Author Topic: What was the last film you watched?  (Read 984969 times)


  • No Longer a western province of Númenor
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #50 on: 23 August, 2008, 10:03:04 pm »
Last night I watched Die Hard 4.0 - I liked it, but I have a very low culture threshold  ;D

I am going to go watch 1408 now. :-\


  • Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #51 on: 25 August, 2008, 10:12:53 am »
The Kingdom.  Duller than ditchwater.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #52 on: 26 August, 2008, 12:16:47 pm »
Watched In Bruges on DVD last night. Didn't know much about it in advance so wasn't sure what to expect but it's fantastic. Enough swearing and graphic violence to make Tarantino blush. Brutally dark yet utterly hilarious. Nice for the sightseeing, too.

Even Colin Farrell, who I usually can't stand, is excellent in it. Ralph Fiennes is still shit, though - he seems to be trying to emulate Ben Kingsley's Don Logan from Sexy Beast but has all the menace of a teak wardrobe. But even he can't ruin it. Excellent.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Mr Larrington

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Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #53 on: 26 August, 2008, 12:33:20 pm »
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back.

I laughed immoderately, because I am irredeemably shallow.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #54 on: 26 August, 2008, 01:43:24 pm »
I too watched in Bruges. Loved it. Esp as had to endure 3 days there earlier this year.  Watch it!


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #55 on: 26 August, 2008, 02:08:39 pm »
I too watched in Bruges. Loved it. Esp as had to endure 3 days there earlier this year.  Watch it!

I also went there earlier this year for a weekend and really enjoyed it - probably because I like gay beer. I understand what the director says in his commentary though, about the way the two main characters reflect his own split reaction to the city: beautiful fairytale stuff on the one hand, really dull on the other.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #56 on: 26 August, 2008, 02:12:17 pm »
Don't mess with the Zohan - very un PC, and quite amusing after a bottle of wine
Dark Knight - Heath Ledger's Joker performance was excellent - dererves the Oscar.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #57 on: 26 August, 2008, 04:51:42 pm »
"Doomsday Machine," a really bad 50s sci-fi movie that somehow managed to be made in the 70s, as riffed upon by Cinematic Titanic, aka most of the original cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

The Cinematic Titanic episodes can be purchased and downloaded for burning to DVD.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #58 on: 27 August, 2008, 01:11:15 pm »
The Kingdom last night. Great to have all my prejudices about Arabs confirmed.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #59 on: 27 August, 2008, 11:48:52 pm »
My daughter forced me to watch the risible Daddy Daycare on telly the other night. 

Pass the mind bleach :P


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #60 on: 28 August, 2008, 10:33:18 am »
Two Bourne movies over two nights, the first one we watched (the second one) was good, as it had fab car chases.

The second one we watched (the third one) was ok, but no where near as good car chases, most of them were on foot!  And the one big chase through New York was just a re-hash of the Moscow chase....
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Wascally Weasel

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Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #61 on: 28 August, 2008, 10:40:51 am »
Rewatched Babe on DVD the other day – I still always feel the urge to say “Run Pig, Run!  That’s not a farmer, it’s Dudley Smith!”


  • Formely yellow-ceitidh
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #62 on: 28 August, 2008, 03:51:33 pm »
Wall-E  ;D

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #63 on: 29 August, 2008, 12:05:34 pm »
In Bruges last night as I'd suddenly heard a flurry of good reviews.Excellent, dark and funny film.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #64 on: 29 August, 2008, 02:16:38 pm »
No Country for Old Men.  At the Odeon. I hate sitting through trailers.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #65 on: 29 August, 2008, 02:31:15 pm »
In Bruges last night as I'd suddenly heard a flurry of good reviews.Excellent, dark and funny film.

I think I'm going to go and see this tomorrow night. The trailers looked good


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #66 on: 29 August, 2008, 02:33:00 pm »
No Country for Old Men.

One of my films of the year. The bad guy has quite possibly the worst hair cut ever to appear on film  :hand:


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #67 on: 29 August, 2008, 05:51:03 pm »
Son Of Rambow

Not perfect but you forgive any faults when you suddenly find yourself remembering 80s stuff

The guide dogs for the blind flying Labrador being a good example

The film does portray the Plymouth Bretheren in a negative light, but hey - they dont watch films so I wont tell them if you dont ;)


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #68 on: 29 August, 2008, 11:11:11 pm »
Wall-e....purely for My daughters sake

Before that Mama Mia! - again for My daughter!


  • No Longer a western province of Númenor
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #69 on: 30 August, 2008, 09:33:08 am »
Last night - King Kong - special extended edition.

You know that any film that takes an hour before the main character appears is going to be long - but that was a marathon.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #70 on: 30 August, 2008, 10:50:00 am »
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Weird. Very, very odd. And seemed constantly on the edge of drifting away. But I really liked it, particularly with the Bowie influence.

Angel-A Genius. But then I'm a sucker for this type of film.

Amelie As above :P - probably my favourite film - the soundtrack's great too.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #71 on: 30 August, 2008, 10:59:00 am »
There Will Be Blood - I was very tired and dropped off halfway through it, then woke up again several hours later and it was still going. Kind of enjoyed it but I'll have to watch it again when I'm less tired. Daniel Day Lewis is... astonishing.

There was a trailer for No Country For Old Men at the start and I have to say I wish we'd watched that instead.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #72 on: 01 September, 2008, 12:12:12 pm »
Will Smith in I am Legend as the kids insisted.  It is really interesting - not because of the plot which appeasr to have been assembled from teh Hollywood zombie/virus leftovers bin.
What was interesting was spotting the plotlines and characters that had been partially developed and then edited out in the final version.  There is a complete different version of the film on the floor.


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Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #73 on: 01 September, 2008, 12:28:32 pm »
Will Smith in I am Legend as the kids insisted.  It is really interesting - not because of the plot which appeasr to have been assembled from teh Hollywood zombie/virus leftovers bin.
but the book this is based on predates 90% of the Hollywood vampire/zombie/virus films of which you speak.

(The film may still be a pile of crap, but the book was quite good!)
Has never ridden RAAM
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  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #74 on: 01 September, 2008, 12:34:07 pm »
There Will Be Blood - I was very tired and dropped off halfway through it, then woke up again several hours later and it was still going. Kind of enjoyed it but I'll have to watch it again when I'm less tired. Daniel Day Lewis is... astonishing.

Try watching it again, I watched it a while ago, thought I wouldn't enjoy it during the first 30 minutes or so then I really got into it, and DDL's descent is so well done it's unreal.

Oh and seeing a certain person get his comeuppance makes the film worthwhile....

Watch 300 again Saturday night, still as fantastic as the first time I saw it!
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State