2013, 05:28:14 pm
You can't really compare historical races, since the stages prior to this one may have been quite different, more so if the stage is in a differing position in the race.  Often the stages vary anyway, so how much cycling they've done before they get to Mont Ventoux itself could be quite different.  Of course, so much of this race is tactics, so it isn't necessarily important to go any faster than you need to.

I think Froome has psychologically made the point that he needed to, which is that if he wants to, he can beat off any competition in the mountains, albeit with help from his team, especially Richie Porte.

Most of the GC winners in recent years have done well in the mountains.  At the very least they have to be competent climbers, but most of them have turned out to be very good ones.  Just choosing to go straight past a competitor on the final few miles of a mountain stage like Mont Ventoux must be incredibly dispiriting, which has to be worth gold for the remainder of the race.

Froome won today's race, is currently in yellow and the polka dot jersey, and so stands a very good job of staying in yellow to the end.  He's clearly a very able rider, and makes me feel like a seven stone weakling!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clifftaylor on 14 July, 2013, 05:36:35 pm
and makes me feel like a seven stone weakling!

My worry is that after years of being an average pro rider he joins Sky, and now makes the entire peloton feel the same way.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: sg37409 on 14 July, 2013, 06:17:27 pm
Someone isn't impressed:

Here is the translation from Virenque: "middle of the pack rider in Continental races for years, average clocker (time trialist),."

There's probably a very good reason for this. Virenque and his mates must know why Froome was a middle of the pack rider.

Go Froome. I've taken longer to warm to him than Wiggins, but Evans, Wiggins and now Froome (hoping he wins) shows he tour is winnable clean. From the dark years of Armstrong, Contador, Landis, etc, etc, etc since Lemond basically.    Vive le tour. Mines another cold beer please.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 14 July, 2013, 06:31:51 pm
Froome (hoping he wins) shows he tour is winnable clean.

There is, and always will be, an undertone to a win - to someone you're willing to put your support behind. "God, I hope you're clean."

I bet there's thousands of Lance supporters who gave their support, based on this very mantra.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 14 July, 2013, 06:34:10 pm
and makes me feel like a seven stone weakling!
My worry is that after years of being an average pro rider he joins Sky, and now makes the entire peloton feel the same way.

Worry from what perspective? That he's not riding clean, or that the Sky team has worked out how to beat other teams using training and tactics?

I'd like to think it's got to the point that drugs are now minimally a problem, since the chances of getting caught (even retrospectively in some years time, when new tests are invented) are much higher than they once were.

I'd say that Sky are just incredibly well organised, with a very strong team, that can get Froome into the position he needs to be.  Richie Porte's support, and the other team members, obviously helped to get Froome to where he needed to be today, so that he could then launch himself off against the rest of the race.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 14 July, 2013, 06:39:29 pm
Virenque is spouting sour grapes. Quintana was a non-entity on the world scene till this year. When Froome caught him, Quintana had been out front solo for 6k which is a very long way in the mountains. No wonder he couldn't hold Froome's wheel at the end.

Contador and ASchleck are shadows of their former selves. For Andy, it is probably psychological, for Alberto he is missing something..

If you take Froome out of the equation, who would have punted Mollema as a potential tour winner?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: pcolbeck on 14 July, 2013, 07:20:06 pm
Froome appears to be trying to win with some style rather than just use the Brailsford grind it out by the numbers method. Hope he keeps it up. I though he wasn't going to make it down the steps after the jersey presentation it looked like his legs were going to give out on him. good job there,s a rest day.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Tom M on 14 July, 2013, 07:23:38 pm
Is it just me, or does Bauke Mollema sound like some kind of medical condition?

"I'm sorry, but we have diagnosed the very rare Bauke Mollema syndrome..."
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clifftaylor on 14 July, 2013, 07:24:17 pm
Virenque is spouting sour grapes. Quintana was a non-entity on the world scene till this year.

As was Froome until he joined Sky - and he was close to not getting his contract renewed until the "Bilharzia" issue was resolved.....
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clifftaylor on 14 July, 2013, 07:27:02 pm
Is sport getting cleaner?? Ask Asafa Powell or Tyson Gay (see BBC website)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 14 July, 2013, 07:37:15 pm
Froome appears to be trying to win with some style rather than just use the Brailsford grind it out by the numbers method. Hope he keeps it up. I though he wasn't going to make it down the steps after the jersey presentation it looked like his legs were going to give out on him. good job there,s a rest day.

And just imagine how much faster he'd be if he raised his saddle by an inch or two  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 14 July, 2013, 07:42:14 pm
Is it just me, or does Bauke Mollema sound like some kind of medical condition?

"I'm sorry, but we have diagnosed the very rare Bauke Mollema syndrome..."

It's something you might be susceptible to after a previous episode of Vitas Gerulaitis (
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 14 July, 2013, 08:56:24 pm
Quintana was a non-entity on the world scene till this year.

A bit unfair.  He was in good company when he won the Tour de L'Avenir.  Then overall wins in Vuelta a Murcia and Route du Sud last year.

If you take Froome out of the equation, who would have punted Mollema as a potential tour winner?

Brailsford reputedly tried to buy him a couple of years ago.  Which doesn't exactly answer your question but he was only around 30 seconds behind Wiggins when 4th at the 2011 Vuelta.  And Timothy John of wrote after this year's Tour de Suisee: "By winning at the summit of the signature climb of the race, and finishing a creditable third on the final stage time trial, Mollema has shown the precise qualities required of a stage race winner. It will surely be only a matter of time"
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 14 July, 2013, 10:11:21 pm
Virenque and his mates must know why Froome was a middle of the pack rider.

You might well be right there.

I've also really taken to Froome, I like how he comes across in interviews.

Sprinters: a question. What is it that makes stages like today's extremely tough for them? For instance, I see that Cav was struggling a bit today before he even got to Ventoux.

OK I appreciate that Cav has a heavier build and that his physiology, fast twitch fibres or whatever, make him best suited to explosive bursts of energy, but he's supremely fit and can outsprint the best of them after a long non-flat stage.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: hazeii on 14 July, 2013, 10:43:35 pm
...All the greats have heart, guys like me, Pantani, Vino, Di Luca, Armstrong, it's just heart. Unfortunately it's a heart of darkness."

Left Contador off that list.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 14 July, 2013, 11:17:44 pm
Paul Sherwen did point out that while Quintana was born at 10,000 feet, Froome was born at close to 6,000 feet in Nairobi. We need an interview with Chris in Swahili.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: cyclone on 14 July, 2013, 11:33:19 pm
The French pundits still don't think that Froome will win, and as for Virenques comments - well a lot of sour grapes because he couldn't do anything clean....Although it was a crushing display, he was still nearly ten minutes down on the record for the climb, could the team talk be slow down show that you're human ;)?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 14 July, 2013, 11:58:22 pm
I'm getting conflicting information about the times done up The Giant over the years. Some of it saying that Froome was three only minutes faster than Charly Gaul back in the Cretaceous Period, others that he was faster than Armstrong etc, and others slower. Any bona fide sources out there?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 15 July, 2013, 05:41:46 am
Depends who you listen to. Some people are just selecting whichever portion of the climb suits their agenda.
But.... it did look a bit like The Chicken before he got caught didn't it
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Rob C. on 15 July, 2013, 09:15:39 am
From Twitter:

Froome's time for the complete climb was 59:07, but time for the last 15k is 2nd fastest ever.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 15 July, 2013, 09:31:36 am
Depends who you listen to. Some people are just selecting whichever portion of the climb suits their agenda.
But.... it did look a bit like The Chicken before he got caught didn't it

No, it looked like an athlete who had trained hard on the climb previously and is at the top of his game currently.  He also cycles for a team who will not even consider employing 'reformed' cyclists and who have a 'below zero' tolerance to misuse of substances.

That does not mean to say they are not willing to forgo a fine for handing out musettes outside the official zone as was shown on ITV4 and not really mentioned after.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 15 July, 2013, 09:46:30 am
There's probably a very good reason for this. Virenque and his mates must know why Froome was a middle of the pack rider.

This is a good point. However, Froome was never a "middle of the pack" rider. He showed enough promise as a neo-pro in 2008 that he became one of the top names on Sky's shopping list when the team was being set up (he outperformed his fellow Brit Barloworld team-mate, one G.Thomas). Unfortunately, he was then struck down by illness that pretty much set his progress back by two years. It's only since the Vuelta in 2011 that we've seen the real Froome.

Quintana was a non-entity on the world scene till this year.


He's 23. And he's been very much on the radar since winning a stage of the Dauphiné last year.

If you take Froome out of the equation, who would have punted Mollema as a potential tour winner?

Well, me for one. I'm on record as nominating Mollema and Taaramae as my dark horses for this Tour. So much for Taaramae...

Worth noting that Mollema was also on Brailsford's shopping list along with Froome in 2009, but he was happy at Rabobank.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 15 July, 2013, 10:32:11 am
Depends who you listen to. Some people are just selecting whichever portion of the climb suits their agenda.
But.... it did look a bit like The Chicken before he got caught didn't itinerar
He also cycles for a team who will not even consider employing 'reformed' cyclists and who have a 'below zero' tolerance to misuse of substances.

You are being more than a little naive if you think that Sky didn't know about the dodgy history of Sean Yates, Michael Barry, Shane Suttton, Michael Rogers, Bobby Julich, Steven de Jong and ex-Rabobank doping administrator Geert Leinders BEFORE they hired them
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 15 July, 2013, 10:35:12 am
Any bona fide sources out there?

No, it's all speculation, and all pretty tedious.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 15 July, 2013, 10:39:55 am
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: hazeii on 15 July, 2013, 11:05:59 am
No, it looked like an athlete who had trained hard on the climb previously....

Froome? His first ride up Mont Ventoux was a month or so before the TdF, checking it out with Sean Kelly and a Norwegian amateur and according to this story ( he's never been up it "under race conditions".

You can see his checkout ride in the rather nice mini-series on Eurosport called "The Ride", see episode 3 ( Parts 1 ( and 2 ( are well worth a watch too, the fourth and final episode is showing on Wednesday and features Alpe d'Huez.

Edit: Also available more reliably and better-def on youtube via oakley's website (, only episodes 1 and 2 so far though.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 15 July, 2013, 11:09:18 am
Depends who you listen to. Some people are just selecting whichever portion of the climb suits their agenda.
But.... it did look a bit like The Chicken before he got caught didn't itinerar
He also cycles for a team who will not even consider employing 'reformed' cyclists and who have a 'below zero' tolerance to misuse of substances.

You are being more than a little naive if you think that Sky didn't know about the dodgy history of Sean Yates, Michael Barry, Shane Suttton, Michael Rogers, Bobby Julich, Steven de Jong and ex-Rabobank doping administrator Geert Leinders BEFORE they hired them

The funny thing is that Paul Kimmage was alluding to this last year. Sky then sacked anyone with a tainted past. Last week Kimmage was on the ITV4 show and sided with those who wanted to offer a home to reformed dopers, such as Garmin. Anyone who thinks that journalists want a completely clean Tour is being more than a little naive. They've been spoon-fed a ready-made story for too long.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 15 July, 2013, 12:11:48 pm
Froome? His first ride up Mont Ventoux was a month or so before the TdF, checking it out with Sean Kelly and a Norwegian amateur

Well, that's one more ride up it than either Mollema or Quintana before yesterday.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 15 July, 2013, 12:12:56 pm
A sensible piece for Joe Public. Sorry about the source, it was via Twitter
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 15 July, 2013, 12:16:38 pm
This is a really good assessment of Froome's "rise from nowhere" that appeared elsewhere last year:

The key point is that people within the sport were looking at Froome as a potential GT winner as long ago as 2008. OK, so potential and achievement are two different things entirely, but his meteoric rise since the 2011 Vuelta doesn't seem quite so surprising when you know a few more facts about his history.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 15 July, 2013, 12:23:57 pm
Another one.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Jakob on 15 July, 2013, 07:57:39 pm
Well, I was thoroughly unimpressed with Froome until yesterday....
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: CrazyEnglishTriathlete on 15 July, 2013, 10:13:23 pm
From Twitter:

Froome's time for the complete climb was 59:07, but time for the last 15k is 2nd fastest ever.

There was some really interesting stuff further up the thread on this link -  from what I read Froome's time was the 2nd fastest for this sector for the 4 TdF in 2000, 2002, 2009, and 2013, but the record was held by Iban Mayo in 45.47.  THere was also some stuff (i didn't try to look fully into the links behind it - especially as am not sure what bodyweight they were using), about converting the ascent time into W/kg of body weight - which suggested the point at which times became supra-human (6W/kg) was 47m 35s.

There would be at least two other big factors to consider - the first is that this was an exceptional long and hard-ridden stage - I understand that they were 45 minutes ahead of schedule - and so the riders would have been more fatigued.  The second is that there was, again to my understanding having watched the coverage live - a significant tailwind on the upper, exposed section of Ventoux, which would have led to faster ascent times.  These two factors would balance each other out, but I think at this point it would be a foolhardy scientist who could draw a conclusion either way as to the legitimacy or not of any of the top performances.

Bradley Wiggins in 2009 was 47 seconds slower than Froome.  Bradley struggled very hard to stay in the wheels and avoid losing time - eventually holding onto 4th overall prior to any disqualifications - so again not sure how this would compare with Froome.  The more data you unearth the more difficult, it seems to me, to draw any conclusion from the data.

Yours in fence sitting and non-aspersion casting good grace

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 15 July, 2013, 10:29:40 pm
Well, I was thoroughly unimpressed with Froome until yesterday....

Even after his performance at A3D and ITT along with all his previous wins this year and his performance last year?

IMO Froome has been outstanding all this year and the writing was on the wall last year. He is now off the lease and is No 1 at Sky and rewarding them well.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: cyclone on 15 July, 2013, 10:59:39 pm
The french journos on the bike following Froome gave a headwind/three quarters on from the left, there may have been a mis translation.....They were nearly an hour up on schedule at the foot of the Ventoux, it was very impressive!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 16 July, 2013, 06:54:28 am
From Twitter:

Froome's time for the complete climb was 59:07, but time for the last 15k is 2nd fastest ever.

There was some really interesting stuff further up the thread on this link -  from what I read Froome's time was the 2nd fastest for this sector for the 4 TdF in 2000, 2002, 2009, and 2013, but the record was held by Iban Mayo in 45.47.  THere was also some stuff (i didn't try to look fully into the links behind it - especially as am not sure what bodyweight they were using), about converting the ascent time into W/kg of body weight - which suggested the point at which times became supra-human (6W/kg) was 47m 35s.

There would be at least two other big factors to consider - the first is that this was an exceptional long and hard-ridden stage - I understand that they were 45 minutes ahead of schedule - and so the riders would have been more fatigued.  The second is that there was, again to my understanding having watched the coverage live - a significant tailwind on the upper, exposed section of Ventoux, which would have led to faster ascent times.  These two factors would balance each other out, but I think at this point it would be a foolhardy scientist who could draw a conclusion either way as to the legitimacy or not of any of the top performances.

Bradley Wiggins in 2009 was 47 seconds slower than Froome.  Bradley struggled very hard to stay in the wheels and avoid losing time - eventually holding onto 4th overall prior to any disqualifications - so again not sure how this would compare with Froome.  The more data you unearth the more difficult, it seems to me, to draw any conclusion from the data.

Yours in fence sitting and non-aspersion casting good grace


Well put, CET.

Given that the times are all public, its surprising how hard it is to find any decent analysis of what power is needed to move x kg up a given mountain in y minutes and whether that is within known human capabilities.  All the 'are you doping' / 'Trust me, I'm not cheating' stuff is tediously circular! 

If I was running a 'clean' team (whatever that might mean - and I expect it is not such a simple concept) I would set out all that data in a way that enabled people to easily prove to themselves and to their readers that what my riders were doing was feasible.  And if I was running a team doing something outside the rules, I would not. 

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 July, 2013, 07:17:57 am
It isn't as easy as that. People aren't comparing like for like. There is no set boundary for what is within undoped human capability. Finally, the world is awash with bedroom experts, educated by internet, ready to publish their findings on twitter ......under a pseudonym, of course.

Brailsfords reluctance to release data can be explained either way.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ham on 16 July, 2013, 08:02:05 am

Brailsfords reluctance to release data can be explained either way.

