Author Topic: Etrex30 minor roads disappear  (Read 990 times)

Etrex30 minor roads disappear
« on: 20 January, 2012, 10:20:04 pm »
Using the TalkyToaster UK maps the minor roads disappear from the map if the I zoom out from the 300m setting.  The 300m setting  would be fine if I were using a Delia Smith route* but I need to zoom out if I am using the GPS as a map substitute on an unplanned ride.  Tightly packed roads in towns still seem to be there, it is just the more widely spread country lanes that disappear.

I've delved deep into the menus with their baffling and misleading names, but haven't found any way to get my minor roads back. 

I'd also like a way to get rid of the rather large School icons but I haven't found one yet.

All guidance welcome, thanks.

* "Here's one I prepared earlier"


Re: Etrex30 minor roads disappear
« Reply #1 on: 20 January, 2012, 10:36:52 pm »
I think it's due to the level of detail specified by talkytoaster when building the maps from the openstreetmap data. I'm not sure how they build their maps but in mkgmap you can specify in the style file the zoom levels at which things become visible. You would need to build your own maps from the OSM data with a style file to suit your needs.