Author Topic: Wetherspoons POI  (Read 24342 times)

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #50 on: 23 December, 2019, 09:11:05 am »
If you're using a smartphone, you might as well use the Wetherspoon app which has an offline map and lets you order without any pesky human interaction.

(In theory you could order before you arrive, but you'd need to guess a table number)
My call for help (answered by Ben) came when they did move this to smartphones rather than allowing you to download a file. But smartphones aren't the be all and end all. I use mine minimally and wouldn't dream of putting it on my handlebars. Much prefer the Etrex20 and 20x  for all sorts of reasons.

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #51 on: 23 December, 2019, 09:12:53 am »
Tell you what - don't go to Wetherspoons. It's shit.
Fear you have misread the thread. There's more than one. I suspect you have been in very few. And that may be a serious overstatement.

Mr Larrington

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Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #52 on: 23 December, 2019, 09:26:00 am »
Tell you what - don't go to Wetherspoons. It's shit.

This Unit hereby endorses this product, service or sentiment, and gammon pinup Tim "Horst Würzel" Martin can take his pro-Brexit propaganda and ["Redacted after taking legal advice" – Ed.].
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Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #53 on: 23 December, 2019, 09:46:45 am »
Can confirm Ben T's nifty thing still working AOK as it includes The Railway in Rainham, Kent, only pretty recently opened.


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Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #54 on: 23 December, 2019, 08:23:36 pm »
I've only just come across this thread and it inspired me to have a look at how Spoons POIs could be displayed in Oruxmaps. I did a offline waypoint search in Oruxmaps for "Wetherspoons" then hit the button that creates an overlay, nifty

That seems to be missing a few, even though they are mapped in OSM. Try searching for "Wetherspoon" instead.
The company name/brand is JD Wetherspoon, so that's what should be tagged with.

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #55 on: 23 December, 2019, 11:08:47 pm »
That seems to be missing a few, even though they are mapped in OSM. Try searching for "Wetherspoon" instead.
The company name/brand is JD Wetherspoon, so that's what should be tagged with.
Thanks for that, the original overlay was indeed missing some and searching on "Wetherspoon" as you suggested fixes this.  Preference in pubs aside, the offline searching of the andromap POI database in Oruxmaps to create map overlays appears to be a very useful option.  The results obtained by searching say "drinking water" or "toilets" bringing in equally useful results.
Most of the stuff I say is true because I saw it in a dream and I don't have the presence of mind to make up lies when I'm asleep.   Bryan Andreas


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Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #56 on: 23 December, 2019, 11:19:02 pm »
Tell you what - don't go to Wetherspoons. It's shit.

This Unit hereby endorses this product, service or sentiment, and gammon pinup Tim "Horst Würzel" Martin can take his pro-Brexit propaganda and ["Redacted after taking legal advice" – Ed.].

In pub terms, sure, but nevertheless Weatherpoons is:
a) cheap
b) warm
c) has loos
d) open at morning o'clock
e) often conveniently close to a railway station
f) has a handy app

It's best thought of as a step up from the Scottish Restaurant for the weary traveller or cyclist in need of refuelling, rather than a destination in itself.

It's also:
g) a good place to put those "Bollocks to Brexit" stickers to use

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #57 on: 23 December, 2019, 11:35:49 pm »
You forget the main reason for going, which is that it produces predictable hot food in a tiny amount of time - often worryingly so - which makes it suitable for full value audaxers who prefer to get their value on the bike.

c) has loos

Even better, it has loos that invariably involve an adventure up a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.

d) open at morning o'clock

And still serves food in the evening in the kind of small towns where everything else closes at sensible o'clock.

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #58 on: 24 December, 2019, 12:03:44 am »
And still serves food in the evening in the kind of small towns where everything else closes at sensible o'clock.
So true!  I recall one Monday a couple of years ago, early evening, in the not so small town town of Wolverhampton where I entered 4 pubs in turn with promises of food on their billboards, only to be told that their kitchens had closed early.  So 4 pints later and with more luck than judgement I found myself in Spoons at 10pm with steak and chips and a pint, for under a tenner.   
Most of the stuff I say is true because I saw it in a dream and I don't have the presence of mind to make up lies when I'm asleep.   Bryan Andreas

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #59 on: 24 December, 2019, 05:54:34 am »
Glad it all worked out bolt- pity you didn't manage to find it earlier, pretty much always excellent beer, often local. My local london one definitely a destination.
Yes, wolverhampton not as busy as one might think - got off a train a while ago around midnight for a long long night ride northwards - all deserted, seemed like a small market town.

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #60 on: 16 July, 2021, 04:33:43 pm »
Thanks again Ben

Still working - downloaded it via a chromebook to google drive and via that into my offline OSMand on an android tab.

Now to get it, via a retired windows laptop (oh the horror), onto my garmin which just the other week directed to me one in Cheshunt which is no longer there - tho from the outside it didn't look great and I was really after the overground station.

Thanks again - you are a star - who needs a smartphone?

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #61 on: 05 December, 2021, 01:56:47 pm »
Ben's nifty thing doesn't seem to be working anymore and ben seems to have departed.
Can anyone else do the same thing or suggest how the data can be scraped from the spoons web page?
(tho stress I am not that techie)

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #62 on: 06 December, 2021, 04:15:17 pm »
Just tried it, and it worked just fine

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #63 on: 06 December, 2021, 04:45:57 pm »
Just tried it, and it worked just fine
well so it is - not sure what was happening before - some odd downtime or something up with my chromebook settings.

Thought i was going to have to do some roundabout jiggery pokery with them all in my offline OSMand via my last download of this handy file - adding ones and subtracting them as I heard about them - then importing them back into the garmin after stripping out a load of OSMand junk. Once they are in the Garmin you can't of course edit them or the list as they are put there in some slimmed down file format using Garmins devilish POI loader thingie.

Thanks lightning.

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #64 on: 06 December, 2021, 04:53:28 pm »
If you load the gpx into Basecamp, then you can edit them there and send to your eTrex only the ones you want at that time.

Re: Wetherspoons POI
« Reply #65 on: 06 December, 2021, 05:03:17 pm »
If you load the gpx into Basecamp, then you can edit them there and send to your eTrex only the ones you want at that time.
thanks lightning but I'd have to drag the windows laptop out of the bottom of the wardrobe to do that and struggle with its clunkiness - it's bad enough that I have to resort to it to use Garmins POI loader which won't run on a chromebook but which is needed to load special lists of POIs - don't know why they can't make that function available on a web interface so that you could use a chromebook or whatever.

"only the ones I want at a that time" lightning?  - I want them all, all I tell you :)

The beauty of this downloadable file is that you just have to download it now and again - all the new ones in, all the closed ones gone.

(recently after a ride from Cambridge found myself outside a shut one in Cheshunt - fancied a swift one while I contemplated carrying on the ride to London or taking the train)

thanks again