Author Topic: What's caffeinating you today?  (Read 131132 times)

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #650 on: 21 November, 2019, 09:10:39 pm »
I had one for 10 years.  It suffers from horrendous temperature variation (because it uses a conventional thermostat...and so water carries on heating/cooling when thermostat switches off/on).  I measured it once and it fully explained why trying to get a consistent shot was nigh on impossible.

Some people get round it by an elaborate procedure of temperature surfing. I fitted a PID which pulses in the power to keep the boiler temperature steady.

You can get kits but they are a little pricey. I got a PID on ebay for £50. It was brilliant.

(^ you may be away of this already)

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #651 on: 21 November, 2019, 09:28:29 pm »
I was aware of it and discussed it with the seller (, Rancillio+Eureka for £600) who reckoned that this V5 on 240V didn't need it, if I were to do it the mecoffee one (bluetooth, internal) is likely the way I'll go. My figgering is, start with the basic unit and add the PID as and when.

I love the instruction book for this "E" version. To be compliant with EU regs it switches itself off. Whether or not normal, this has a press on press off non-locking rocker switch for power.

"If the unit switches itself off, it is easy to cancel" quoth the manual "simply press the on off switch once". That'll be "switch it back on" then,

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #652 on: 21 November, 2019, 09:43:33 pm »
Well it's a decent machine and a good choice as a stepping stone to the £1500 machine you will have within 2 years...

Welcome, my friend. Welcome  :demon:

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #653 on: 21 November, 2019, 10:03:43 pm »
I can give it up any time, honest.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #654 on: 22 November, 2019, 09:24:39 am »
Good luck, Ham.  You're starting out on the path I followed around 4 years ago.  I had a Lelit and a Nuovo Simonelli Grinta. The next step was this:

I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Mr Larrington

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Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #655 on: 22 November, 2019, 09:37:22 am »
You have a particle accelerator in your kitchen :o
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
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  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #656 on: 22 November, 2019, 10:29:31 am »
More like a particulate accelerator.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #657 on: 26 November, 2019, 05:35:24 pm »
Not so much a "What" as a "How".

Came across these double walled espresso cups and have to say they are very good, although a little small in the espresso format, needing precise alignment below the portafilter.

"Borasilicate glass" made me smile - that's pyrex, isn't it?


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #658 on: 27 November, 2019, 10:11:44 am »
Yes, but Pyrex is a trademark.  I have a couple of those Judge double-wall glasses without handles, rather nice.

The Silvia spout looks as if it would unscrew, so you can probably replace it with a single spout.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #659 on: 27 November, 2019, 10:17:15 am »
I've had a hankering for the sort of 'comfort food' espresso that is ubiquitous in Italy, and to my surprise I've found a decent source of cheap beans, providing one is a little discerning.....TK Maxx.

I counted about 8 different brands on the shelf, of which half looked like they might be shite. Got a 1kg bag of 'Miguel caffe Riserva day fundador' for £10 and it is bang on. 

Spidey sensors detect trace of robusta, but that is ok because it gives that certain flavour. Went back and got two more bags.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #660 on: 27 November, 2019, 01:07:03 pm »
Robusta in an Italian blend is no surprise.  I liked a pure Javan robusta for a while just because it reminded me of cycling in Italy.

You & Ham discussing grinders & so forth is giving me an urge to de-mothball my beloved Europiccola... that way lies madness.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #661 on: 27 November, 2019, 01:55:21 pm »
I think 10% robusta is about right for many quality café blends.  In my roasting days, I did once buy a quantity of robusta just for the lolz of trying it in a blend.

I'd leave the Europiccola in the cupboard. There is no fun in trying to get a shit bit of kit to produce something good. Just frustration and a caffeine overdose.

Levers came back into fashion a while back, and there are some decent ones on the market @ £1.5k upwards. Think Tewdric has a Londinium.

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #662 on: 27 November, 2019, 02:02:55 pm »
I've had a hankering for the sort of 'comfort food' espresso that is ubiquitous in Italy, and to my surprise I've found a decent source of cheap beans, providing one is a little discerning.....TK Maxx.

I counted about 8 different brands on the shelf, of which half looked like they might be shite. Got a 1kg bag of 'Miguel caffe Riserva day fundador' for £10 and it is bang on. 

Spidey sensors detect trace of robusta, but that is ok because it gives that certain flavour. Went back and got two more bags.

These guys have loads of Italian brands:

I think there actually based in Germany (or that was where my oder was shipped form last time I bought some).
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #663 on: 27 November, 2019, 02:04:46 pm »
I think 10% robusta is about right for many quality café blends.  In my roasting days, I did once buy a quantity of robusta just for the lolz of trying it in a blend.

I'd leave the Europiccola in the cupboard. There is no fun in trying to get a shit bit of kit to produce something good. Just frustration and a caffeine overdose.

Levers came back into fashion a while back, and there are some decent ones on the market @ £1.5k upwards. Think Tewdric has a Londinium.

Well, as I mentioned before, £1.5k is not the kind of price I'd want to spend just to make coffee, however good.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #664 on: 27 November, 2019, 02:26:51 pm »
I've had a hankering for the sort of 'comfort food' espresso that is ubiquitous in Italy, and to my surprise I've found a decent source of cheap beans, providing one is a little discerning.....TK Maxx.