I read Brailsford as reluctant to make data public, as opposed to reluctant to release. Also, he wants some reassurance that the data will be used properly which doesn't sound unreasonable. If Sky start the bandwagon rolling, it will inevitably quickly encompass all other teams, and all members of the team. It's interesting that we're only discussing Froome, whereas Ritchie Porte's performance was equally remarkable, especially compared to some of his previous days' outcomes.

Froome showed some of the potential for that astonishing finish last year, too, but was reined back in for Wiggo, so it really shouldn't have come as a surprise.

Personally, I think they're clean and the 10K musette is the only untoward item on Ventoux.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: matthew on 16 July, 2013, 08:30:55 am
The Independent is reporting that one of the Belkin riders (Ten Dam) has uploaded his trace of the Ventoux climb onto Strava and is rather annoying the amatures who now can't get anywhere near the KoM for the climb.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 16 July, 2013, 08:40:24 am
The Independent is reporting that one of the Belkin riders (Ten Dam) has uploaded his trace of the Ventoux climb onto Strava and is rather annoying the amatures who now can't get anywhere near the KoM for the climb.
If true, that is very very funny.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 16 July, 2013, 08:44:09 am
He's uploading the whole race.

This might kill off Strava in large parts of France (and Corsica).
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: marcusjb on 16 July, 2013, 08:48:50 am
The Strava-baggers will just have to tweak their digitalepo to the max, or get a faster motorbike.

If you get upset that someone is faster than you on a given road, then you do need to have a long hard look at your life, especially when we're talking about a professional rider.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 16 July, 2013, 09:05:01 am
It isn't as easy as that. People aren't comparing like for like. There is no set boundary for what is within undoped human capability. Finally, the world is awash with bedroom experts, educated by internet, ready to publish their findings on twitter ......under a pseudonym, of course.

Brailsfords reluctance to release data can be explained either way.

That's the way I would spin it if I had something to hide!  Lots of ambiguity, not clear boundaries, confidential, data open to misinterpretation, etc. 

But if I had a clean story I would not do that.  I would go for absolute clarity and release one set of very specific data which benchmarked my rider as being within an accepted performance benchmark, and keep referring back to it whenever the question arose as 'proof'.   
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 16 July, 2013, 09:11:21 am
absolute clarity and release one set of very specific data which benchmarked my rider as being within an accepted performance benchmark, 

Absolute clarity?

One good performance up one mountain doesn't say anything. If the rider then turns in a super-fast performance on the next day, and the next and the next - then you have to wonder.

The TDF is many days, many stages. Riders don't give it their all on one day, they wouldn't finish the tdf if they did.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 July, 2013, 09:16:08 am
It isn't as easy as that. People aren't comparing like for like. There is no set boundary for what is within undoped human capability. Finally, the world is awash with bedroom experts, educated by internet, ready to publish their findings on twitter ......under a pseudonym, of course.

Brailsfords reluctance to release data can be explained either way.

That's the way I would spin it if I had something to hide!  Lots of ambiguity, not clear boundaries, confidential, data open to misinterpretation, etc. 

But if I had a clean story I would not do that.  I would go for absolute clarity and release one set of very specific data which benchmarked my rider as being within an accepted performance benchmark, and keep referring back to it whenever the question arose as 'proof'.

There is no accepted performance benchmark, and if there was which method would you use? VAM? Watts?

What about the device measuring it? They are frought with calibration difficulties. If it was as simple as you suggest it would be happenning already instead of the cumbersome bio-passport
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 16 July, 2013, 09:19:46 am
I would choose one of those and it would be one that supported the story I wanted to put across!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 July, 2013, 09:25:18 am
There is no performance benchmark.

Repeat x 1000
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Oaky on 16 July, 2013, 09:45:17 am
He's uploading the whole race.

This might kill off Strava in large parts of France (and Corsica).

Alex Dowsett goes Strava-bagging over mid-Essex, and that doesn't seem to have killed off Strava there.  If anything I think it encourages people - the chance to race against a professional (albeit virtually) was much less easy to come by before Strava.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 16 July, 2013, 09:48:24 am
Froome's history of Bilharzia is interesting.
It was a bold prediction that Nilsen would eventually endorse. Froome missed the next three Tours because, undetected by European doctors, he was ill with bilharzia – a parasitic disease he had caught in Africa. His performances for his new team at Sky were so inconsistent that Froome seemed in danger of being axed. It was only when visiting Kenya that, before a routine UCI blood passport test, Froome asked the doctor to see if he could identify a cause of his mysterious exhaustion and sickness. The Kenyan blood tests proved that Froome was riddled with bilharzia.

In the exact opposite of a drug like EPO, bilharzia destroys red blood cells and so Nilsen was stunned by Froome's ability to keep riding despite the debilitating disease. He told his friend that, restored to full health, he would win the Tour de France. "Chris just looked at me and said: 'Are you serious?'" Nilsen recalls. "I had no doubt."

His body would have needed to produce more natural EPO to to replace red blood cells. Once released from the load of the parasitic loss that might continue under a training load, or hyperbaric treatment. There's also a question of what TUEs Froome might still have.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 16 July, 2013, 09:49:00 am
He's uploading the whole race.

This might kill off Strava in large parts of France (and Corsica).

Alex Dowsett goes Strava-bagging over mid-Essex, and that doesn't seem to have killed off Strava there.  If anything I think it encourages people - the chance to race against a professional (albeit virtually) was much less easy to come by before Strava.

Indeed, I love the fact that there are loads of pros on Strava - you find out just how fast they really are and indeed how slow you are! It's staggering that Dowsett can average over 20mph up North Hill!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 16 July, 2013, 09:59:13 am
There was some really interesting stuff further up the thread on this link -  from what I read Froome's time was the 2nd fastest for this sector for the 4 TdF in 2000, 2002, 2009, and 2013, but the record was held by Iban Mayo in 45.47.

Mayo's record was achieved in a 21 km mountain time trial in the 2004 Dauphiné Libéré so it isn't directly comparable to the other times which were typically at the end of much longer stages. (Mayo tested positive for EPO in 2007 so it's reasonable to assume his 2004 result was drug-assisted.)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 16 July, 2013, 10:07:48 am
The only time I "use" Strava is clicking on links published by friends. (I rarely learn much, probably due to not being registered). Most of the talk I see is about KOM (I'm sure I can find YACF posts about bagging these). Once a pro has claimed your local KOMs that contest is over.

However, if folks are using it in a different way - and are even motivated by comparing themselves with the Uber-peformances - then great.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 16 July, 2013, 10:10:38 am
The most important factor is how soon the climb comes in the race. While it's possible to start a stage race with a high haemocrit count, the effort of racing will dilute the blood. The extent to which that happens will vary, a 'natural' GC rider will be more resistant to that. EPO irons out the differences between athletes' responses to continuous exertion.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Justin(e) on 16 July, 2013, 10:24:54 am
Not sure if this has appeared elsewhere.

TdF for beginners.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 10:25:14 am
I would choose one of those and it would be one that supported the story I wanted to put across!

And you wonder why Brailsford doesn't want to make the data public?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: simonp on 16 July, 2013, 10:28:30 am
The only time I "use" Strava is clicking on links published by friends. (I rarely learn much, probably due to not being registered). Most of the talk I see is about KOM (I'm sure I can find YACF posts about bagging these). Once a pro has claimed your local KOMs that contest is over.

However, if folks are using it in a different way - and are even motivated by comparing themselves with the Uber-peformances - then great.

When you submit a route to Strava, it will compare your performance against your previous best for each segment, and will tell you if a time is in the top 3 of all your times for that segment, and it will tell you if you are in the top 10 for a segment. I have no KOMs. You don't need to be the fastest on any segment to use it for motivation.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 16 July, 2013, 10:41:40 am
I would choose one of those and it would be one that supported the story I wanted to put across!

Head over to TTF and have a look at all the guys (including lots of rookies) analysing power (or 'wattage' as they like to call it), HRM, shoving it into Aerolab, doing all sorts of analysis (without ever having heard of a confidence interval or an error bar half the time) and coming up with all sorts of overly-specific results that are not supportable by the available data.  Now imagine a million bedroom rookies doing the same to whatever Brailsford released (probably while reading the latest Dan Brown conspiracy).  I can see why he's reluctant.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 16 July, 2013, 11:30:50 am
There is no performance benchmark.

Repeat x 1000

There is no universally or even generally accepted benchmark but that is not what I meant. 

Anyone can say something is a benchmark if they define it as such.

Businesses, politicians, lawyers, anyone trying to influence, persuade or communicate a message do so by defining their own standards (benchmarks if you like) and showing how their product, team, whatever it is, meets them, using the evidence of their choice.  It's just the normal way that things are done and not doing it is a dog that is failing to bark. 
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 16 July, 2013, 11:33:52 am
I would choose one of those and it would be one that supported the story I wanted to put across!

Head over to TTF and have a look at all the guys (including lots of rookies) analysing power (or 'wattage' as they like to call it), HRM, shoving it into Aerolab, doing all sorts of analysis (without ever having heard of a confidence interval or an error bar half the time) and coming up with all sorts of overly-specific results that are not supportable by the available data.  Now imagine a million bedroom rookies doing the same to whatever Brailsford released (probably while reading the latest Dan Brown conspiracy).  I can see why he's reluctant.

I don't have sufficient time or, to be honest, sufficient interest in the subject to do that.  But if I was running the PR for a cycling team being wrongly suspected of cheating, and if I believed I had a good story to tell, then I would be more motivated to do it!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimC on 16 July, 2013, 11:38:24 am
I would choose one of those and it would be one that supported the story I wanted to put across!

Head over to TTF and have a look at all the guys (including lots of rookies) analysing power (or 'wattage' as they like to call it), HRM, shoving it into Aerolab, doing all sorts of analysis (without ever having heard of a confidence interval or an error bar half the time) and coming up with all sorts of overly-specific results that are not supportable by the available data.  Now imagine a million bedroom rookies doing the same to whatever Brailsford released (probably while reading the latest Dan Brown conspiracy).  I can see why he's reluctant.

Dave B's offer to allow WADA to scrutinise all the data they have and use their analytical tools and expertise to determine the credibility or otherwise of Sky's performances seems sensible and genuine. I would far rather an organisation like WADA do the number-crunching than have the numbers in the public domain for every armchair expert to have a go at. It's already obvious that the tools available to pundits to measure cyclists' performances are woefully inadequate to use as indisputable evidence of doping or otherwise; let the real experts deal with it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 July, 2013, 11:40:10 am
There is no performance benchmark.

Repeat x 1000

There is no universally or even generally accepted benchmark but that is not what I meant.  Anyone can say something is a benchmark if they define it as such!

Which is precisely why DB won't release the data publically
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 16 July, 2013, 11:42:24 am
I would choose one of those and it would be one that supported the story I wanted to put across!

Head over to TTF and have a look at all the guys (including lots of rookies) analysing power (or 'wattage' as they like to call it), HRM, shoving it into Aerolab, doing all sorts of analysis (without ever having heard of a confidence interval or an error bar half the time) and coming up with all sorts of overly-specific results that are not supportable by the available data.  Now imagine a million bedroom rookies doing the same to whatever Brailsford released (probably while reading the latest Dan Brown conspiracy).  I can see why he's reluctant.

Dave B's offer to allow WADA to scrutinise all the data they have and use their analytical tools and expertise to determine the credibility or otherwise of Sky's performances seems sensible and genuine. I would far rather an organisation like WADA do the number-crunching than have the numbers in the public domain for every armchair expert to have a go at. It's already obvious that the tools available to pundits to measure cyclists' performances are woefully inadequate to use as indisputable evidence of doping or otherwise; let the real experts deal with it.

I agree, and thought the same.  Just I was surprised he hadn't seen it coming and got his own message out first
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 16 July, 2013, 11:43:38 am
I would choose one of those and it would be one that supported the story I wanted to put across!

Head over to TTF and have a look at all the guys (including lots of rookies) analysing power (or 'wattage' as they like to call it), HRM, shoving it into Aerolab, doing all sorts of analysis (without ever having heard of a confidence interval or an error bar half the time) and coming up with all sorts of overly-specific results that are not supportable by the available data.  Now imagine a million bedroom rookies doing the same to whatever Brailsford released (probably while reading the latest Dan Brown conspiracy).  I can see why he's reluctant.

I don't have sufficient time or, to be honest, sufficient interest in the subject to do that.  But if I was running the PR for a cycling team being wrongly suspected of cheating, and if I believed I had a good story to tell, then I would be more motivated to do it!

It would then get misinterpreted in multitudinous different ways by everyone who had more processing power than skill, who would then start punting their theories (with 'evidence' to back them up) round the internet, to be believed by the credulous.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 July, 2013, 11:47:51 am
After all, if its on a blog written by somebody who calls themself a scientist, it must be true.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 16 July, 2013, 12:00:36 pm
I'm surprised that this "we can't release the data because some people might misinterpret it" excuse has so much traction here. Obviously many people will misinterpret Sky's performance data if it's released, but that's no worse than the situation at present, where many people are misinterpreting the data they have. To say that you won't release data as long as there are idiots on the Internet is just an excuse for never releasing it.

The way to combat misinterpretation of data is not to hide the data you've got and insist that people trust you (why should they?), but to release it and explain the correct way to interpret it. If the models people are using are poor, and if people don't appreciate how big the error bars are, then more data will eventually blow the bad models away. Of course the skeptics won't be convinced right away, but that's only to be expected given the sport's long track record of saying the right things in public and continuing to cheat in private.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mcshroom on 16 July, 2013, 12:04:03 pm
I don't mind the idea of disclosure, but I personally would like to leave doping decisions to WADA (it's what they are there for), so I see no probelm with SKY's approach.

To be honest you would not expect the data to be released in other sports, if nothing elose than it would give other teams pointers on what they could do to improve.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: simonp on 16 July, 2013, 12:05:21 pm
Where do these climb times come from? There was a blog recently trying to determine the source of Armstrong's 2001 time to Ax les Domaines to compare with Froome. It turns out it was guesswork as the camera was not on Armstrong as he started the climb. So the whole thing is not only based on dodgy assumptions but also has no empirical data to start with.

So, how are the Ventoux times determined?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 12:07:50 pm
I don't have sufficient time or, to be honest, sufficient interest in the subject to do that.

And yet you still think you have something worthwhile to say on the subject?

Really, I feel more sympathetic to Brailsford the more of this kind of crap I read.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 16 July, 2013, 12:26:17 pm
I don't have sufficient time or, to be honest, sufficient interest in the subject to do that.

And yet you still think you have something worthwhile to say on the subject?

Really, I feel more sympathetic to Brailsford the more of this kind of crap I read.

I think I've made a point that some have agreed with and others have not.  Your post is not particularly helpful.  It doesn't suggest that you have understood my point or that you have a positive contribution to make.  It's thankfully rare on YACF that debates go down this route and I hope it doesn't become the pattern.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 16 July, 2013, 12:31:10 pm
It turns out it was guesswork as the camera was not on Armstrong as he started the climb. So the whole thing is not only based on dodgy assumptions but also has no empirical data to start with.

It's too strong to say "no empirical data" — it just means that there's some error in the data. Let's say there's ten seconds error in estimating the time when Armstrong started the climb — that's just 0.7% error over a 23-minute climb. So this source of error is probably smaller than the error in estimating his weight.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 12:35:56 pm
It doesn't suggest that you have understood my point or that you have a positive contribution to make.

I'm bored. I've read nothing original or insightful in any of your comments, just the same old tedious "reasonable suspicion" guff. I understand your point well enough - I've heard the same point made countless times before.

Meanwhile, there's a really interesting bike race going on. Can't we talk about that instead?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ham on 16 July, 2013, 12:39:37 pm

Meanwhile, there's a really interesting bike race going on. Can't we talk about that instead?

AND .... Wow's evil twin is back again this year! (he wasn't there last year, was he?)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 16 July, 2013, 12:42:15 pm
I'm surprised that this "we can't release the data because some people might misinterpret it" excuse has so much traction here.
My view is that they have no obligation to release anything. There is no case to answer. They don't need any excuses.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: jogler on 16 July, 2013, 12:42:24 pm
One of the reason's for Froome's success is that other riders who used to dope but are probably not doing so at this year's TdF are displaying their natural ablities & coming up short.
a.k.a. a level playing field.

