Yet Another Cycling Forum

Random Musings => Miscellany => Kidstuff => Topic started by: Feanor on 22 June, 2017, 08:00:10 pm

Title: Airheads Grr...
Post by: Feanor on 22 June, 2017, 08:00:10 pm
So when they are 5, and rock up home from school, and ask:

"Where are our Mary and Joseph costumes? I need them for the Nativity play!" if everyone has such things in a dressing-up box for such an eventuality.
"Er, when for?" say us, already knowing the answer.
"Tomorrow!" they say.
And you know how it goes from there.

But that was when they were 5.
Now they are 17, and about to go on a DoE Gold Expedition.

"Where's our gas stove? I need it for my DoE!" if everyone has such things in the camping box for such an eventuality.
"Er, when for?" say us, already knowing the answer.
"Tomorrow!" they say.

Of course, we don't have a gas stove. We have several of petrol and paraffin stoves, and there's *NO WAY* he's getting those. He's have a flare-up and the tent burned down within 5 minutes.

We *DID* have several gas canisters from when elder did the same, but he's borrowed a stove.
So an emergency purchase of a wee gas stove was called for.
Got a nice wee Vango one from local shop. It folds away and weighs next to nothing.

He's off out on the expedition now.

Title: Re: Airheads Grr...
Post by: Kim on 22 June, 2017, 08:02:07 pm
Homework for parents, innit.
Title: Re: Airheads Grr...
Post by: tiermat on 22 June, 2017, 08:09:07 pm
It's not just us, then? TLD is 13 and, just the other day, she got up and said to us "I have to have X, You and Z with me for cooking, at school, today"!!!!!
Title: Re: Airheads Grr...
Post by: L CC on 22 June, 2017, 09:34:50 pm
It's not just us, then? TLD is 13 and, just the other day, she got up and said to us "I have to have X, You and Z with me for cooking, at school, today"!!!!!
One of the best things about getting on the needy children Free School Meals list was not having to provide ingredients any more.
I have to admit that was partly relief at not having to buy goddamm marga-fucking-rine.

No2Son announced a request for his passport. With 12 hours notice. No, a scanned copy was not sufficient proof of ID. Good job he's at York and not Plymouth, eh.
Title: Re: Airheads Grr...
Post by: Cudzoziemiec on 25 June, 2017, 11:57:36 am
Yeah, we had to buy margarine for some cooking thing. Can't remember what it was, but his cooking things at least come out pretty well. The latest though is various costume and props for a school play, including a pink duffel coat and a cigarette holder. I suggested we make the latter out of painted wood or maybe a drinking straw.
Title: Re: Airheads Grr...
Post by: Si S on 25 June, 2017, 12:20:10 pm
I recall a mate knocking on the door a few years ago, his girls needed mock swords for a play in the morning. A few hours later I'd knocked up two very nice wooden longswords with leather grips, pommels and carved hilts. Even routed a fuller in the blade.

Confiscated within minutes of arrival at school, swords are dangerous apparently  ???  :facepalm: