Author Topic: Diabetic Amyotrophy  (Read 1215 times)


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Diabetic Amyotrophy
« on: 19 November, 2012, 09:46:30 pm »
I've hardly cycled for the last three years or more due to the pain and weakness in my legs, mainly thighs and knees. On top of the partial paralysis with the brain injuries it is too much to take on so I was getting ready to say Goodbye to the thing I love and to sell all the bikes and trikes. I had assumed it was partly being so grossly overweight and partly a deterioration of nerves from the Brain injuries. I'd seen the Gp a few times and he'd been sympathetic and done a few tests etc and then other problems had gone to the fore and taken that to a lesser priority. Today I saw the gp again and he told me I have Diabetic Amyotrophy, a bad case of it in both legs! If I get the diabetes under better control and generally lose weight and get fitter there is a chance it will improve a fair bit so I am now on a mission! In a way the diagnosis has given me a boost in that now I know what I need to focus on, a genuine diagnosis if you like. I am told that less than 1% of diabetics get this but I know there are a few on here with diabetes and was hoping that some may have experience that could advise me? gp says it could be a year or more before I know how good it is going to get but I need to start working on things now so any thoughts would be appreciated.
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