This suspicion of doping 'cause you are winning is the Armstrong legacy.Thanks for nothing >:(
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mcshroom on 16 July, 2013, 01:28:26 pm

Meanwhile, there's a really interesting bike race going on. Can't we talk about that instead?

AND .... Wow's evil twin is back again this year! (he wasn't there last year, was he?)

I think he was in hospital last year (seem to remember he was recovering from surgery). Apparently the 'gold' costume this year is to celebrate 100 years of the TdF
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ham on 16 July, 2013, 01:29:02 pm
Is it just me or does Team Sky look as if they are just out for a nice club run in the country?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 July, 2013, 01:35:39 pm
You've not been watching then.
Froome was isolated for an entire climb last week
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ham on 16 July, 2013, 01:49:33 pm
That day was a leeeetle more frenetic
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 16 July, 2013, 01:53:49 pm
If anyone in the top ten on GC is going to try anything today, it won't be until the drop into Gap, before the ascent and descent of the Col de Manse.

Edit: Though any gains might not be that great, and may well be negated in tomorrow's ITT. The real fireworks won't be until Thursday-Friday, and maybe Saturday if Froome's advantage has been significantly eroded by then.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 July, 2013, 02:20:14 pm
That day was a leeeetle more frenetic

....and Friday?

Flat stage. Peloton split by side winds. Froome couldn't get on because his team weren't there.

There has only been one day where Sky have looked as strong as they did last year and that was last Sunday.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 02:35:15 pm
It's a very strong breakaway group, all except four teams* have at least one rider represented, none of the escapees are a threat in GC... The peloton might just allow them to stay away today.

*Sky, Cannondale, Astana and Belkin - of those, Astana seem the only ones likely to have any reason to pull it all back together. Only halfway through the stage yet, though. Still wouldn't put it past Contador to try something on the run-in.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 16 July, 2013, 02:41:55 pm
PHILIPPE GILBERT ‏@PhilippeGilbert (

Contador have always his best day the day after the second rest day. So remake of 2011? Nice stage for offensive

 :demon: ;D ;) :demon:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 16 July, 2013, 02:43:31 pm
I'm bored. I've read nothing original or insightful in any of your comments, just the same old tedious "reasonable suspicion" guff. I understand your point well enough - I've heard the same point made countless times before.

Meanwhile, there's a really interesting bike race going on. Can't we talk about that instead?

I don't think your summary quite captures it.  But please, do talk about the race rather than aspects you are not interested in!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 16 July, 2013, 02:49:35 pm
Maybe if you two could take the squabble to pm?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 16 July, 2013, 02:50:27 pm
The peleton train is stopped by a train!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 02:53:15 pm
PHILIPPE GILBERT ‏@PhilippeGilbert (

Contador have always his best day the day after the second rest day. So remake of 2011? Nice stage for offensive

 :demon: ;D ;) :demon:

Cheeky.  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: hazeii on 16 July, 2013, 03:37:31 pm
Possible rain and thunderstorms on the descent into Gap - could liven things up!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 03:57:05 pm
If Costa gets to the summit first, he's going to be very hard to catch on the descent...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mcshroom on 16 July, 2013, 03:57:39 pm
Interesting article on marginal gains from a non-sky perspective on the Beeb today: -
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 16 July, 2013, 04:29:11 pm
Brilliant stage wrt entertainment value. This years Tour is way more exciting than 2012 which was quite the dullest in the 35 years I've been following it. (No offence to Wiggo, he did his job)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 04:30:07 pm
And that was exactly the kind of stage for which I picked Rui Costa in my fantasy team. :thumbsup:

Cracking finish. Nice of Contador and Froome to add a little late drama for us!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Manotea on 16 July, 2013, 04:30:35 pm
Time to watch "Any Given Sunday" again...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 05:02:24 pm
Brilliant stage wrt entertainment value. This years Tour is way more exciting than 2012 which was quite the dullest in the 35 years I've been following it. (No offence to Wiggo, he did his job)

To be fair, last year was less dull than 1995's processional edition.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 16 July, 2013, 05:11:57 pm
PHILIPPE GILBERT ‏@PhilippeGilbert (

Contador have always his best day the day after the second rest day. So remake of 2011? Nice stage for offensive

 :demon: ;D ;) :demon:

Cheeky.  ;D

Yeah, but...  ;)

Mind you the Col de Manse was only 2nd Category, and none of Contador's attacks actually stuck. It must have been veal rather than ribeye on the menu last night.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 16 July, 2013, 05:13:59 pm
Hmm, well. I suppose any of Big Mig's victories wasn't exactly enthralling, but I stick with my opinion  ;)  It pains me to say it but Pharmstrong at least had panache. Sorry 'n all that. Still hate him for what he did to cycling. Assuming he's clean (which I do) Froome is now paying the price for the EPO years with the cynicism  re his performance.

Edit: replying to Citoyen.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 16 July, 2013, 05:27:38 pm
The irony being that there are far more substantial grounds for suspicion over today's stage winner but I doubt the way he rode away from his rivals on the final climb will cause so much as a ripple in the British press.  ::-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hillbilly on 16 July, 2013, 06:32:14 pm
I am rather enjoying the racing in this year's tour, much more than last year.  The emergence of Quintano.  The car crash of which big name is going to crumble next, Evans, Schleck, Valverde and several others having dropped off (hopefully not Froome, but you never know).  The way Froome is having to rely on his own ability and making it up as he goes along, rather than simply sitting behined the Sky machine and its tedious "marginal gains".  The dominance of Sagan in the points competition, but the hope that Greipel, Kittel or Cav will put in individual performances on the day.  All in the usual wonderful French scenery and with the spectacle of the crowds.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Deano on 16 July, 2013, 11:06:44 pm
Some marvellous swoopy descending in today's highlights (even after the crash) :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 16 July, 2013, 11:10:04 pm
Just watched it - wow what a bit of downhill. Hear on Twitter that Cav had a Radcliff moment.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 16 July, 2013, 11:31:45 pm
Just watched it - wow what a bit of downhill. Hear on Twitter that Cav had a Radcliff moment.


Mark Cavendish ‏@MarkCavendish
Had the embarrassment of having to stop in a field today in front of the whole peloton with a VERY poorly stomach. #mindyourstep

There are some great replies.  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 17 July, 2013, 08:04:10 am
Froome really wasn't happy with Contador yesterday:

Quote from: Chris Froome
Chris Froome ‏@chrisfroome

Almost went over your head @albertocontador.. Little more care next time?

Shame the camera motorbike wasn't close enough to see exactly what happened...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 17 July, 2013, 08:06:45 am
Froome doesn't want anybody attacking, except for himself. Racing for a big prize, people will take bigger risks. Nothing surprising here.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: fuzzy on 17 July, 2013, 08:39:55 am
Was that a sarcastic thumbs up from Contador to Quintana for attacking after he crashed?

If so, what goes around comes around Bertie.

Remember Schleck shipping a chain as you both accelerated on that climb a couple of years ago?

Hypocrite ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 17 July, 2013, 08:54:02 am
Love these fiery Latino types. They like to dish it out but get uppity when they get the same treatment.

Slightly amusing that it was Belkin and Movistar working together to distance their rivals yesterday.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Notsototalnewbie on 17 July, 2013, 12:00:30 pm
We're shortly going to go and annoy Parisians with our mahoosive union flag  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Bledlow on 17 July, 2013, 12:44:05 pm
Froome is the Greg Rusedski of cycling as opposed to Wiggins as Tim Henman?  British but kind of viewed as not?
Wiggins was born in Belgium, to one British & one Australian parent. Froome was born in Kenya to one British & one Kenyan-born (to British parents) parent. He's always been a British citizen, with a British passport. His older brothers went to school here.

Henman was born in Oxfordshire to very English parents. Rusedski was born in Canada to one British & one non-British (German-born, Polish/Ukrainian ancestry) parent, & grew up there. He had a Canadian passport, not British, until he was 22.

How are those two pairings comparable? Where's the massive difference between Froome & Wiggins that makes them like Henman & Rusedski?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hillbilly on 17 July, 2013, 01:10:15 pm
I think you are taking the analogy too seriously(!)

Anyways, Froome doesn't sound British.  It's superficial, but that's the currency of public opinion.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 17 July, 2013, 01:34:29 pm
Wiggins moved back to England while still a toddler, grew up in Kilburn and has always raced under a British license.  Froome OTOH lived in Kenya and South Africa before moving to Europe, previously raced under a Kenyan license - going so far as to represent Kenya at the Commonwealth Games and ride as a pro, and only transferred to a British license in 2008.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 17 July, 2013, 01:38:55 pm
I think there are a lot of sports where playing for your country at a level like the Comm.Games would rule you out of representing other nations later.

He presumably knew the rules when he was in Kenya, so I don't have any problem with him. But Billy used the phrase:
"British but kind of viewed as not?"
.... which I think sums him up for many people. One's emotive reactions to sportsmen/heroes will never be 100% logical.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Toady on 17 July, 2013, 02:03:51 pm
Froome is the Greg Rusedski of cycling as opposed to Wiggins as Tim Henman?  British but kind of viewed as not?
Or Mike Catt to Wiggins' Jonny Wilkinson, with Dave Brailsford in the role of Baldy Mr Marginal Gains, Clive Woodward.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 17 July, 2013, 02:07:12 pm
Looks like a tough TT course.

Just saw a BMC rider do a not terribly slick bike change, from road to TT bike. Hard to estimate how much time they lose during the change.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 17 July, 2013, 02:22:53 pm
It was obviously slick enough as he van Garderen) is now fastest.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 17 July, 2013, 02:31:09 pm
A few have changed to TT bikes for that last section, and it seems to be the right decision based on the evidence so far.

I think Westra was on a TT bike for the whole route, which is pretty brave considering how technical the descent off the first climb is.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 17 July, 2013, 02:31:51 pm
Storms over the course. All bets are off now.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 17 July, 2013, 03:36:42 pm
He presumably knew the rules when he was in Kenya, so I don't have any problem with him. But Billy used the phrase:
"British but kind of viewed as not?"
.... which I think sums him up for many people. One's emotive reactions to sportsmen/heroes will never be 100% logical.

For me it's in the accent; I guess he sounds more Saffa than British to me. Similarly with Dan Martin when hearing him interviewed and briefly wondering 'Why is that English bloke riding for Ireland?'
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 17 July, 2013, 03:38:59 pm
Chris Froome, with the number one race number pinned on his back and a time trial helmet on his head, is off and running.

Whoops. Forgot the bike.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 17 July, 2013, 04:25:20 pm

Don't crash, Chris . . . . .
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: tiermat on 17 July, 2013, 04:27:11 pm
He didn't!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 17 July, 2013, 04:30:55 pm
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andyoxon on 17 July, 2013, 05:00:33 pm
I was replaying Mollema's off nearest the finish, and his bike went from under him the moment he hit a small patch of white road paint.   Well worth avoiding road markings like the plague in the wet, esp on corners...

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 17 July, 2013, 05:00:52 pm
The advantage of a TT bike over the descent must be close on a minute - well worth the 11 or so seconds to fluff the change (Quintana had the slickest change). One thing to remember is to keep the bike on the road (especially if you  are dutch)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 17 July, 2013, 06:36:25 pm
It's an ugly thing to see, a planned bike-change.

"It's not about the bike ... "
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andyoxon on 17 July, 2013, 07:12:14 pm
Twice up Alpe-d'Huez tomorrow will be very interesting...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TheLurker on 17 July, 2013, 07:43:16 pm
It's an ugly thing to see, a planned bike-change.

"It's not about the bike ... "

I was just thinking more or less that.  I even caught myself thinking UCI like thoughts along the lines of, "Pick your bike for   the TT.  If it breaks during the event you should be permitted to use a substitute bike of the same configuration."  I know, I know. it's not against the regs and Le Tour is and always has been more socking great commercial entertainment than corinthian sporting competion, but, oh I don't know, it just doesn't feel like it's in the spirit of things.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 17 July, 2013, 07:52:43 pm
Anyways, Froome doesn't sound British.  It's superficial, but that's the currency of public opinion.

Which public opinion poll was that and what was the sample size?

As already stated, Froome has always had a British passport.  Doesn't sound British, what does and how about regional accents?

Let's celebrate someone who is British and doing very well in a sport dominated by non-British subjects.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 17 July, 2013, 08:13:03 pm
I was replaying Mollema's off nearest the finish, and his bike went from under him the moment he hit a small patch of white road paint.   Well worth avoiding road markings like the plague in the wet, esp on corners...

Mollema came off?  I didn't see that.

Edit:  Oh yes  - of course I did.  I forgot (not that he actually came off)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: JennyB on 17 July, 2013, 08:17:09 pm
The advantage of a TT bike over the descent must be close on a minute - well worth the 11 or so seconds to fluff the change (Quintana had the slickest change). One thing to remember is to keep the bike on the road (especially if you  are dutch)

Counting the time taken for the change, Croome descended 20 seconds faster than Contador. Bit crafty making the change just before the crest for maximum pushing advantage.  ::-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 17 July, 2013, 08:26:29 pm
The advantage of a TT bike over the descent must be close on a minute - well worth the 11 or so seconds to fluff the change (Quintana had the slickest change). One thing to remember is to keep the bike on the road (especially if you  are dutch)

Counting the time taken for the change, Croome descended 20 seconds faster than Contador. Bit crafty making the change just before the crest for maximum pushing advantage.  ::-)

Even craftier to do it before the time-check, so that his rivals thinks he's lost time, when he hasn't.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andyoxon on 17 July, 2013, 08:49:35 pm
I bet the Cyclingnews forum has melted

I'd not looked at that site before - thread on today's stage already at 138pgs and 124000+ views...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: red marley on 17 July, 2013, 09:20:57 pm
Ouch! Poor old Peraud. To crash on an already broken collar bone looked more than very painful.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 17 July, 2013, 10:42:33 pm
Andy Schleck:  :o

Cadel Evans:   :o.  I guess for Cadel now the difference at this point between finishing 25th on GC and 10th doesn't amount to much.  So was he saving himself for an attempt at a stage win? 

I'm not sure the bike change made as much difference as is being suggested, certainly when comparing Froome and Contador.  Hadn't Froome already overturned a 20 second deficit by the bike change?  Contador went out fast and faded.  I can't find the splits now but I see that from the mountain points, Contador was fastest up the first climb and didn't feature in the top 5 of the second.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 17 July, 2013, 10:47:04 pm
Evans was soft-pedalling on purpose today:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 18 July, 2013, 08:33:44 am
It's an ugly thing to see, a planned bike-change.

"It's not about the bike ... "

I was just thinking more or less that.  I even caught myself thinking UCI like thoughts along the lines of, "Pick your bike for   the TT.  If it breaks during the event you should be permitted to use a substitute bike of the same configuration."  I know, I know. it's not against the regs and Le Tour is and always has been more socking great commercial entertainment than corinthian sporting competion, but, oh I don't know, it just doesn't feel like it's in the spirit of things.
A simple fix would be to make all bikes conform to road-stage rules. No special TT bikes on any stage.

The novelty of special (uglier) bikes for the TTs has long worn off - for me, anyway. I'm sure the balance sheets of the manufacturers disagrees.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: rafletcher on 18 July, 2013, 11:08:03 am
And now Froome's power date has been released...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Frank9755 on 18 July, 2013, 11:38:31 am
Good.  On a quick read it looks like very powerful evidence to silence uninformed criticism.  It had to be the sensible thing to do, for Froome personally and for the sport. 
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ham on 18 July, 2013, 11:46:27 am
Good.  On a quick read it looks like very powerful evidence to silence uninformed criticism.  It had to be the sensible thing to do, for Froome personally and for the sport.

Ah. So evidence will silence uninformed criticism will it? The triumph of hope over experience.

I think the comments below the article are fairly indicative of a potential lack of silence
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 18 July, 2013, 12:02:35 pm

13km Col de Manse (1,268m) 6.6km at 6.2% Cat 2

• 45km Rampe du Motty (982m) 2.4km at 8% Cat 3

• 95km Col d'Ornon (1,371) 5.1km at 6.7% Cat 2

• 122.5km Alpe d'Huez 1 12.3km at 8.4% Hors Cat

• 131.5km Col de Sarenne 3km at 7.8% Cat 2

• 172.5km Alpe d'Huez 2 13.8km at 8.1% Hors Cat


(From the Grauniad).
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: perpetual dan on 18 July, 2013, 12:08:54 pm
Ouch! Poor old Peraud. To crash on an already broken collar bone looked more than very painful.

