A few years back (7? maybe more), I got a brushcutter to help do service clearing our newly acquired allotment, and it has been used to clear paths and stuff. It was a Qualcast branded piece of finest chinesium with a 50cc engine, and aside from (a) noise levels handling and balance and (b) feed head fun it's been basically OK. A while back the primer bulb died, squirting 2-stroke mix straight in my eye as is the way of things. Ebay provided a replacement for £notalot, fitting it it was obvious most of the plastics are arriving at the end of life - tubes, tank. While it started and ran for a few seconds, there's clearly an issue with fuel feed.
I also recently bought a
makita strimmer body, primarily for use in the garden which is just as well as it doesn't have the guts to handle the allotment.
So, I 'm contemplating replacing the Qualcast.
Would a 25cc-ish engine have sufficient power to be better than the cordless? I no longer need the brush cutting capability. Something like
this would seem to be good, but as 1.25mm line cutter an expensive mistake if not. Another might be the
Hyundai (sold at B&Q, too) but that may just be chinesium again. Stihl, Honda etc would be spendy, but at least you know what you're getting and I would not have to replace again.
Two questions really - what power do I need to whack through couch grass etc and any suggestions to type/brand appreciated.