I know this doesn't really help, but then, it is the internet so you cannot really expect more, but I have found the traps work well for me. I also have a plum and green gauge trees and the plum moth traps control the grubs in them too. The traps used to be sold as a control method for the moths but now they only market themselves as a monitoring tool. When they were first on sale about 20 years ago you got two sticky pads and rubber pheromone thingys, now you just get one. I don't know what the answer is because, like you, I don't want to start spraying (read some of Dave Goulson's books for a better and very readable insight on the sprays) I did find that it took a few years for the number of codling moth grubs to decrease, but decrease they did and are now rare whereas before I used the traps they were in every apple (and plum)