Indeed. And also a bit nuts. Riders often finish a stage with a break like that but rarely start the next day. Starting the stage stuck me as questionable.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: microphonie on 18 July, 2013, 12:16:35 pm

13km Col de Manse (1,268m) 6.6km at 6.2% Cat 2

• 45km Rampe du Motty (982m) 2.4km at 8% Cat 3

• 95km Col d'Ornon (1,371) 5.1km at 6.7% Cat 2

• 122.5km Alpe d'Huez 1 12.3km at 8.4% Hors Cat

• 131.5km Col de Sarenne 3km at 7.8% Cat 2

• 172.5km Alpe d'Huez 2 13.8km at 8.1% Hors Cat


(From the Grauniad).

I assume the 50km gap will be enough to avoid the chance of the autobus being caught by a leading group on their second ascent? Now that would be interesting...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 18 July, 2013, 12:20:42 pm
Ah. So evidence will silence uninformed criticism will it? The triumph of hope over experience.

"@richardmoore73: BREAKING: Those who believe in Sky think that releasing Froome's data to L'Equipe a good thing. Those who don't, think it wasn't."

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Toady on 18 July, 2013, 02:57:52 pm

I assume the 50km gap will be enough to avoid the chance of the autobus being caught by a leading group on their second ascent? Now that would be interesting...
It could be just like school cross country.  Naughty boys Cav and Greipel appear from the bushes, stubbing out their fags, and sneakily do just one lap.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 18 July, 2013, 03:23:04 pm
And Contador attacks on the descent...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 18 July, 2013, 03:27:46 pm
Could really eat into Froome's lead here.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: loadsabikes on 18 July, 2013, 03:39:08 pm
Or not ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 18 July, 2013, 03:53:42 pm

This is bonkers.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 18 July, 2013, 04:02:34 pm
Interesting: the UCI have announced a surprise bike weight check at the end of the stage - Contador has now changed bikes.  :o
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 18 July, 2013, 04:03:51 pm
Interesting: the UCI have announced a surprise bike weight check at the end of the stage - Contador has now changed bikes.  :o

Not much of a bloody surprise then, is it?

Voom voom froome nearly had an off.  :o

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 18 July, 2013, 04:15:42 pm
There are some serious knob-ends among the spectators. Getting repeatedly slapped about the kidneys by "fans" on your second ascent of Alpe d'Huez of the day must be a real strain.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: loadsabikes on 18 July, 2013, 04:42:55 pm
Interesting: the UCI have announced a surprise bike weight check at the end of the stage - Contador has now changed bikes.  :o
Once a cheat......................
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 18 July, 2013, 05:10:54 pm
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Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: red marley on 18 July, 2013, 05:31:14 pm
20 seconds seems like a very lenient penalty to me, given that without the gel/drink his bonking could have cost him several minutes. Are riders not allowed to pass stuff over to each other towards the end of the stage, or is it just collecting stuff from the team car that attracts penalties?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: hazeii on 18 July, 2013, 05:41:49 pm
It was suggested that Richey Porte dropped back to the team car to get the gel for Froome (when they were in a no-feed zone) - I didn't see that, though I did see Froome holding his hand up for support.

Presumably there'd have been no penalty if Porte just gave Froome a spare gel he just happened to have?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 18 July, 2013, 05:44:47 pm
20 seconds seems like a very lenient penalty to me, given that without the gel/drink his bonking could have cost him several minutes.

20 seconds is the prescribed penalty in the UCI regulations: see the table on page 16 (

Quote from: UCI
Non-regulation supply of refreshments ... Rider: 20 [seconds] per offence

Are riders not allowed to pass stuff over to each other towards the end of the stage?

They are allowed. See Article 4 of the Tour rules (

Quote from: ASO
All riders may render small services to each other, such as lending or exchanging food, drink or accessories.

or is it just collecting stuff from the team car that attracts penalties?

See Article 6 of the Tour rules:

Quote from: ASO
continuous supplying [that is, from the team car] is authorised between the signs located near the 50th kilometre and the signs marking the end of the feeding zone posted 20 kilometres from the finish. Race directors may, with the approval of the stewards, change these provisions during a stage to adapt to weather conditions or any exceptional circumstances.

(I think on this stage the feeding zone was modified to end with 10 km to go.)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 18 July, 2013, 05:50:22 pm
Sorry G but Porte gets my vote after today.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 18 July, 2013, 05:55:27 pm
The problem was that the Team Sky car had a mechanical, so wasn't available on the valley road, which would have been the last best point to pick up food and water. The time penalty is consistent with what's been handed out for similar feeding rules violations in the past (someone on BR reckons that's what was applied to Leipheimer in 2007 and Roche in 1987), so Sky must have figured that it was worth taking a nominal time penalty from the commissaires, versus possibly blowing up badly enough to lose time to Contador, never mind anyone else. Porte and Froome were pretty relaxed about it when interviewed after the stage.

What's interesting is that you can throw a blanket over 2nd-5th on GC - I don't think Contador will be even on the podium come Paris.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Greenbank on 18 July, 2013, 06:07:49 pm
Are spoilers really needed in an obvious thread like this? I can't imagine people checking this thread and assuming they won't read anything up to the minute.

(Purely selfish, they're a pain to read on mobile...)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 18 July, 2013, 06:43:18 pm
On Tapatalk the spoilers don't work anyway.

Fantastic ride by Riblon. Lucky he got away with this:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 18 July, 2013, 06:45:00 pm
I'm surprised noone has sponsored a neutral food supply ('neutral' water bottles are supplied from one of the official Motos).

I also reckon the tour was very lucky not to have an 'orrible crowd-related incident today. Even I saw 2-3 near misses - imagine the uproar if Froome had clouted that tiny kid who ran out in front of him! Unless they can come up with some magic crowd-control strategy, they'd be mad to run this stage again, and I predict problems on other stages in the near future.

agree about spoiler tags. I am normally the Spoiler Nazi, but even I think they're OK in a thread like this, which noone is forced to open. Then again, it's hard to criticise people for being TOO selfless and considerate :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Greenbank on 18 July, 2013, 06:57:45 pm
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mcshroom on 18 July, 2013, 07:01:33 pm
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(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Greenbank on 18 July, 2013, 07:07:03 pm
I also reckon the tour was very lucky not to have an 'orrible crowd-related incident today. Even I saw 2-3 near misses - imagine the uproar if Froome had clouted that tiny kid who ran out in front of him! Unless they can come up with some magic crowd-control strategy, they'd be mad to run this stage again, and I predict problems on other stages in the near future.

There are always near misses, actual incidents are very rare, it's just part of the tour really and has been for countless years.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 18 July, 2013, 07:22:31 pm
Barriers are no good at crowd control, when you have 15+ riders on the last lap of the Colne Gran. Prix slamming into it. And.flying over it and land on two little girls on the other side. Lucky for the first aiders who where on hand even before the first of the rider in the pileup got on their feet.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 18 July, 2013, 07:34:51 pm
There was also a musette hand-up to Froome at 10km to go of the Ventoux stage that the commissaires missed (but not the cameras).

That wasn't an infraction—on the Ventoux stage the feed zone was extended so that it ended with just 6km to go to the summit. See this Velonews story (
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 18 July, 2013, 07:42:43 pm
I also reckon the tour was very lucky not to have an 'orrible crowd-related incident today. Even I saw 2-3 near misses - imagine the uproar if Froome had clouted that tiny kid who ran out in front of him! Unless they can come up with some magic crowd-control strategy, they'd be mad to run this stage again, and I predict problems on other stages in the near future.

There are always near misses, actual incidents are very rare, it's just part of the tour really and has been for countless years.
It's certainly an iconic part of the show, would be a shame to lose it.

I just feel it is getting worse, so on pure statistics the near-misses will increase and more of them will become real incidents. The organisers aren't afraid to ban us from certain sections, like the Seranne this afternoon, so perhaps they accept it is a risk they can/should minimise.

Maybe it's just another hazard (like punctures, or rain) that livens things up. I just worry that there are enough malicious incidents (like Cav and the urine, many spitting incidents) that this "hazard" may not effect all riders equally - if you get my drift. It would be a dreadful way to win or lose a tour.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 18 July, 2013, 07:56:26 pm
If you look back to the history of the tour things are actually calmer.

Maurice Garin narrowly avoided being lynched by a mob because he had accepted a gel.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 18 July, 2013, 08:02:11 pm
Who were the two Port Sunlight Wheelers on the Alp d'Huez?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Greenbank on 18 July, 2013, 08:09:53 pm
Barriers are no good at crowd control, when you have 15+ riders on the last lap of the Colne Gran. Prix slamming into it. And.flying over it and land on two little girls on the other side. Lucky for the first aiders who where on hand even before the first of the rider in the pileup got on their feet.

Yes, but that's a bit different to when the riders are on a prolonged climb doing "just" ~20kph.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Greenbank on 18 July, 2013, 09:02:15 pm
How much time would it have added to Froome's climb had he (or even Porte) just carried a spare gel or two anyway. No need to go back to the team car to get extra food incurring the time penalty.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 18 July, 2013, 09:52:21 pm
Disturbing news from the Belkin camp. Mollema was ill after the timetrial, loss of appetite etc. Yesterdayevening they weren't even sure if Mollema could start todays stage.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 18 July, 2013, 09:55:42 pm
I also reckon the tour was very lucky not to have an 'orrible crowd-related incident today. Even I saw 2-3 near misses - imagine the uproar if Froome had clouted that tiny kid who ran out in front of him! Unless they can come up with some magic crowd-control strategy, they'd be mad to run this stage again, and I predict problems on other stages in the near future.

There are always near misses, actual incidents are very rare, it's just part of the tour really and has been for countless years.

Like this incident in '99 (scroll to 1.50)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 18 July, 2013, 09:57:39 pm
A 20-second penalty is mild in comparison to his being disqualified from stage 19 of the Giro in 2010.  That was for taking a tow from a police motorcycle, though, up the Mortirolo.  He claimed that he was going to abandon anyway because of a bad knee and needed to get to his soigneur who was waiting for him at the top.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 18 July, 2013, 10:25:59 pm
Wasn't that Guerini with the spectator incident?

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 18 July, 2013, 10:27:33 pm
Wasn't that Guerini with the spectator incident?

Yes, he still managed to win the stage.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 18 July, 2013, 10:28:07 pm
Pity for Froome that he allready passed Julien when he had the hunger problems:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 18 July, 2013, 10:31:14 pm
Pity for Froome that he allready passed Julien when he had the hunger problems:

Hindsight is 20/20 or better, but I wonder if Froome would have bonked if he had just let Quintana go and marked Contador. I thought he attacked from just a bit too far from the finish, compared with the Ax3D and Mont Ventoux climbs.  :-\
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 19 July, 2013, 12:26:26 am
Apparently Alpe d'Huez is a bit of a Port Sunlight Wheelers tradition. As outlined in this somewhat garbled press release.'Huez%3B+Local+club+hits+summit.-a0334987122
I was sure I'd spotted their distinctive kit. There's a bit of a clash between the last week of the Tour and the Mersey Roads 24. Port Sunlight generally manage the Tern Hill roundabout at night. Wiggo's victory last year will have tested their loyalties. I'm pretty sure that Wilko still outranks Wiggo though.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 19 July, 2013, 12:36:03 am
Yes, I spotted quite a good PSW detachment on the Alpe.  There was also an Ilkley CC guy who ran along behind the riders in full shot; it felt like the Tour d'Yorkshire had come early!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: IanDG on 19 July, 2013, 12:40:21 am
If you look back to the history of the tour things are actually calmer.

Maurice Garin narrowly avoided being lynched by a mob because he had accepted a gel.

And Eddy Merckx ( got 'thumped' on a Puy de Dome TT
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hillbilly on 19 July, 2013, 07:51:46 am
Watched it (ITV Player is a handy thing).  Froome was lucky to have found a Porte in a storm...

Voigt for Sky next year?  Then in the future, if Froome starts to get *that* feeling in his legs, he can take a lick of Jens' sweat, which scientific tests have shown is the most effective substance for beating the bonk.

PS: add "unsportsmanlike behaviour" to the list of things that makes Froome not British  ;)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 19 July, 2013, 07:57:15 am
PS: add "unsportsmanlike behaviour" to the list of things that makes Froome not British  ;)

That's not a very Broad view of non-british unsportsmanlike behaviour, is it?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hillbilly on 19 July, 2013, 09:16:54 am
Jens can now bottle and sell it...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 19 July, 2013, 09:24:08 am
If you look back to the history of the tour things are actually calmer.

Maurice Garin narrowly avoided being lynched by a mob because he had accepted a gel.
Is that the same bloke who was DQed for taking the train? You'd think he would know better  ::-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Rainmaker on 19 July, 2013, 09:45:13 am
I nearly threw something at the TV when the "fan" in the Ikley CC jersey "did his thing".   IMO it is a pity that the other responsible spectators don't take a similar action to the "short arm jab" inflicted on an earlier stage.  There have been many near disasters which could affect the result, i.e Froome with the child and Porte with the flag.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 19 July, 2013, 09:50:49 am
The nearest "near-miss" I saw was when a runner was alongside (I think) one of the breakaway riders, on a fairly quiet section of the climb, and another spectator quite precisely and deliberatey shoved the runner into the rider!

Luckily he only nudged the rider concerned.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 19 July, 2013, 09:53:45 am
Fingers crossed that Froome hasn't burnt himself out.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Karla on 19 July, 2013, 10:02:53 am
It looked like he just bonked - it was mentioned that there was very little chance to take on food in the last 3 hours.  What I'm confused about is why he sent Richie Porte to get food only 5 minutes from the end, when it would make no difference until after he'd crossed the line.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hillbilly on 19 July, 2013, 10:04:47 am
Fingers crossed that Froome hasn't burnt himself out.

But won't that make for an exciting couple of days (I want Froome to win it, but the romance of Quintano or Rodriguez getting close also has an appeal, from a spectators point of view).

In reality, I'd be staggered if Froome folded in the next couple of days.  The interest is really who will stand either side of him on the podium in Paris.

it would make no difference until after he'd crossed the line.

I suspect you are right, but it will have made a psychological difference.  I suspect we've all been in the pain cave looking for a chink of light to guide us out.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 19 July, 2013, 10:05:46 am
Wasn't that Guerini with the spectator incident?

They showed a clip of that incident on the ITV highlights last night. 1999, apparently. Can't quite believe it's that long ago.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: jogler on 19 July, 2013, 10:06:18 am
  What I'm confused about is why he sent Richie Porte to get food only 5 minutes from the end, when it would make no difference until after he'd crossed the line.

maybe he was Bonked&Borked to the degree that he wasn't thinking logically?

A quick energy shot makes a lorra difference to one's morale n'est pas?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: cyclone on 19 July, 2013, 10:14:44 am
absolument! ;)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 19 July, 2013, 10:17:24 am
It looked like he just bonked - it was mentioned that there was very little chance to take on food in the last 3 hours.  What I'm confused about is why he sent Richie Porte to get food only 5 minutes from the end, when it would make no difference until after he'd crossed the line.

Psychological, I guess. And I suppose in that situation you're liable to panic and try anything. It was a nice bit of late drama on a cracking stage though. Felt sorry for Tejay, who'd done amazingly well to stay out front so long, but what a finish by Riblon! He has truly saved the honour of France on this Tour.

I agree about Froome's condition - I don't think he's burnt himself out, but his efforts are clearly taking their toll and he's clearly not as fresh as he was at Ax 3 Domaines, while Rodriguez and Quintana are peaking at just the right moment, which could make today and tomorrow very interesting.

I have a feeling a break will succeed today though. Quintana needs a summit finish to attack and Contador clearly hasn't got the legs to shake off Froome. I reckon Purito might try to gain a few seconds on the final climb and descent though - and maybe gain enough to nick 4th spot in GC off Kreuziger.

Should be some real fireworks tomorrow. I wouldn't bet against Quintana and Purito finishing in the minor podium places.

