Author Topic: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23  (Read 3837 times)

Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« on: 19 June, 2023, 05:26:13 pm »
Hi, I bet I'm not the only one booked on the Thursday overnight ferry from Portsmouth. Similar to the 'ACME Ride to/..' thread: Anyone fancy a group ride down to Rambouillet? Steady ride, got plenty of time to do the circa 130 miles.

I did this in 2019 and it's quite a nice route.


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #1 on: 27 June, 2023, 08:09:18 pm »
I would have, but I found that not only is the ride from Dieppe shorter, but also the ferry from Newhaven is cheaper, so I am on the Thursday night ferry to Dieppe. Hopefully riding with an experienced group will keep me from burning any matches on the Friday.

Eddington  127miles, 170km

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #2 on: 28 June, 2023, 06:56:13 pm »
I would have, but I found that not only is the ride from Dieppe shorter, but also the ferry from Newhaven is cheaper, so I am on the Thursday night ferry to Dieppe. Hopefully riding with an experienced group will keep me from burning any matches on the Friday.
I'm lucky in that the Portsmouth ferry is just a 2 1/2 hour ride from my house so no travel or parking costs. I find getting some steady miles in beforehand helps prepare the body and mind for the task ahead. But yeah, no sprinting up the hills!


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #3 on: 29 June, 2023, 08:48:22 am »
I would have, but I found that not only is the ride from Dieppe shorter, but also the ferry from Newhaven is cheaper, so I am on the Thursday night ferry to Dieppe. Hopefully riding with an experienced group will keep me from burning any matches on the Friday.
I'm lucky in that the Portsmouth ferry is just a 2 1/2 hour ride from my house so no travel or parking costs. I find getting some steady miles in beforehand helps prepare the body and mind for the task ahead. But yeah, no sprinting up the hills!

127km (Portsmouth) or 145km (Newhaven) for me, so it'll probably be the train either way.

Eddington  127miles, 170km

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #4 on: 07 July, 2023, 08:20:52 pm »
AC Portsmouth will be on the Wednesday night ferry, nice 2 day ride to the start plenty of time for cider drinking, and yes this is the only way to do pbp

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #5 on: 10 July, 2023, 06:40:35 pm »
AC Portsmouth will be on the Wednesday night ferry, nice 2 day ride to the start plenty of time for cider drinking, and yes this is the only way to do pbp
A two day ride to the start with cider drinking is making it sound a bit like a holiday!

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #6 on: 11 July, 2023, 04:17:59 pm »
It is a holiday, really some Muppets take it far too serious  :demon:

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #7 on: 13 July, 2023, 04:51:22 pm »
It is a holiday, really some Muppets take it far too serious  :demon:
I blame Dave Brailsford. I'll keep an eye out for you and the rest of ACP on the Friday afternoon. Might even stop and say hello.

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #8 on: 17 July, 2023, 09:46:00 pm »
Hi @iscunonove
I would be pleased to ride with you, having finally decided to make it an adventure for my first PBP attempt and cycle down (nice and steady) from Leicestershire over two days for the Thursday night Portsmouth ferry. It allows a shorter route for me, from home and from Ouistreham, as camping about 24km west of Rambouillet. If we linked up, our route would need to diverge at some point but it would be great to share part of the ride.
I've booked the Friday 25th night ferry for the return. I hope that works out!

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #9 on: 19 July, 2023, 04:47:55 pm »
Brill. Will no doubt meet up in the queue for the ferry if not before. I'm booked into an Ibis between Rambouillet and Versailles so will be heading to the start village to have a look around before continuing on.
Last time I came back on the friday night ferry which gave a whole day recovery before starting the journey back. This time I've booked the Thursday night ferry. Hopefully I won't regret that!

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #10 on: 20 July, 2023, 11:05:37 am »
Great. Yes, presumably we will meet up on boarding and can private message on here? I will probably have a look at a route heading towards Rambouillet but which veers off to my camp (near Nogent-le-Roi). I won't be fast, by the way!

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #11 on: 20 July, 2023, 03:08:49 pm »
Last time I cut across to Blangy-le-Chateau which is a very pretty place and has a nice coffee shop/bar where you can sit outside and soak up the atmosphere. Then headed SE through Moyaux and Thiberville to Bernay where there is a supermarket to stock up on supplies. Then continue on the D140 through Conches-en-Ouche to Mesnils-sur-Iton where I took the D45 to Marcilly-sur-Eure. I then took the D116 following the river (Eure) turning off at to the left some point to get to Rambouillet but continuing on will take you to Nogent-le-Rio.
Nearer the time I'll create a .gps file.

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #12 on: 24 July, 2023, 06:14:01 pm »
Sounds good. I'm only just beginning to look at maps and routes!


  • PBP-2019 LEL-2022
Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #13 on: 25 July, 2023, 08:46:43 am »
.. This time I've booked the Thursday night ferry. Hopefully I won't regret that!
I remember not being able to think about sitting on a bike on the Thursday, not chafed just bruised. Think I even walked from the hotel to the finish to see the later arrivals rolling in.

Eddington  127miles, 170km

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #14 on: 06 August, 2023, 08:41:20 am »
AC Portsmouth will be on the Wednesday night ferry, nice 2 day ride to the start plenty of time for cider drinking, and yes this is the only way to do pbp

My outward journey is on 16th August from Kidderminster to Portsmouth (setting off about 04:00). Overnight ferry, boarding no later than 21:30, then Ouistreham to Evreux (Formula1) and finally on the 18th August to Première Classe Plaisir Gatines. I'm sure to bump into AC Portsmouth and maybe a few others as I get closer to Portsmouth. HAPPY CYCLING. PG

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #15 on: 06 August, 2023, 02:46:48 pm »
We are all meeting in the George on Portsdown hill from 19.15. before heading down to the ferry, we are heading to the same place on Thursday, welcome to join us

Re: Ride to PBP from Ouistreham/Caen 7am 18/8/23
« Reply #16 on: 07 August, 2023, 11:20:10 am »
We are all meeting in the George on Portsdown hill from 19.15. before heading down to the ferry, we are heading to the same place on Thursday, welcome to join us
Sounds like a plan. I'm setting off from Kidderminster at 4am so taking it nice and steady so should get there in good time. Not sure I could drink a cider at the Georg though! If I miss you I'll be at the Ferry. PG