I counted about 8 different brands on the shelf, of which half looked like they might be shite. Got a 1kg bag of 'Miguel caffe Riserva day fundador' for £10 and it is bang on. 

Spidey sensors detect trace of robusta, but that is ok because it gives that certain flavour. Went back and got two more bags.

These guys have loads of Italian brands:

I think there actually based in Germany (or that was where my oder was shipped form last time I bought some).

Cheers, but as mentioned above I've found some pretty decent stuff for about £10 kg at the dreaded TK Maxx. A quick browse suggests at least £20 inc p&p for an equivalent. It's not worth spending loads on this kind of thing, its co.mercial cafe grade. In tea terms it's like PG Tips.

I'm quite curious as to how TK have sourced it tbh. I'm assuming bankrupt stock.

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #665 on: 28 November, 2019, 04:16:31 pm »
Not so much a "What" as a "How".

Came across these double walled espresso cups and have to say they are very good, although a little small in the espresso format, needing precise alignment below the portafilter.

"Borasilicate glass" made me smile - that's pyrex, isn't it?

Well...dishwasher safe?

However, they are replacing without quibble, so that's OK. I just won't consider them to be dishwasher safe, which is no big deal

Here's the serving suggestion (larger cup version):


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #666 on: 29 November, 2019, 08:59:38 am »
Not so much a "What" as a "How".

Came across these double walled espresso cups and have to say they are very good, although a little small in the espresso format, needing precise alignment below the portafilter.

"Borasilicate glass" made me smile - that's pyrex, isn't it?

Well...dishwasher safe?

However, they are replacing without quibble, so that's OK. I just won't consider them to be dishwasher safe, which is no big deal

Mine go through the dishwasher every day - no problem.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #667 on: 10 December, 2019, 10:34:40 pm »
An update.

First, the cups. They replaced the one that failed with two, I think that's a result.

Anyway, coffee. Yeah.

It was interesting bringing the new gear into play, as I was able to use the same beans and expected to be able to compare. I'm able to produce a half decent shot now, with reasonable consistency; I can report, honestly and without hyperbole, there is no comparison, it just is not the same drink. The flavours in the proper espresso are different and, yes, better. The best output of the old gear comes nowhere near the same drink. That's not to say it wasn't a pleasant drink, it was. But, this is better. I suspect, if I CBA, that using the new grinder on the old machine would have improved matters, but that's bye the bye.

As it happens, it's not always in a good way. The "French Breakfast" blend which I enjoy as filter or cafetiere and also through the old espresso machine doesn't taste good to me as espresso through the new gear. That's fair enough, I would describe French Breakfast coffee as intrinsically filter.

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #668 on: 11 December, 2019, 05:39:02 am »
It might be a little too dark. Remember that properly extracted espresso concentrates all the flaws in the beans. People often think that espresso must come from incinerated beans, but actually if you look at most italian cafe beans they are medium to medium-dark roast. Also remember that you have to try quite hard to get a consistent shot from a Silvia, so theres that.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #669 on: 11 December, 2019, 08:57:58 am »
The sooner you can get a PID onto the Silvia the better.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #670 on: 11 December, 2019, 01:01:47 pm »
It might be a little too dark. Remember that properly extracted espresso concentrates all the flaws in the beans. People often think that espresso must come from incinerated beans, but actually if you look at most italian cafe beans they are medium to medium-dark roast. Also remember that you have to try quite hard to get a consistent shot from a Silvia, so theres that.

Well, yes, tried a few options but given I have several other beans (currently Cuban Serrano, which is divine) I'm happy to move the French Breakfast over to the times I fancy other than an espresso. The worst shots I've had from the Silvia are still OK, although it is possible to see what the fuss is about. There is variability, but my criteria is more whether I would be happy to be served that in a coffee shop (almost always, yes), rather than is it the best that it could be (almost certainly, I have a lot to learn).

On the PID front, I'm tempted by the mecoffee gubbins, but I am not unhappy even without it.


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Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #671 on: 14 December, 2019, 05:05:17 pm »
Cuban coffee.

IMG_5225_01 by The Pingus, on Flickr

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #672 on: 14 December, 2019, 05:37:38 pm »
Cuban coffee.

It's a slippery slope......

I'm on the last few days of my Caffe Serrano I brought back from Cuba. I'm in a quandary. It's a really satisfying cup of coffee, robust and rounded that - for my taste -knocks most locally bought coffees into a cocked roaster.

But, do I  just write it off to a slowly fading holiday experience, along with the chords and melody of Chan Chan, ot do I chase it down? Decisions, decisions.

(and yes, mine came back in similar packaging....)

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #673 on: 14 December, 2019, 05:48:55 pm »
Chase it down. I used to buy a lot of it about 15 years ago.

Re: What's caffeinating you today?
« Reply #674 on: 15 December, 2019, 09:22:20 am »

Ooh a Rancilio. Is it a Silvia?  If it is, I can impart some suggestions which will save much faffage and annoyance...

Does that include getting a decent single espresso? Struggling with that, don't use it much but I've tried four times this morning after trying for real last night after a meal and can't say that any was as good as the doubles I normally do.

Coffee Compass is the source of my Cuban Serrano. It has disappeared from their online shop, amusingly (? possibly more sinister than that) Paypal as an USAnian co objects !!1! to cuban trade even if it isn't headed usa-wards so you have to phone them direct, if you want it,  and use the SEEKRIT password - "here's my credit card" works.