It's a real shame for Mollema that he's out of the reckoning now. He reminds me of Wiggo in 2009 - he had a great first two weeks, chugging along nicely and managing to stay with the big boys (or at least not lose too much time) on the big climbs. So cruel to be taken out of the reckoning by illness at this late stage (I wonder if Ventoux did that to him - he looked in an awful state at the end of that stage). But if he works on his time trialling, he could be a real contender in future.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 19 July, 2013, 10:20:04 am
Indurain cracking on the slopes up to Les Arcs in 1996 will have been on Sky's mind. Mig left it a bit late to infringe the rules, and lost a lot of time. Better to take the penalties.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 19 July, 2013, 10:25:09 am
Voigt for Sky next year?  Then in the future, if Froome starts to get *that* feeling in his legs, he can take a lick of Jens' sweat, which scientific tests have shown is the most effective substance for beating the bonk.

Jens has stated this will be his last TDF.  He has said he will ride for one more year but will concentrate on other things like riding in Australia etc.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 19 July, 2013, 10:33:16 am
It looked like he just bonked - it was mentioned that there was very little chance to take on food in the last 3 hours.  What I'm confused about is why he sent Richie Porte to get food only 5 minutes from the end, when it would make no difference until after he'd crossed the line.

Sugar in liquid form gets into the bloodstream very quickly.  Ever seen a diabetic respond to a sugary water drink?  While the riders are clearly not diabetic, the speed that sugar can get into the 'system' is very quick and much better to arrive starting to recover than to arrive when continuing to suffer.  The gels would had definitely started to work by then both in body and mind.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 19 July, 2013, 10:38:01 am
Studies have shown that the body responds to sugar detected in the mouth long before it can actually reach the muscles where it is needed.
(Which explains why the old "ride with a boiled sweet in your mouth" TT tactic probably did work, even if the practitioners didn't know why.)

So Froome may well have done exactly the right thing. Or he may not. He was quite tired at the time, so it's feasible he wouldn't have reached the same decision as the armchair experts.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 19 July, 2013, 10:54:35 am
What I'm confused about is why he sent Richie Porte to get food only 5 minutes from the end, when it would make no difference until after he'd crossed the line.

Glucose takes effect in only a few seconds: it gets absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth so it doesn't even need to be digested. (Other sugars and starches too: saliva contains enzymes which break them down into glucose and fructose.)

I always find it surprising just how rapidly food makes a difference: it happens so fast that it hardly seems physiologically plausible! I expect there's some kind of homeostasis going on: the body is keeping energy in reserve but releases it once it knows that more food is on the way.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 19 July, 2013, 11:20:49 am
I expect there's some kind of homeostasis going on: the body is keeping energy in reserve but releases it once it knows that more food is on the way.

I've heard this same theory put forward elsewhere by an ex-pro. There might even be some truth in it!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bikey-mikey on 19 July, 2013, 12:31:19 pm
Today they are riding up 'me' - the Mad Lane .............
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Domestique on 19 July, 2013, 12:47:48 pm
Is anyone watching on Euro-Sport?
What does that little microphone symbol mean that comes up on the left hand side of the screen  ???  :-\
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: pcolbeck on 19 July, 2013, 12:51:05 pm
It means that if you have a smart TV or are watching on a laptop you can select a rider of your choice (press the red button to choose) and then shout encouragement at them which they will hear via their in ear radios.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Domestique on 19 July, 2013, 12:52:29 pm
It means that if you have a smart TV or are watching on a laptop you can select a rider of your choice (press the red button to choose) and then shout encouragement at them which they will hear via their in ear radios.

 ;D ;D

Thanks  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 19 July, 2013, 02:18:28 pm
It means that if you have a smart TV or are watching on a laptop you can select a rider of your choice (press the red button to choose) and then shout encouragement at them which they will hear via their in ear radios.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ray 6701 on 19 July, 2013, 03:18:12 pm
If you look back to the history of the tour things are actually calmer.

Maurice Garin narrowly avoided being lynched by a mob because he had accepted a gel.

Didn't know they had gels in 1903  ???  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ham on 19 July, 2013, 03:23:01 pm
If you look back to the history of the tour things are actually calmer.

Maurice Garin narrowly avoided being lynched by a mob because he had accepted a gel.

Didn't know they had gels in 1903  ???  ;D

Of course they did, had to cycle sidesaddle though.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 19 July, 2013, 03:25:31 pm
Either way, I don't think there were any gels in Le Tour of 1903.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ham on 19 July, 2013, 03:28:36 pm
Swim, anyone?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 19 July, 2013, 03:31:22 pm
The 1904 violence certainly puts the bad behaviour of contemporary spectators into perspective! (Fans of Andre Fauré assisted their hero by ambushing the other riders on the Col de la République. Giovanni Gerbi was beaten unconscious and had to abandon the race. The other riders were saved by the race official Geo Lefèvre who fired warning shots.)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 19 July, 2013, 03:56:34 pm
No doubt today's riders kiss the feet of the organisers every night for keeping things safer than 1904.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 19 July, 2013, 04:40:29 pm
Another very enjoyable stage today - mainly for Rolland's bid for spotty glory. I was really willing him on to nab the points on the final climb. Shame he didn't manage it. One more chance tomorrow, though he'll need to hope Froome or Quintana don't bag the 50pts for the stage win...

Slightly miffed with Costa because I'd picked Navarro as my tip for the stage win, but on the other hand, I have the unrepentant Portuguese doper in my fantasy team, so it's not all bad.

Quintana vs Rodriguez vs Contador to decide the minor podium placings tomorrow. Should be fun. That last climb looks very hurty. Froome just needs to stay in touch and not lose too much time to those three, but he'll probably go for the stage win, just for the fun of it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Auntie Helen on 19 July, 2013, 05:40:35 pm
I thought Froome was looking a bit poorly today again - not a very good colour. I expect he's really looking forward to tomorrow being over!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 19 July, 2013, 06:40:34 pm
We've all wanted to.....

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 19 July, 2013, 06:48:04 pm

But I'd like to see what happened next, when his mate-in-yellow-tights arrives on the scene.

(also a good demonstration of the safety benefits of cycling mitts  :thumbsup: )
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 19 July, 2013, 07:22:59 pm

But I'd like to see what happened next, when his mate-in-yellow-tights arrives on the scene.

(also a good demonstration of the safety benefits of cycling mitts  :thumbsup: )
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bumper on 19 July, 2013, 07:28:11 pm
Thanks for giving me a good laugh Biff :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 19 July, 2013, 07:34:19 pm
I'm impressed by Richie Porte's evident cheerfulness, good humour, and level-headedness. It's difficult to keep your morale high when you're tired and hungry, so it must be really helpful to have someone like Porte with you.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 19 July, 2013, 07:36:55 pm
We've all wanted to.....



There was an excellently timed shove from one of the motorcycle cameramen on yesterday's stage, must try to find it.

I'm impressed by Richie Porte's evident cheerfulness, good humour, and level-headedness.

Me too.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 20 July, 2013, 07:21:06 am
I'm impressed by Richie Porte's evident cheerfulness, good humour, and level-headedness. It's difficult to keep your morale high when you're tired and hungry, so it must be really helpful to have someone like Porte with you.

Ritchie Porte is amazing. Kennaugh has been good too.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: IanDG on 20 July, 2013, 08:10:54 am
We've all wanted to.....


Excellent :)

Lucky he didn't fall sideways and take Van Garderen with him tho'.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Rainmaker on 20 July, 2013, 08:36:30 am
If you want another take on the atmosphere on Alpe d'Huez:

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 20 July, 2013, 10:15:05 am
Movistar have published the SRM data from yesterday's stage for Costa and Valverde:

Hopefully there are enough numbers there to keep the Reasonable Suspicion Brigade occupied for a few days - as long as they don't run out of fag packets to do their calculations on - while the rest of us get on with enjoying the cycling...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 20 July, 2013, 01:27:06 pm
Contador, being nice and considerate:

He gave an additional, and quite curious reason for not being aggressive on the descent. “I didn’t want to attack because, watching on TV, there are people who love me and get nervous when I attack on a descent.”

Bertie, there's no shame in admitting you just haven't got it this year. Second or third ain't too shabby.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 20 July, 2013, 03:55:23 pm
Jens . . .

He can't do it. but if he does, I will cry tears of happiness. The Sky-led chase team should neutralise any chasers who threaten Jens.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Feline on 20 July, 2013, 04:51:37 pm
Why is it that whenever I see Nairo Quintana I think of Super Mario (and I don't mean Cipollini!)?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 20 July, 2013, 04:59:51 pm
It's surprising to see how many challengers reached to 2nd place, tried to beat Froome and fell back. That's a very positive point about this tour, in the past those in 2nd place tried more to defend their spot as to attack the yellow jersey. Quintana is #4 at this position after Valverde, Mollema and Bertie.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 20 July, 2013, 05:15:18 pm
Once again, the Sky formula has worked and congratulation to them all.

Another front page of L'Equipe to be framed very soon!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 20 July, 2013, 05:27:53 pm
Rolland might get a penalty for this incident:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 20 July, 2013, 05:38:59 pm
And Froome certainly has a lot of reach for clouting clueless spectators.. Nice  one Chris!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: DaleFTW on 20 July, 2013, 05:39:54 pm
Bless. Quintana crying during a post-race interview. I get emotional when I've necked a load of drugs too, tbf.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 20 July, 2013, 05:43:17 pm
I've spent the last three days watching it on the big screen over at 'The Fan Park' in London's Canary PierWharf. Superb atmosphere, and beats shouting at the telly at home alone. Hope they do something similar next year.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 20 July, 2013, 05:48:25 pm
Bless. Quintana crying during a post-race interview. I get emotional when I've necked a load of drugs too, tbf.
Unwarranted, stupid and pathetic
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 20 July, 2013, 05:50:42 pm
Bless. Quintana crying during a post-race interview. I get emotional when I've necked a load of drugs too, tbf.

Special day for him winning the stage and claiming 2 jumpers (white and polka); also Independence Day in Columbia where all his family is.  Emotional?  I would hope so!  Have you never got emotional over anything?

Regards necking a load of drugs, any evidence?  Or just another 'let's jump on a bandwagon' posting?  Anything original to say?

(cross-posting with mrcharly, he beat me to it!)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 20 July, 2013, 06:32:14 pm
Yeah, completely inconceivable that a 60kg Colombian whippet would be decent at climbing mountains on a bike.  :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

In short, Pics or STFU (
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 20 July, 2013, 07:20:18 pm
Bless. Quintana crying during a post-race interview. I get emotional when I've necked a load of drugs too, tbf.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: DaleFTW on 20 July, 2013, 07:21:37 pm
 ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 20 July, 2013, 07:45:09 pm
The Cyclingnews Clinic forum is down. Trolls are lonely creatures.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: hazeii on 20 July, 2013, 09:19:44 pm
Pretty much the perfect result on the day; I'd say Quintana deserved it. Somewhat surprised Chris Froome didn't make more of a fight for the stage win, did he lose a bit of motivation once he knew he would hit the line with his lead intact?

Tomorrow sounds ghastly as a 'spectacle'.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 20 July, 2013, 09:38:27 pm
tomorrow? Kittel v Cav? It will be awesome (for the last 10k anyway)

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 20 July, 2013, 10:25:18 pm
Tomorrow sounds ghastly as a 'spectacle'.

Ghastly indeed. Don't know if this is a spoof but this


will be the YJ for the final stage. Sequins  :facepalm:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 20 July, 2013, 10:34:17 pm
That's the one..
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 20 July, 2013, 11:21:01 pm


What a tour it has been for him.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 20 July, 2013, 11:51:40 pm
Has anybody had access to Wiggins'  tweets recently? Just curious.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 12:38:31 am
Has anybody had access to Wiggins'  tweets recently? Just curious.

I believe Wiggo stopped tweeting some while ago. I read a report (might have been a tweet from a reporter at yesterday's press conference) which stated that when asked if he'd heard from Wiggo Froome said 'no'. Mind you, technically it isn't over yet. I'm sure the press will collar Wiggo shortly, though he may be abroad preparing for the Tour of Poland.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: andyoxon on 21 July, 2013, 08:45:02 am
OOI when was the last time all the podium positions went down to the wire on the last day?   Ont news they were going on about the last day traditionally being a victory parade.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 09:56:54 am
All? Never I suspect. 1989 for the YJ obv. The green was settled on the Champs Elysees a few years ago between Zabel and O'Grady. AFAIK there are never any climbing points on the last stage (except possibly back in the mists of time)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 10:03:51 am
There are two 4th cat climbs on the last stage (worth 1 point each), so not enough to make any difference.

Speed bumps?  :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: IanDG on 21 July, 2013, 10:04:22 am
Pretty much the perfect result on the day; I'd say Quintana deserved it. Somewhat surprised Chris Froome didn't make more of a fight for the stage win, did he lose a bit of motivation once he knew he would hit the line with his lead intact?

Tomorrow sounds ghastly as a 'spectacle'.

Or (like Contador) genuinely 'stuffed'? Another sign that the peleton is cleaning up?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: frankly frankie on 21 July, 2013, 10:05:07 am
1989 for the YJ obv.

Even then it was all settled really - nobody expected that Fignon would be beaten ...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 10:23:43 am
Or (like Contador) genuinely 'stuffed'? Another sign that the peleton is cleaning up?

I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and I never thought I'd say that, especially with Riis as his boss.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: jogler on 21 July, 2013, 10:31:09 am
A really impressive tour debut for Quintana.

I'll repeat part of that :   debut
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: cyclone on 21 July, 2013, 10:34:48 am
Nice to see the gendarmes making a beeline for the twats running up the road, see the bloke nearly get rolled by Vroom vroom as he tried to clumsily get over the fence??

Quite apart from the question over Contadors cleanliness he never stopped believing in the win until after yesterday.... the spanish coalition ended up taking him off the podium....(tha'ts all I'll comment  :-X)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 11:21:14 am
OOI when was the last time all the podium positions went down to the wire on the last day?   Ont news they were going on about the last day traditionally being a victory parade.

Even if it wasn't the last stage, the likelihood of a GC contender being allowed to get into the breakaway and making it stick on a flat stage is pretty slim - especially with the sprinters teams wanting the win. If it was a couple of seconds, maybe a last minute blast might just get lucky, but never 5 minutes. I suspect the tradition grew out of inevitability.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 21 July, 2013, 11:40:50 am
Ocasionally there's a final timetrial on the last day, in that case we can have a very thrilling finish.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 21 July, 2013, 01:23:54 pm
Yesterday was an amazing race to watch (even via ITV's highlight programme).  The Sky team did their normal impressive job with Froome.

For whatever reason he didn't challenge Quintana in the end, quite possibly he had nothing left after three weeks of racing, but I'd go with deciding that it really wasn't worth exposing his body to that much more damage in an effort to get the Polka Dot jersey as well as Yellow.

It was a shame Jens couldn't hang on until the end, but he did impressively well as far as he got.  Staying at the front on a stage like that, even if he couldn't hang on through that final Hors Categorie climb would require a phenomenal ability.  He's clearly an amazing cyclists, and it's a shame that this'll be his final Tour, but I can understand him wanting to leave, whilst still pretty much at the top of his game.

At the end of the day, Yellow is far and away the big one, and Froome being the second UK athlete to win Le Tour in two years, after it never being won by one before, is still big news, especially for the 100th race, so it's understandable that he didn't push for the stage win today, assuming that he could have beaten Quntana.  It'll be interesting to see where Quintana goes in the next few years, he appears to almost have a Tour victory in him this year, missing by not much.  Next year could be quite different (although it wouldn't be the first time people have said that, and then they actually come to naught).
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 01:33:17 pm
I just thought that Froome was knackered and after trying to gap Quintana and Rodriguez, and had nothing left in the tank when they chased back on and went past him.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 21 July, 2013, 02:11:22 pm
I just thought that Froome was knackered and after trying to gap Quintana and Rodriguez, and had nothing left in the tank when they chased back on and went past him.

And combined with a complete drain of adrenaline as he realised he had achieved his objective in the final kilometres.  The wave of emotion he must have felt would have definitely had an effect as he had nothing to fight for; victory overall was his.

Glad Jens won the Combative Rider prize yesterday and it would be a nice gesture if he won the Overall Combative Rider prize for all his attacks.  However, the French may need a rider for them to award something to, otherwise a single stage win and no jumpers is probably not really good enough in their eyes.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 21 July, 2013, 03:57:31 pm
The way Froome attacked at 1km to go suggested he very much wanted the stage win.

He talked in the post-race interview about the emotion overcoming him as he approached the line, so yes, that was very probably a factor.

