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The Pub / Re: Super-Twat
« Last post by Mr Larrington on Today at 12:55:02 am »
No MOT ergo no insewerants.  And absolutely zero sympathy from the E17 judge.
The Pub / Re: Tune Association II - Son of Tune Association
« Last post by Mr Larrington on Today at 12:50:21 am »
Making Bacon ~ Pork Dukes
Arts and Entertainment / Re: Today I am Listening To...
« Last post by Mr Larrington on Today at 12:03:03 am »
That is one band I would have loved to see live

 :smug: At the late lamented Rainbow in Finsbury Park just before Christmas 1979.  Crimbo pressie from Not-yet-Professor Larrington.  Then we had a party on the train home courtesy of a jolly squaddie laden with champagne!
Ctrl-Alt-Del / Re: Buying a new Mac
« Last post by Wowbagger on Yesterday at 11:44:02 pm »
I think my problem is to do with the location of the 1password vault. Dez decided that it should be in Dropbox so that my phone and ipad could also access the passwords (I think - it was a long time ago and I probably didn't understand what he was doing, or did at the time). But my cheapskate dropbox account only allows for 3 devices to be connected at once and my new computer is a 4th device...

The Mac recognises that me trying to email the file to myself constitutes a security risk so won't let me send the email when I've attached the file.

It's all getting rather late and I think I need some sleep.
The Pub / Re: Super-Twat
« Last post by andrewc on Yesterday at 11:18:02 pm »
Fer Fox sake.........  after a hard day's  freedom fighting with waxy lemon & Andy Ngo , Lozza appears to have been involved in a prang...    he sounds a little slurred....

Ctrl-Alt-Del / Re: Buying a new Mac
« Last post by philip on Yesterday at 10:38:00 pm »
In general you should apply all the updates Apple provides to any version, so apply the Sonoma update. If the Mini is on an earlier version, say Ventura, then apply all the Ventura updates to the Mini. If Apple suggests upgrading from one version to another, say Ventura to Sonoma, then is is reasonable to stay on the older version until Apple stops providing updates to the older version.
I cannot deal with too much sleep deprivation and I cannot burn the candle at both ends for days on end with work. I've changed my work life balance a lot since, and now prioritise sleep much more than before. I am seemingly more vulnerable to the dozies as I get older and regularly fall asleep and random times. I do not care if I am going to be late for site - if I am tired on route, I pull over and sleep for 20 minutes, no compromise.

That makes me suspect that you're not getting enough sleep or even if you are getting enough hours, it's not good quality.
Maybe sleep apnea or you're just not sleeping well for whatever reason.

It is a good question, and something I've thought myself at times, but my smartwatch tells me I consistently get good sleep.  ???

E, my other half, has arguments with her smartwatch.  It tells her she's had a good night's sleep and she insists she hasn't, and vice versa.  I'm sure it just causes her more stress.
Audax / Re: Audax UK website issue
« Last post by Andy Corless on Yesterday at 10:15:25 pm »
Thought so. To be honest I'm not normally on the AUK website at this time on a Saturday evening but I've just emailed the final Event Information and GPS Track to all of the entrants ahead of next weekend's Pendle 600 and intended to check the Organiser page to ensure I hadn't missed anything.

Andy Corless
The Pub / Re: Bought any cycling stuff today?
« Last post by Tim Hall on Yesterday at 10:14:58 pm »
Not bought but given. My neighbour was clearing out his Shedde and unearthed two 25mm Gatorskins and did I want them otherwise they'd be going in the bin.

Are there punctures in my future?
Ctrl-Alt-Del / Re: Buying a new Mac
« Last post by Wowbagger on Yesterday at 10:11:09 pm »
Yes, it does have Sonoma. It's inviting me to restart my computer to install an upgrade.

I've been reading Mr. Flatus's thread about passwords and his phone, and that has set me thinking.

Of course, I was guided by Dez with all of this stuff, but since he is no longer with us I'm having to Learn Things. When Jan upgraded her Mac Mini a couple of years ago, I'm sure we did the whole thing between us and didn't have any major issues.
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