Author Topic: Osmand routeing  (Read 1457 times)

Tim Hall

  • Victoria is my queen
Osmand routeing
« on: 05 May, 2020, 06:05:22 pm »
I've been toying with Osmand on my andoid phone as a means of giving me turn by turn instructions when I'm out on my daily exercise ride.

Work flow at the moment is:
On bike hike plot a route with "follow roads" un checked. Thus the route looks like a series of straight lines running from point to point that I've clicked, generally road junctions.
Save route as a "route"  gpx file
Upload that to my phone
Select it and get the phone to work out the actual route.
Plug in headphones, put phone in pocket and listen to directions "In 80m turn left into Church Road", that sort of thing.

This mostly works. However, today the route Osmand decided to take through town wasn't the most sensible, so I ignored it and rejoined the route later on. From then on, until I forced the navigation to stop and restart, I was bombarded with "route recalculation" messages and instructions to take massive diversions off the route.
As I said, I restarted it and things settled down. Then later I went off route, to have a look 600m down a bridleway. Having had a look I rejoined the route and again it went a bit wonky.

Other than not going off route, is there anything I should be doing? I suspect that an important thing to note is that I use a mix of bridleways and roads, so "driving style" is set to "balanced". Map type is set to cycling.

I've also tried using gpx tracks from bikehike, created by having "follow roads" selected when I plot the route but that doesn't give road names in the turn by turn instructions and tells me very often that I've reached my intermediate destination.
There are two ways you can get exercise out of a bicycle: you can
"overhaul" it, or you can ride it.  (Jerome K Jerome)

Re: Osmand routeing
« Reply #1 on: 05 May, 2020, 11:46:37 pm »
I would suggest that the only option is to plan the route with "follow roads" checked and then edit the route as required to reflect your navigational preferences before uploading to your phone.  Also it might be worth trying as an alternative to plan your routes as IME it gives the best balanced routes and easy export into gpx format.

For intricate routes that combine on and off-road trails with the option of deviating from the planned route I've found that that the best solution is to revert to a visual "bread crumb" display without auto-routing on the phone app. 
Most of the stuff I say is true because I saw it in a dream and I don't have the presence of mind to make up lies when I'm asleep.   Bryan Andreas