Very pleased for Quintana that he got it though.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 21 July, 2013, 03:58:09 pm
I just thought that Froome was knackered and after trying to gap Quintana and Rodriguez, and had nothing left in the tank when they chased back on and went past him.

Quite likely.  I think had he needed to race, he quite possibly could have taken them on, but at this point, taking it easy(er) was probably very attractive!  Getting the double of Yellow and KOM would have been good, but I suspect winning "just" the GC for the 100th Tour is more than enough.  It's easy for us as armchair athletes to sit here and say "Why didn't he go for it?", but we haven't just spent three weeks racing around France!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 21 July, 2013, 04:03:05 pm
Ocasionally there's a final timetrial on the last day, in that case we can have a very thrilling finish.

As I'm sure you of all forumites know, 1989 wasn't even the first time GC was decided on a final stage time trial.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 21 July, 2013, 05:01:59 pm
Ocasionally there's a final timetrial on the last day, in that case we can have a very thrilling finish.

As I'm sure you of all forumites know, 1989 wasn't even the first time GC was decided on a final stage time trial.

exactly, 1968, Jan Janssen vs. Herman van Springel
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 06:25:01 pm
God this is dull.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 21 July, 2013, 06:30:06 pm
God this is dull.

What do you mean? Froome's been dropped while being caught on camera in the act of ingesting banned substances!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 06:35:16 pm
 ;D I've never seen champagne drunk with less enthusiasm.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 21 July, 2013, 06:36:39 pm
Perfect backdrop to report writing!

Also a nice insight into what happens before the final circuit rush.

Although I am getting a little fed up with Paul Sherwins 'tales of Africa'.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Gareth Rees on 21 July, 2013, 06:36:46 pm
What do you mean? Froome's been dropped while being caught on camera in the act of ingesting banned substances!

Not banned in cycling, though! (It is banned in aeronautics, archery, automobile, karate, motorcycling, and powerboating.)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 07:16:29 pm
That fly past was impressive.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 21 July, 2013, 07:21:42 pm
It's been rare for much to happen on the final day. There's sometimes an attack, but it rarely goes anywhere, because the sprinters teams want to have a go.  I'd imagine that's what will happen today, too many of the sprinters want a go, not least being Cav.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 21 July, 2013, 07:23:44 pm
What do you mean? Froome's been dropped while being caught on camera in the act of ingesting banned substances!

Not banned in cycling, though! (It is banned in aeronautics, archery, automobile, karate, motorcycling, and powerboating.)

You're absolutely right - I've been misinformed.

I just looked it up to check and apparently it's banned in tenpin bowling too!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 07:23:52 pm
It hasn't really started until Jens Voigt goes off the front.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 21 July, 2013, 07:25:24 pm
What do you mean? Froome's been dropped while being caught on camera in the act of ingesting banned substances!

Not banned in cycling, though! (It is banned in aeronautics, archery, automobile, karate, motorcycling, and powerboating.)

You're absolutely right - I've been misinformed.

I just looked it up to check and apparently it's banned in tenpin bowling too!
Even if it was banned, the French would still allow it.

(sometimes you have to like them)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 07:26:16 pm
Why is there a tomb for an unknown shoulder? Phiggett has mentioned it twice now.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 21 July, 2013, 07:26:25 pm
It's been rare for much to happen on the final day. There's sometimes an attack, but it rarely goes anywhere, because the sprinters teams want to have a go.  I'd imagine that's what will happen today, too many of the sprinters want a go, not least being Cav.

In 1994, Frankie Andreu made a late escape and almost succeeded but was pipped on the line by Eddy Seigneur. Chris Boardman was a distant third, still well clear of the peloton.

Can't remember any similar breakaway successes since then, and I'm pretty certain it won't happen today.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 21 July, 2013, 07:34:26 pm
That fly past was impressive.

Would have been if they had the 9th aircraft to make the Diamond Nine formation!  Obvious gap in that formation me thinks.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: her_welshness on 21 July, 2013, 07:46:13 pm
Ooh Froome has special little sequins on his yellow jersey -so that he will sparkle like a vampire.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 07:51:06 pm
Why is there a tomb for an unknown shoulder? Phiggett has mentioned it twice now.

As soon as he said that, my mind starting trying to cobble together a gag to do with Jean-Christophe Péraud and his time-trial crashes. But I gave up.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 21 July, 2013, 07:51:52 pm
It hasn't really started until Jens Voigt goes off the front.

There was brief mention of him earlier, but with the speed of the Peloton now, trying to chase down the two leaders, I don't think he'd have much chance of getting away.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dinamo on 21 July, 2013, 07:56:32 pm
God this is dull.

Wait 'til the last kilometre  :o
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 21 July, 2013, 08:01:00 pm
Time to put the light on the bikes me thinks :-) what a bummer to pull out at 35km to go, he must be well sick and gutted.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 21 July, 2013, 08:06:14 pm
I'm amazed that David Millar has managed to stay in front so long, and still has a small lead.  Typically a lead of one second per km to go can be survivable, but the sprinter's teams really won't want him to take their prize away, so I'd expect them to turn the speed up a bit more, very shortly.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 08:07:08 pm
Naa, you can keep yer Cavs and Gorillas and Kittens; I'd quite like it if Millar took the stage! He's won by going off the front before hasn't he?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 21 July, 2013, 08:07:40 pm
I love how Millar will always have a dig. Even if it is doomed. Good effort!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Beardy on 21 July, 2013, 08:09:48 pm
It's getting a bit interesting now though. Are they going to reel him in...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 21 July, 2013, 08:10:40 pm
Thought it was a minute per 10k - he will be back in the peloton shortly, but a good showing.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 08:11:21 pm
It's getting a bit interesting now though. Are they going to reel him in...

Absolutely, I reckon.

Although I REALLY want an argyle-patterned Cervelo now. Dammit.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 21 July, 2013, 08:11:34 pm
One of the troubles with the Parisian stage, is that the long straight sections gives the Peloton a nice view of any leaders, which always helps them chase down a breakaway.  The difference is being eaten into, I don't think he'll keep it all the way to the end.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 08:14:12 pm
Please tell me that Liggo didn't confuse the Moon for the Sun just then!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 21 July, 2013, 08:15:12 pm
Please tell me that Liggo didn't confuse the Moon for the Sun just then!

He's tired. It's past his bedtime.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 21 July, 2013, 08:15:41 pm
We just laughed about that too tsk tsk
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Beardy on 21 July, 2013, 08:16:24 pm
At least he's stopped saying 'in my experience'.  :sick:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 08:18:55 pm
At least Vichot will get to do his own lap of honour!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 08:19:23 pm
Now THIS breakaway might take some effort to chase down... I reckon they'll be caught but it might take a lot out of the fuel tanks of the "big" leadout trains, possibly get a bit of a surprise winner?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 21 July, 2013, 08:21:16 pm
As I always say you got to ..... Boy that is good one for a drinking game :-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 21 July, 2013, 08:26:01 pm
"For Froome the bell tolls.."
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 21 July, 2013, 08:26:28 pm
The leaders are only a few seconds ahead, as they start the last lap, so that's over.  The sprinters teams will be happy.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 08:26:33 pm
"For Froome the bell tolls.."

Best. Kirbyism. Ever.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Tewdric on 21 July, 2013, 08:27:03 pm
Greipls lead out man has a flat!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 08:27:43 pm
"For Froome the bell tolls.."

You've been waiting for that haven't you?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 08:34:20 pm
Kittel, Greipel, Cav I think. Photo for 2 and 3.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 21 July, 2013, 08:34:35 pm
Fantastic sprint. Go froooooome
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 21 July, 2013, 08:36:10 pm
That was close..
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 21 July, 2013, 08:37:08 pm
Didn't affect the result, but jeez that was a hell of kick of Cav's back wheel - he almost Endo'd over the line  :o.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 08:38:37 pm
He kicked right at the end and I reckon he's still got the edge wrt absolute speed*, but Cav will have to get his timing so right from now on if he's going to nail stages.

*Or maybe Kittel was easing off.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 08:39:56 pm
Try separating these two...


From that, I'd say Greipel by a rizla thickness.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Beardy on 21 July, 2013, 08:40:05 pm
Typical, you wait 98 years for a British winner of the Tour and then two come along at,the same time  ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 21 July, 2013, 08:40:45 pm
Cav will have to get a better lead-out train to have a better chance.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mcshroom on 21 July, 2013, 08:41:04 pm
ITV saying Greipel
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mcshroom on 21 July, 2013, 08:41:59 pm
Cav will have to get a better lead-out train to have a better chance.

Renshaw's on his way to OPQS next season which should help
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 21 July, 2013, 08:42:07 pm
LeTour.FR comfirming

1. Marcel Kittel (GER) ARG

2. André Greipel (GER) LTB

3. Mark Cavendish (GBR) OPQ

4. Peter Sagan (SLO) CAN

5. Roberto Ferrari (ITA) LAM
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 21 July, 2013, 08:43:31 pm
Really quite strange that the Green Jersey was one by somebody who was no where near the best sprinter.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Pingu on 21 July, 2013, 08:46:05 pm
Not really. It's not "the sprinters'" jersey.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 21 July, 2013, 08:48:34 pm
might be a slight downer at the OPQS party tonight - they still haven't worked out how to do a proper leadout, wheras A-S have had it pretty well nailed.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 21 July, 2013, 08:49:48 pm
Muhahahahaha sings the team tune - for your chance to win a bright bike :-)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 21 July, 2013, 08:49:56 pm
Not really. It's not "the sprinters'" jersey.
No, but perhaps it should be?

I hated Sagan before this tour, but he is turning into a bit of a legendary character, wheelies at the top of Annecy, green beards etc. However, i'm not sure his performance overall should justify a jersey.

Or maybe I just dislike the Argos-Shimano kit so much that i'd want Kittel to be in green.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 21 July, 2013, 08:52:11 pm
Wanted: coach builder to renovate a tour de france team bus. Apply Omega Pharma Quick Step.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 21 July, 2013, 08:53:14 pm
Didn't affect the result, but jeez that was a hell of kick of Cav's back wheel - he almost Endo'd over the line  :o.

Yes, in the slow mo it looks horrendous, although in reality it was barely noticeable.  Not good though, if it happens to you!

The second and third places did look to be separated by a gnats whisker.  Cav didn't quite get it right, but his repeated successes on the Champs-Élysées were always to come to an end at some point.  There's always a lot of variables in getting that lead out train to just the right point, getting something wrong fractionally is going to get them there too late, or too early, and bugger things up.  I suspect a fraction is also luck, which sometimes isn't going to play out appropriately.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 21 July, 2013, 09:05:45 pm
Riblon - Most combative overall.

Should have been jensie. But hey the French needed something to shout about.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 21 July, 2013, 09:08:58 pm
What a great way for Team Sky to finish.  Couldn't do any of that last year as they were too busy sorting out Cav.

Couldn't be happier for them and very happy for Froome.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Peter on 21 July, 2013, 09:22:42 pm
Don't you love it when commentators keep trotting out, "It won't sink in for a few days"?  How would they know?  I bet it sank in immediately, judging by Chris's tears at the end.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 21 July, 2013, 09:24:40 pm
Is Armstrong watching telly tonight?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 21 July, 2013, 09:27:39 pm
Not really. It's not "the sprinters'" jersey.
No, but perhaps it should be?

I hated Sagan before this tour, but he is turning into a bit of a legendary character, wheelies at the top of Annecy, green beards etc. However, i'm not sure his performance overall should justify a jersey.

Or maybe I just dislike the Argos-Shimano kit so much that i'd want Kittel to be in green.

He won it in the way it was always intended to be won - by being the most consistent finisher. His victory was justfied IMO...
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Chris S on 21 July, 2013, 09:29:13 pm
Don't you love it when commentators keep trotting out, "It won't sink in for a few days"?  How would they know?  I bet it sank in immediately, judging by Chris's tears at the end.

TBF, I suspect Chris Boardman knows.

So. Where next for Team Sky?

Hats off to Sir Dave Brailsford. Track. Le Tour x2, Olympics. He's clearly Got Something, where cycling's concerned.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Mrs Pingu on 21 July, 2013, 09:32:27 pm
Next week there will be a big Tour shaped hole in my evenings....
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 21 July, 2013, 09:34:00 pm
Only a month til the Vuelta!!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 21 July, 2013, 09:34:38 pm
So. Where next for Team Sky?

Hopefully more of the same!

(But with cars that don't have problems due to a bit of internal flooding)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 09:38:12 pm
Only a month til the Vuelta!!

And then it'll be Christmas  :(  #glasshalfempty
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Pingu on 21 July, 2013, 09:40:34 pm
Next week there will be a big Tour shaped hole in my evenings....

Next month you'll be riding some of those roads  :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: vorsprung on 21 July, 2013, 09:41:11 pm
Is Armstrong watching telly tonight?

They had Hinault and Indurain as sample great champions for the 100th finish podium
One can't fail to see the irony that Indurain gets feted but Armstrong isn't even there
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 21 July, 2013, 09:48:36 pm
Is Armstrong watching telly tonight?

They had Hinault and Indurain as sample great champions for the 100th finish podium
One can't fail to see the irony that Indurain gets feted but Armstrong isn't even there

I did wonder about Mig's presence. But I guess Lance was just in a different league, doping wise.

Good to see Hinault looking well.

What a Tour! I can't recall enjoying a Tour so much, largely thanks to ITV4.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 21 July, 2013, 09:51:04 pm
might be a slight downer at the OPQS party tonight - they still haven't worked out how to do a proper leadout, wheras A-S have had it pretty well nailed.

I think even with a perfect lead-out he might just have been outpowered by Kittel.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 21 July, 2013, 09:53:58 pm
So. Where next for Team Sky?

Hopefully more of the same!

(But with cars that don't have problems due to a bit of internal flooding)

Bet they won't want any more of this either. Don't ask me wtf it was all about
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 21 July, 2013, 09:54:47 pm

What a Tour! I can't recall enjoying a Tour so much, largely thanks to ITV4.
Really? I watched Eurosport for most of the tour.

ITV ad breaks were long and frequent and one actually occurred when Froome attacked up to Ax 3 Domaines.

Eurosport ads are only about 3 ads in length and the dulcet tones of Carlton and Kelly soothe me.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 21 July, 2013, 09:55:02 pm
might be a slight downer at the OPQS party tonight - they still haven't worked out how to do a proper leadout, wheras A-S have had it pretty well nailed.

I think even with a perfect lead-out he might just have been outpowered by Kittel.

I think Cav is faster, but not so much head and shoulders faster that we have been used to. If he had been on Kittels wheel instead of Greipel then he may well have taken it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 21 July, 2013, 09:55:18 pm
Good to see Hinault looking well.

I like the nonchalant way he leans on anything that does not move.  He remains my all time favourite rider and appears to do as he pleases; imperious sums him up.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Mrs Pingu on 21 July, 2013, 10:00:11 pm
Next week there will be a big Tour shaped hole in my evenings....

Next month you'll be riding some of those roads  :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 21 July, 2013, 10:01:25 pm
Yup this was a good tour, well worth watching. Fighting for all the podium places and coloured tops. And all the teams had a go at it. Its been a while since I have enjoyed le tour so much.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 21 July, 2013, 10:02:19 pm
Bet they won't want any more of this either. Don't ask me wtf it was all about

Interesting article by David Walsh in Sunday Times today about the treatment Chris Froome got on Alpe d'Huez and also abuse of Team Sky car.  Not everyone likes them and they were targeted in an unpleasant way.

French not that good to translate speech on clip, but perhaps a similar incident had occurred where team car was targeted.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 21 July, 2013, 10:13:23 pm

What a Tour! I can't recall enjoying a Tour so much, largely thanks to ITV4.
Really? I watched Eurosport for most of the tour.

Yes, but I can't get Eurosport. Good to have it on normal, terrestrial TV, ads or not. 
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 21 July, 2013, 10:14:48 pm
Just saw the BBC News bit on the TdF. They just can't get through a TdF story, even tonights, without whining out about the "suspicions" about Froome.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Pip on 21 July, 2013, 10:16:35 pm
..'this is one yellow jersey that will stand the test of time' - Chris Froome
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mr magnolia on 21 July, 2013, 10:34:45 pm
Bon soir.
Just back in the hotel in gay paree after a fun evening, apart from a possible broken back from holding various magnoliettes up to see!
Cracking day, grommit - pity I missed the previous week through being stranded on a beach in Brittany. Looking forward to seeing the highlights when home.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: perpetual dan on 21 July, 2013, 10:49:58 pm
Sequins  :facepalm:

Sequins on a bike jersey. A welcome change to the Rapha catalogue I think, though Mrs Dan says I have to sew my own on.

