Author Topic: Viewing and editing a gpx offline on a map  (Read 1245 times)

Viewing and editing a gpx offline on a map
« on: 22 June, 2019, 10:46:20 am »
On a chromebook.

Anyone know if this is possible.

My issue.

I use OSMandplus on an android tab and can use it offline as well on a chromebook which will run android apps.

All hunky dory - I can view maps offline on the chromebook (on the android tab as well for that matter but editing of anything is far easier on a chromebook) and can also produce routes offline in seconds which are displayed on the chromebook.

I can also offline download these routes to a gpx.

I can also edit these gpx's offline using the caret chromebook add-on.

Issue is that the GPXs produced by OSMand have way too many points.

If I have net access I can dump downloaded GPXs to gpsies so that I can edit all points out that aren't turns.

Then edit this file using caret.

But at the moment I can't see a way to edit OSMand's routes offline displayed on a map.

Can this be done?

Maybe it's an upgrade waiting for the generally excellent OSMand - to download GPXs just showing turns and/or to allow on-screen editing.

Hope this makes sense.