Good race though, I've enjoyed that.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 10:55:20 pm
Just saw the BBC News bit on the TdF. They just can't get through a TdF story, even tonights, without whining out about the "suspicions" about Froome.

Loving the way that the beeb have missed a massive trick by never getting (into) road cycling, although it could be down to having trade sponsored teams on reflection.

Somebody (not me - far too lazy) needs to petition ITV4  to ditch the two Ps and allow Ned, Matt, Gazza and the Boardman a free reign on the commentary. Sherwen and his use of 'of' (in the country of, in the continent of etc) became incredibly grating after three weeks. Can't help feeeling that he must have been holding himself back at times not to refer to that big mountain as the 'Alp of Huez'.

Stupidly, I just looked at the inane trolling comments following the most recent Torygraph article on the Tour. Apparently, they're all on drugs...Jeez
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Beardy on 21 July, 2013, 11:09:27 pm
might be a slight downer at the OPQS party tonight - they still haven't worked out how to do a proper leadout, wheras A-S have had it pretty well nailed.

I think even with a perfect lead-out he might just have been outpowered by Kittel.
oh, I don't know, if the line had been 5m further down the road I think Cav would have had it. He was gaining on the other two as they went over the line.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Hot Flatus on 21 July, 2013, 11:20:14 pm
So. Where next for Team Sky?

Hopefully more of the same!

(But with cars that don't have problems due to a bit of internal flooding)

Bet they won't want any more of this either. Don't ask me wtf it was all about

A bunch of French behaving like pricks, basically.

The cameraman (french) was disgusted at the racism of his countrymen. It seems that knob in the polka jersey had reversed into ten Sky car and then attacked them shouting that they weren't 'at home' etc. Cameraman applauds Sky and say they were the best team.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ewan Houzami on 21 July, 2013, 11:33:46 pm
Hopefully witnesses as well as the footage and a charge of aggressive driving/criminal damage/attempted assault for spotty. And chuck in some verbal abuse as well. And well done Sky for showing 'discretion'and not absolutely twatting the pricks retaliating.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 21 July, 2013, 11:51:01 pm
On a lighter note, was Ned Boulting trying to subtly ask Peter Sagan if his collar and cuffs matched? :demon: ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Pingu on 22 July, 2013, 12:10:26 am
So. Where next for Team Sky?

Hopefully more of the same!

(But with cars that don't have problems due to a bit of internal flooding)

Bet they won't want any more of this either. Don't ask me wtf it was all about

A bunch of French behaving like pricks, basically.

The cameraman (french) was disgusted at the racism of his countrymen. It seems that knob in the polka jersey had reversed into ten Sky car and then attacked them shouting that they weren't 'at home' etc. Cameraman applauds Sky and say they were the best team.

Spotty falls down  :D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: IanDG on 22 July, 2013, 12:14:16 am
So. Where next for Team Sky?

Hopefully more of the same!

(But with cars that don't have problems due to a bit of internal flooding)

Bet they won't want any more of this either. Don't ask me wtf it was all about

A bunch of French behaving like pricks, basically.

The cameraman (french) was disgusted at the racism of his countrymen. It seems that knob in the polka jersey had reversed into ten Sky car and then attacked them shouting that they weren't 'at home' etc. Cameraman applauds Sky and say they were the best team.

Spotty falls down  :D

Spotted Dick?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: IanDG on 22 July, 2013, 08:41:50 am
Really quite strange that the Green Jersey was one by somebody who was no where near the best sprinter.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 08:58:09 am
Cav was well beaten. His leadout was going so well until they were just about to hit the Place de la Concorde for the last time. Steegmans looked round, saw a Cannondale rider on his wheel and sat up, allowing Argos to come past and take the best line through the dogleg onto the Champs-Élysées. It was lost at that moment. Though anyone else apart from Cav would have been a lot further back by the time they crossed the line.

Stage 13 was perhaps more alarming for Cav, in that he got everything pretty much spot on that day but was still beaten. Kittel is a very worthy adversary for him and was clearly the best sprinter in this Tour.

Still, Cav will be back next year, with Renshaw back as his leadout man, so that should get his opposition quaking with fear.

Not to mention that it'll be a long, long time before anyone matches Cav's four in a row. Quite a remarkable achievement.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 09:01:55 am
..'this is one yellow jersey that will stand the test of time' - Chris Froome

That was a great speech, wasn't it? Everything in it seemed calculated to endear himself to the French public.

I think Froome has grown in stature over the course of this Tour and really looks the part of the champion now. His little dig at Contador after their coming together the other day showed that he even fancies taking on the role of Patron now.

Right now, I wouldn't bet against him winning again next year.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 09:09:19 am
Not really. It's not "the sprinters'" jersey.

Didn't they change the scoring a couple of years ago with the aim of favouring the sprinters?

I suppose they didn't bank on Sagan who, to be fair, was always near the front in the bunch finishes.

ISTR Zabel won the jersey a lot without actually winning that many stages, and no one ever said he didn't deserve it (except with hindsight when his dodgy methods were revealed).

Anyway, Sagan is a very deserving winner, and the most frightening thing is that he's done it twice in his first two attempts at the Tour and is still only 23. Zabel's record is already looking under threat.

Edit: just read Windy's link. Top four on nine stages says it all, really.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Salvatore on 22 July, 2013, 09:18:37 am
Sean Kelly won 4 TdF green jerseys. On only one of those Tdfs did he win a stage.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 09:21:06 am
Cav will have to get a better lead-out train to have a better chance.

Renshaw's on his way to OPQS next season which should help

Defo. Steegmans is a very decent sprinter in his own right but never seemed able to offer Cav the same level of physical protection that Renshaw gave him. The Veelers incident would probably never have happened with Renshaw around.

And is it just me or was Tony Martin notable for his absence in the train this year? He used to be a key man in the HTC days, hammering along at the front for most of the last 20km at such a pace that no one could get close. His injuries obviously took their toll this year.

Boonen would have been another useful asset - both for his big engine and his physical presence.

Credit to Argos, though - they were clearly the best-drilled train in the race.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 09:23:31 am
Sean Kelly won 4 TdF green jerseys. On only one of those Tdfs did he win a stage.

I see a lot of Sean Kelly in Sagan. I think Sagan may even win a GT one day, later in his career.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 09:28:13 am
Only a month til the Vuelta!!

And not forgetting the Worlds, which Froome is reportedly also targeting.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clarion on 22 July, 2013, 09:37:44 am
Sequins  :facepalm:

Sequins on a bike jersey. A welcome change to the Rapha catalogue I think, though Mrs Dan says I have to sew my own on.

Good race though, I've enjoyed that.

Strictly Come Racing?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: fuzzy on 22 July, 2013, 10:06:34 am

What a Tour! I can't recall enjoying a Tour so much, largely thanks to ITV4.
Really? I watched Eurosport for most of the tour.

ITV ad breaks were long and frequent and one actually occurred when Froome attacked up to Ax 3 Domaines.

Eurosport ads are only about 3 ads in length and the dulcet tones of Carlton and Kelly soothe me.

I watch ITV4 coverage for a few reasons- Gary, Chris and Ned being very high up the list. The main reason however is that, as a recorded highlights veiwer, reliability is vital. I lost count of the number of times I went to watch the Eurosport higlights to find the previous programmes overrunning by an hour or so >:(

Phil and Paul are not reasons I watch ITV4.

Perhaps someone should offer Jens a pundit job :thumbsup:

As for the reace-

Way to go Froomedog :thumbsup:

'Kinell Cav- that was lumpy :o

Vive la Tour ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ivo on 22 July, 2013, 10:10:48 am
Not really. It's not "the sprinters'" jersey.

Didn't they change the scoring a couple of years ago with the aim of favouring the sprinters?

The mountain classification scoring was changed this year, giving more points for the HC and 1st category climbs. The green jersey points scoring has always been more favouring for the flat stages. This in contrast with the Giro and the Vuelta where they don't distinguish between the mountain and flat stages. In the Vuelta Mollema and Rodriguez had a great fight over the points jersey. Mollema won because he dared to enter the final bunch sprint while Rodriguez didn't. Just a few points in the lower spots were enough.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: marcusjb on 22 July, 2013, 10:12:39 am
I have shouted and screamed at the TV more in the last 3 weeks than in the past 3 years. It has been an exciting tour with real dramas and a thoroughly deserving victor.

Brilliant stuff!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 22 July, 2013, 10:17:37 am
Tweet from Dr Hutch:

A radio station rings 'Would you like to come on our lunchtime show and talk about the question of how British Froome is?' No. I wouldn't.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 10:20:25 am
The mountain classification scoring was changed this year, giving more points for the HC and 1st category climbs.

Yes, and looking at the outcome, they're probably giving themselves a big pat on the back for that decision. It's hard to imagine there's ever been a more popular winner of that competition than Quintana.

Actually, it was last year they changed the KOM points, and that gurning idiot still managed to win it, but at least he did so by actually winning a mountain stage rather than jut hoovering up the intermediate points, which seemed to be Rolland's tactic this year.

This in contrast with the Giro and the Vuelta where they don't distinguish between the mountain and flat stages. In the Vuelta Mollema and Rodriguez had a great fight over the points jersey. Mollema won because he dared to enter the final bunch sprint while Rodriguez didn't. Just a few points in the lower spots were enough.

And not forgetting the time bonuses!

All of which goes to show quite how huge an achievement it was for Cav to win the red jersey at the Giro this year, after being pipped by Purito last year - and the effort that required is possibly one of the reasons he wasn't firing on all cylinders at the Tour.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 10:21:13 am
Tweet from Dr Hutch:

A radio station rings 'Would you like to come on our lunchtime show and talk about the question of how British Froome is?' No. I wouldn't.


ISTR he's previously turned down opportunities to discuss how Irish Dan Martin is too. Good for him!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Nuncio on 22 July, 2013, 10:35:33 am

Still, Cav will be back next year, with Renshaw back as his leadout man, so that should get his opposition quaking with fear.

Not racing to the end of the Giro may help him, as will not starting the tour with bronchitis (or whatever necessitated the antibiotics).  On the other hand, OPQS having Uran might dilute the power of his lead-out.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clarion on 22 July, 2013, 10:41:27 am
Tweet from Dr Hutch:

A radio station rings 'Would you like to come on our lunchtime show and talk about the question of how British Froome is?' No. I wouldn't.


ISTR he's previously turned down opportunities to discuss how Irish Dan Martin is too. Good for him!

Good for Hutch.

Sky is an international team, and Froome is an international rider.  Brits can be proud, Kenyans can be proud, South Africans can be proud, but, most importantly, cycling fans can be proud and impressed by his achievement.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Veloman on 22 July, 2013, 10:45:07 am
+1 ^^^^^^
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Toady on 22 July, 2013, 10:53:31 am
The mountain classification scoring was changed this year, giving more points for the HC and 1st category climbs. The green jersey points scoring has always been more favouring for the flat stages. This in contrast with the Giro and the Vuelta where they don't distinguish between the mountain and flat stages. In the Vuelta Mollema and Rodriguez had a great fight over the points jersey. Mollema won because he dared to enter the final bunch sprint while Rodriguez didn't. Just a few points in the lower spots were enough.
Tour of Britain has a points and a sprinters jersey doesn't it?  One for pure stage finishing points and one with intermediate sprints?  Or is my memory failing me again.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 10:59:45 am
Sky is an international team, and Froome is an international rider.  Brits can be proud, Kenyans can be proud, South Africans can be proud, but, most importantly, cycling fans can be proud and impressed by his achievement.

Yeah, I'm surprised more hasn't been made of him being the first African winner of the Tour. But then maybe I'm just not seeing it because I only look at the British press.

Personally, I see no conflict in him being both a British and an African winner.

Bizarre that his nationality is even considered an issue when one of the most popular riders on the Tour this year, even among people who have questioned Froome's British credentials, was a Colombian - who, in fact, isn't actually all that popular back home because of slightly unsavoury attitudes towards his "Indian" heritage (this according to my dad, who has lots of Colombian friends).
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Peter on 22 July, 2013, 11:12:14 am
Sky is an international team, and Froome is an international rider.  Brits can be proud, Kenyans can be proud, South Africans can be proud, but, most importantly, cycling fans can be proud and impressed by his achievement.

Yeah, I'm surprised more hasn't been made of him being the first African winner of the Tour. But then maybe I'm just not seeing it because I only look at the British press.

Personally, I see no conflict in him being both a British and an African winner.

Bizarre that his nationality is even considered an issue when one of the most popular riders on the Tour this year, even among people who have questioned Froome's British credentials, was a Colombian - who, in fact, isn't actually all that popular back home because of slightly unsavoury attitudes towards his "Indian" heritage (this according to my dad, who has lots of Colombian friends).

Yes, when I saw him on the podium, I thought, "He's a "real" Columbian.  That's great for the indigenous people."  I hope it is!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mrcharly-YHT on 22 July, 2013, 11:39:41 am
He's reportedly had racist hassle from French, US and Australian riders (but didn't say anything about british riders).
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 22 July, 2013, 11:46:20 am
He's reportedly had racist hassle from French, US and Australian riders (but didn't say anything about british riders).

There's a historical precedent for this - the great Colombians of the 80s had an awful time with racism from other riders and fans.

And more recently, there was an incident where Jarlinson Pantano got knocked off his bike by a French rider (not named) so Quintana went after him and returned the favour.   :thumbsup:  ;D

As I understand it, attitudes towards poor peasant kids like Quintana from metropolitan Colombians aren't an awful lot better.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimO on 22 July, 2013, 12:01:55 pm
On a lighter note, was Ned Boulting trying to subtly ask Peter Sagan if his collar and cuffs matched? :demon: ;D

I wondered about that, but if he had replied, they possibly couldn't have shown it (in replay anyway, live tv is harder to censor!) ;D
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 22 July, 2013, 05:22:01 pm
Cav was well beaten. His leadout was going so well until they were just about to hit the Place de la Concorde for the last time. Steegmans looked round, saw a Cannondale rider on his wheel and sat up, allowing Argos to come past and take the best line through the dogleg onto the Champs-Élysées. It was lost at that moment. Though anyone else apart from Cav would have been a lot further back by the time they crossed the line.
Wasn't it Trentin who sat up? Steegmans had let the cannondale rider in which screwed the leadout, allowing Argos to come past. Cav would have won from Kittels wheel, but was far too small to persuade Greipel to relinquish that spot.
Argos got it spot on, gave Kittel the launch he needed and he managed to hold off greipel and Cav just long enough. Possibly a moment too much hesitation from Cav or Kittel going earlier than expected.

But ultimately the best possible sprint finish for the Tdef - the three top sprinters line abreast, no crashes and it wasn't clear who was going to win until the line came.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 22 July, 2013, 07:21:54 pm
I don't think anyone's commented on it, but I loved the new Arc de Triomphe turn.

OK, so they still had to tiptoe round a bit on the cobbles, but the old 2mph turn was a joke, and this is sooooo much more photogenic.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Aidan on 22 July, 2013, 08:15:45 pm
I don't think anyone's commented on it, but I loved the new Arc de Triomphe turn.

OK, so they still had to tiptoe round a bit on the cobbles, but the old 2mph turn was a joke, and this is sooooo much more photogenic.  :thumbsup:

Yep , loved it, the tracking shot they had most times was great. Loved the projection stuff at the end too!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 22 July, 2013, 09:25:31 pm
I don't think anyone's commented on it, but I loved the new Arc de Triomphe turn.

OK, so they still had to tiptoe round a bit on the cobbles, but the old 2mph turn was a joke, and this is sooooo much more photogenic.  :thumbsup:

Absolutely... although I can't help but wonder if it made it a little too easy for the peloton to chase down a breakaway?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: red marley on 22 July, 2013, 09:32:52 pm
From a spectator's point of view, it might not be so great though. When I watched the Paris stage a few years ago, I was positioned at the start of the corner just before the Arc. As a spectator, seeing them slow down for the tight corner, and only being a few metres away from them was part of the fun. The new layout positions the spectators a long way from the action to allow the motorbike to take the wide circle at speed.

But I agree it looked good on telly.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Glover Fan on 22 July, 2013, 09:35:06 pm
Any chance they will run the Paris stage in the evening again? I loved that. Having the podium ceremony in darkness was much more atmospheric.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: rafletcher on 23 July, 2013, 08:41:10 am
I suspect the Arc turn was just for the 100th edition. And the evening finish was to minimise the disruption due to closing it, as all themajor roads radiate from it.  The projection sequence was brilliant though.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 23 July, 2013, 09:27:59 am
He's reportedly had racist hassle from French, US and Australian riders (but didn't say anything about british riders).

Really?! That's terrible. I didn't think that sort of thing went on these days. Pretty shocking really.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: woollypigs on 23 July, 2013, 10:08:21 am
I wonder how it was to be Kevin Reza then? Sad to hear that it is going on.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Wobbly John on 23 July, 2013, 11:17:33 am
Some fantastic photos of le Tour HERE. (

...and part 2 HERE (  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Bledlow on 23 July, 2013, 12:06:55 pm
I think you are taking the analogy too seriously(!)

Anyways, Froome doesn't sound British.  It's superficial, but that's the currency of public opinion.
Froome sounds as British as some British born & raised pro riders who've spent years on the circuit in France, & I've never heard anyone question their nationality. He sounds at least as British as Virginia Wade. He doesn't sound like a South African, he sounds like what he is: someone who lived there long enough to have his accent influenced.

I've heard British actors speaking in stronger US accents after years living over there, without any questions being raised.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Bledlow on 23 July, 2013, 12:13:15 pm
Sky is an international team, and Froome is an international rider.  Brits can be proud, Kenyans can be proud, South Africans can be proud, but, most importantly, cycling fans can be proud and impressed by his achievement.

Yeah, I'm surprised more hasn't been made of him being the first African winner of the Tour. But then maybe I'm just not seeing it because I only look at the British press.

Personally, I see no conflict in him being both a British and an African winner.

There was a BBC news report last night which had a clip of his first cycling coach, back in Kenya - David Kinjah.

Bizarre that his nationality is even considered an issue when one of the most popular riders on the Tour this year, even among people who have questioned Froome's British credentials, was a Colombian - who, in fact, isn't actually all that popular back home because of slightly unsavoury attitudes towards his "Indian" heritage (this according to my dad, who has lots of Colombian friends).
I'm hoping we see more of Quintana, for lots of reasons.

Sky is an international team, and Froome is an international rider.  Brits can be proud, Kenyans can be proud, South Africans can be proud,
Don't forget Monegasques.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Bledlow on 23 July, 2013, 12:26:27 pm
Is Armstrong watching telly tonight?
They had Hinault and Indurain as sample great champions for the 100th finish podium
One can't fail to see the irony that Indurain gets feted but Armstrong isn't even there

I did wonder about Mig's presence. But I guess Lance was just in a different league, doping wise.
As I see it, Indurain just got on with it, doing what everyone else did, & doing it pretty quietly. Armstrong made a big thing about being clean, & viciously bullied anyone who challenged it, while leading the pack in drug use.

I think Indurain would probably have won just as much if everyone had been drug-free - only a little slower.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Toady on 23 July, 2013, 12:33:47 pm
Froome sounds as British as some British born & raised pro riders who've spent years on the circuit in France, & I've never heard anyone question their nationality. He sounds at least as British as Virginia Wade. He doesn't sound like a South African, he sounds like what he is: someone who lived there long enough to have his accent influenced.

I've heard British actors speaking in stronger US accents after years living over there, without any questions being raised.
Not that it matters ... but has Froome ever lived in Britain? 

I know he lives in Monaco now and grew up in Kenya and RSA.  Memory is hazy ... were Barloworld South African or British?  I have vague memories of both.  So he may have spent a bit of time in Britain when he was with them - but probably on the European circuit most of the time.  So I'm guessing he's only visited Britain, but never resided.  If that guess is right, one wouldn't really expect him to sound particularly British. 

People are very mobile these days, and athletes more so than most.  If he has the qualification, then best of luck to him for furthering his career whichever way suits him.  It's not done Kevin Pietersen any harm!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 23 July, 2013, 12:37:05 pm
The composition of the peloton is interesting in class terms. Most riders are from from rural backgrounds, and cycling is way better paid than any alternative occupation, but is very unstable. If we look at what has happened in football we see a nurturing of talent in the Africa and South America. That lowers the requirement for local players, and pushes down wages, a neo-liberal agenda.
In the English-speaking world there more a tradition of middle-class cycling, and that's reflected in  Sky's Jaguar team cars.
Sky can be seen as a physical manifestation of globalisation, sponsored by Murdoch, and driving around in Indian-owned luxury cars. We can contrast this with the old guard, such as Voigt, who was brought up in the DDR.

In addition to this class issue we see the Tour won by a colonist, a man born in an African country but with a British passport. That has resonances with the Algerian-born pieds-noir of Southern France. What presents itself as racial prejudice also has other dimensions.

There's a degree of happiness in our house, as Heather's grandfather had a sisal plantation in Kenya, so it's the African country of choice.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 23 July, 2013, 01:12:49 pm
What presents itself as racial prejudice also has other dimensions.

Yes, it's clearly at least as much about class as race.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 23 July, 2013, 01:13:46 pm
Memory is hazy ... were Barloworld South African or British?

South African sponsor, originally Italian registered, later British registered, not that it means anything. Geraint Thomas also rode for Barloworld at the same time as Froome, don't forget.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LEE on 23 July, 2013, 01:31:48 pm
As I see it, Indurain just got on with it, doing what everyone else did, & doing it pretty quietly. Armstrong made a big thing about being clean, & viciously bullied anyone who challenged it, while leading the pack in drug use.

I think Indurain would probably have won just as much if everyone had been drug-free - only a little slower.

So there's different levels of cheating based on how you go about doing it?

Sorry but I can't agree with you.  Armstrong didn't make a big thing about being clean, he just got asked the question a million times more than anyone else.  Therefore he lied more and the hole he dug got deeper and deeper.  I expect he'd have preferred just to get on with it quietly. I don't remember anyone admitting to doping when first asked by the press.

I expect that, if Indurain had been asked a million times, he'd have lied a million times also.

Also Lance was no slouch on a bike and was competing with other dopers, so he may also have won several TDFs in a clean peloton.  We'll never know...that's the real shame of what the drugs cheats did, clean riders losing any chance to prove themselves.

Lance was never likeable but likeability shouldn't be a factor in this.  Known dopers shouldn't be included in any celebrations of the sport (unless they are paraded around in the "Car of Shame").
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Greenbank on 23 July, 2013, 01:35:32 pm
Armstrong didn't make a big thing about being clean, he just got asked the question a million times more than anyone else.

Ha! Good one!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: pcolbeck on 23 July, 2013, 01:37:55 pm
I think it's teh way Lance bullied and tried to destroy everyone who even hinted at him doping that really pisses people off.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LEE on 23 July, 2013, 01:38:31 pm
Armstrong didn't make a big thing about being clean, he just got asked the question a million times more than anyone else.

Ha! Good one!

That's a NIKE advert. 

I assume NIKE came to him with a gazillion dollars to make their commercial and he lied to them about doping.

I get it that Lance lied but not that he is in some way special in lying to the media and sponsors about it.

You think Indurain wouldn't have made the same commercial for the same money?

I'm sure most sponsors ask the question "before we pay aren't doping are you?"
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LEE on 23 July, 2013, 01:41:04 pm
I think it's teh way Lance bullied and tried to destroy everyone who even hinted at him doping that really pisses people off.

Yes, he is a particularly nasty bloke it seems.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimC on 23 July, 2013, 01:41:15 pm
I hope that cycling will soon have the confidence in its cleanliness and the strength of character to deny the old guard of dopers any place in its places of privilege. 'Big Mig' may be hanging on as a kind if national (or sport) treasure for now, but it's time these dinosaurs left the stage to the new breed of clean riders.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 23 July, 2013, 01:45:15 pm
The problem is, how are you going to load up one of your parade vehicles with (or have your trophies/jerseys presented by) CLEAN champions-past??
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 23 July, 2013, 01:46:34 pm
Riders are still getting popped for doping and the system and administrators that allowed/ encouraged doping are still in place. There is optimism and naivety displayed in saying that the current riders are clean but which component is greater.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Greenbank on 23 July, 2013, 01:56:18 pm
Armstrong didn't make a big thing about being clean, he just got asked the question a million times more than anyone else.

Ha! Good one!

That's a NIKE advert. 

I assume NIKE came to him with a gazillion dollars to make their commercial and he lied to them about doping.

I get it that Lance lied but not that he is in some way special in lying to the media and sponsors about it.

That's the point, it's not that Lance just lied (as did many of the other dopers). Lance went out of his way to claim he was clean rather than just respond to questions. Suing people for libel, the comments in his books, etc. The NIKE advert is yet another example of it.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 23 July, 2013, 02:04:20 pm
Even before the libel cases, I bet Lance was asked the question more often than Big Mig.
Or rather I would if there was any hope of proving it either way ...

I don't really see how protesting your innocence makes you more (or less) of a cheat. Trying to compare two wrongs seems pointless.

If Wiggo and Froome are both caught out in a 2017 investigation, which one will we consider the "worst cheat"?!? Wiggo cos he called the anon accusers cunts?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LittleWheelsandBig on 23 July, 2013, 02:07:57 pm
There are shades of grey for most people.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Ham on 23 July, 2013, 02:32:18 pm
50, so I'm told, just don't beat yourself up over the exact number
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 23 July, 2013, 02:35:01 pm
Yeah you're supposed to get someone else to do it to you.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Bledlow on 23 July, 2013, 02:44:10 pm
Even before the libel cases, I bet Lance was asked the question more often than Big Mig.
Or rather I would if there was any hope of proving it either way ...

I don't really see how protesting your innocence makes you more (or less) of a cheat. Trying to compare two wrongs seems pointless.

If Wiggo and Froome are both caught out in a 2017 investigation, which one will we consider the "worst cheat"?!? Wiggo cos he called the anon accusers cunts?

Ask anyone who is the worst: the adulterous politician who does not take a public stance on morality, or the one who makes it a central part of his platform, constantly presenting himself as a loyal husband. I think you know the answer. Variant on the same theme.

As said, Lance bullied mercilessly & viciously. He didn't just protest his innocence. He invented an entire back story about himself as the most tested cyclist, hundreds of tests which he'd never failed, etc., & harassed those who (accurately) said that his claims (numbers of tests, etc) were exaggerated, at best. He launched verbal attacks on people who said anything publicly which didn't accord with his carefully constructed official persona (much now proven to be true), & sued those who published. Those things also make a difference.

As I see it, Indurain conformed to the culture of his time. I won't defend that, but I do distinguish between it & what I understand Armstrong did.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 23 July, 2013, 02:59:32 pm
Someone upthread mentioned Sky's having luxury team cars (Jag). We should be grateful that the team wasn't brought into being in the 70s.* Imagine sending a team to the Tour backed up by Morris Marinas or Austin Maxis   :facepalm:

*For the peduntz, yes I know Sky didn't exist then.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: mattc on 23 July, 2013, 03:06:08 pm
I would dispute one part of your argument:
Lance never had a 'platform', or if he did it was based on winning lots of TdeFs.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 23 July, 2013, 03:09:48 pm
Someone upthread mentioned Sky's having luxury team cars (Jag). We should be grateful that the team wasn't brought into being in the 70s.* Imagine sending a team to the Tour backed up by Morris Marinas or Austin Maxis   :facepalm:

*For the peduntz, yes I know Sky didn't exist then.

The ANC Halfords team of the 80s seem to have had Maestros, Montegos and a Sherpa van.

Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clarion on 23 July, 2013, 03:16:09 pm
They were originally ANC-Freight-Rover.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: TimC on 23 July, 2013, 03:56:02 pm
Someone upthread mentioned Sky's having luxury team cars (Jag). We should be grateful that the team wasn't brought into being in the 70s.* Imagine sending a team to the Tour backed up by Morris Marinas or Austin Maxis   :facepalm:

*For the peduntz, yes I know Sky didn't exist then

Yes, but Jaguar did. An XJ12 would have been a cool team car!
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Dibdib on 23 July, 2013, 04:53:22 pm
After their potentially critical mechanical this year it'll be interesting to see whether, despite Sir Dave of Brailsford's "marginal gains" ethos, he allows the team to use the Jags next year when Skoda have been advertising that they've never had a car break down in the TdF.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: David Martin on 23 July, 2013, 05:07:56 pm
Apparently it was a fridge unit leaking and short circuiting the car. They need a better aftermarket sparky.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: LEE on 23 July, 2013, 05:36:12 pm

The ANC Halfords team of the 80s seem to have had Maestros, Montegos and a Sherpa van.

Oooeerrr...The sheer glamour of pro cycling.  "Family Magnets" ?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: bobb on 23 July, 2013, 06:00:45 pm
Well, in the mid 80s my dad had a Maestro and for christmas I got a Peugeot ANC Halfords "Racer". I loved that bike. Some scrote nicked it in the end though  >:(
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: giropaul on 23 July, 2013, 06:36:39 pm

The ANC Halfords team of the 80s seem to have had Maestros, Montegos and a Sherpa van.

Oooeerrr...The sheer glamour of pro cycling.  "Family Magnets" ?

I drove all of those (as originally DS, but then preferred to be soigneur and occasional mechanic, DSing as and when.

The "van was a sort of mini-bus - yes, a Sherpa. The owner of the team (Tony Capper) had it fitted out as a sort of family camper thing for his own use at times, and had a huge water tank just under the roof, which made it roll alarmingly.

The cars were Fords in the main. The main team car was a Granada 3 litre estate. Fabulous power, but drank fuel. I once took it to the Tour of Denmark (a ferry a day!). Through Germany on the autobahn I averaged 100mph, but less than 10 miles/gallon! (bikes on roof, we didn't take a Service de Course van for some reason).

Then, as stated, there was a Peugeot, but also 3 Citroens - 2 estates and a stretched saloon, courtesy of a deal with Tonnisteiner. Lovely cars, brilliant on pave (and on Belgian plates so parking etc was never a problem :demon:.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 23 July, 2013, 07:25:56 pm
Hope your driving was better than Griffo's  :o
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: giropaul on 23 July, 2013, 07:52:32 pm
Hope your driving was better than Griffo's  :o

On one race I had to drive because the police on the race "banned" him  :)
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Sergeant Pluck on 23 July, 2013, 11:45:26 pm
Interesting Kittel-related stuff:

Ok it's old news and in the past, but what strikes me about it is, what kind of medical professional would encourage an 18 year old to do something like this to themselves?
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 23 July, 2013, 11:51:04 pm
Interesting Kittel-related stuff:

Ok it's old news and in the past, but what strikes me about it is, what kind of medical professional would encourage an 18 year old to do something like this to themselves?

A former DDR one? cf Ullrich.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Exit Stage Left on 24 July, 2013, 12:38:59 am
Sounds like Heiko Salzwedel's territory.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 24 July, 2013, 08:21:19 am
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: clifftaylor on 25 July, 2013, 07:10:37 am
And elsewhere, the Cyclingnews forum went offline last Sunday evening, and still is. I'm wondering if Susan (admin) could see a team of expensive lawyers from Sky bearing down on her for some of the stuff posted in the Clinic.....
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: Biff on 25 July, 2013, 10:58:31 am
And elsewhere, the Cyclingnews forum went offline last Sunday evening, and still is. I'm wondering if Susan (admin) could see a team of expensive lawyers from Sky bearing down on her for some of the stuff posted in the Clinic.....

Nah, its because most of the contributors are in hospital with severe apoplexy after Froome's win, and there'd be no-one to post.
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: spesh on 25 July, 2013, 04:52:48 pm
Some good stuff in the latest Secret Pro blog post:
Title: Re: TdeF 2013
Post by: citoyen on 25 July, 2013, 05:25:45 pm
Some good stuff in the latest Secret Pro blog post:

Of course we in the peloton suspect certain riders are doping. We see each other day in and day out, and when some unnamed French team who had some issues in the Dauphine takes the piss out of the rest of the peloton in previous years then is back to normal this Tour and riding with a little less panache, we have to ask the question.

Ouch!  :o

Excellent read. Thanks for the link, spesh.