Author Topic: Recipes  (Read 146030 times)


« on: 08 April, 2008, 10:35:05 am »
Shall we start up a recipe book here, like on ACF?  Indeed there's a lot of useful stuff on there which could be copied across, if people have no objection...


Batter for fish etc
« Reply #1 on: 09 April, 2008, 04:05:26 pm »

200g (or thereabouts) plain flour.

Add a glug (2 tablespoons) of vegetable oil.

Whisk in enough cold fizzy lager to get a texture like thick emulsion paint.

Use straightaway.

The batter can be seasoned with salt & pepper if needed or add some chilli.

For a sweet filling (apple rings, etc) add some sugar 2-3 spoons.


  • samoture
Bread pudding
« Reply #2 on: 28 April, 2008, 05:58:28 pm »
Bread Pudding

225g (8oz) Stale brown bread
110g (4oz) Raisins
50g (2oz) Brown Sugar
50g (2oz) Butter
½ tsp Mixed Spice
1 Egg

Pre-heat oven to 170°C
Break bread into small pieces; soak in cold water at least 1/2 hour
Strain to get rid of excess water
Place into a bowl and mash with a fork.
Add the dried fruit, sugar, and mixed spice, mixing well.
Add the egg and enough milk to enable the mixture to drop easily from a spoon.
Place into a greased baking tin.
Bake for about an hour or until slightly firm to the touch.
When done turn out on to a hot dish.
Leave to cool and dust with sugar.


  • samoture
Savoury flapjack
« Reply #3 on: 28 April, 2008, 05:59:13 pm »
Cheese & Onion flapjack

    2 eggs (beaten)
    50g butter
    150g grated cheese
    1 diced red onion
    140g porridge oats

Melt the butter and stir in the porridge oats.  Add the rest of the ingredients, mix and press into an 8 inch tin.
Bake for 30 - 40 minutes at 180 degrees.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: Recipe book?
« Reply #4 on: 29 April, 2008, 10:29:56 am »
Mild Tuna Coconut Curry with Lemon Rice

2 Tuna steaks (approc 2cm thick)
tin coconut milk
1 tbsp groundnut oil (or other flavourless vegetable oil)
1/2 onion (chopped fine)
4oz (approxs 1/4 of a whole one) butternut squash, peeled, de-seeded and cut in 1cm dice
4-5 leaves savoy cabbage, cut into 1/2cm strips
1/4 tsp chili powder
2 cloves garlic (or 1 1/2 tsp very lazy garlic)
1/2 tsp shrimp paste
1 tbsp Thai fish sauce
Cornflour for thickening

1 Cup rice
1 tbsp Tesco Lemon and herb Couscous seasoning
4 cups water

Place rice, seasoning and water in a pan, cover with a lid, and bring to gentle boil.

Cut the Tuna into strips 5mm thick (this is easiest if the tuna is really fresh, or is still half frozen)
Heat the oil in another pan over a low heat, add the onion and soften.
Add the squash, stir to coat in oil then add the coconut milk, chili powder, garlic, shrimp paste and fish sauce.  Use the coconut milk tin to measure one lot of water, and add that to the pan.
Bring to the boil, boil for 5 minutes then add the cabbage.
Boil for another 5 minutes, until the squash is starting to fall apart.
If the sauce is looking a bit thin then "slake" a teaspoon of cornflour in cold water, take the pan off the heat and mix the water/cornflour mixture into it.
Add the tuna and cook for another 5 minutes.

By this time the rice should be nicely cooked, so drain in a colander and serve.

Serves 4
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


  • samoture
Vegan sausage rolls
« Reply #5 on: 09 July, 2008, 11:11:27 am »

18 oz. can unsweetened chestnut puree
1 small onion, grated
1 clove of garlic ,crushed
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1/2 cup soft whole wheat bread crumbs
pinch of chili powder
8 oz. frozen vegan flaky pastry

To make the filling, mix together chestnut purée, onion, garlic, lemon juice, soy sauce, bread crumbs, and chili powder. Let stand for a few minutes to allow it to thicken. Set oven to 375 degrees F. On a lightly floured board, roll the pastry out thinly and cut into long strips about 2 inches wide. Roll balls of the chestnut mixture into “sausages” about the width of a pencil. Dampen the edges of the pastry with cold water, then roll them around the chestnut mixture, pressing the edges together. Prick the pastry with a fork, then cut into 1-inch lengths and place on a baking sheet, seam side down. Bake for about 10 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown and crisp. Makes 48 rolls.

Re: Recipe book?
« Reply #6 on: 09 July, 2008, 11:13:18 am »
Wouldn't it be simpler to start a new thread for each food? Then other people can post their own recipes and experiences without it getting too confusing.  An index thread could be handy though. 


  • samoture
Re: Recipe book?
« Reply #7 on: 09 July, 2008, 11:16:39 am »
I'm just following tradition... I quite liked the recipe thread at the old place as it meant all the recipes were in one place and not spread over 150 pages...

Veg Lasange
« Reply #8 on: 09 July, 2008, 04:25:58 pm »

2 Aubergines
2 Courgettes
Garlic (I love loads - at least 2-3 cloves)
Lasagne sheets (6)
Passasta sauce
Bechamel sauce
Mozzarella (chopped)
Chedder (grated)
Herbs (mixed or oregano)

Preheat oven to 200
Slice aubergines and fry in a little oil for 2-3 minutes then set aside
Slice courgettes and added to pan with butter and garlic for 1-2 minutes, remove and set aside
Place half of aubergine and courgettes in oven proof dish add half the mozarella then half the passata. A sprikle of herbs then top with pasta sheets.
Next repeat process with the rest of the ingredients then add the bechamel sauce to top layer of pasta and then cover that in chedder and cook for 30 minutes.

Tastes great the next day too


Canellini bean & Olive paté (vegan)
« Reply #9 on: 09 July, 2008, 05:30:38 pm »
OK, copied verbatim from another thread.

Canellini bean & Olive paté.

(I think I may have posted this before in the old place.  Quite simple to make: you need a food processor).

4 oz. dried canellini beans.
2 oz. sundried tomatoes (not fresh tomatoes).
2 oz. kalamata olives.
olive oil.
chopped fresh basil

Soak the beans overnight and cook until soft.  Drain and blend in food processor with enough olive oil to make a smooth paste, and basil and pepper (do not add salt).
Soak the tomatoes in water about 20-30 minutes, drain and squeeze out excess water: chop finely; stone and chop the olives.  Mix everything up.  You have a paté!  It will keep a few days in the fridge.

Old fashioned tasty bread
« Reply #10 on: 11 July, 2008, 03:59:29 pm »
Melbourne’s Bread Recipe – doesn’t need scales, although a measuring jug is handy.

This recipe will NOT work in a breadmaking machine. Traditional hand preparation only.

You need a large bowl (we use a washing up bowl for mixing, kept for the purpose), a wooden or plastic spoon for initial mixing, and some non-stick bread tins.

1 or 2 x 1.5kg bag strong white bread flour
1 or 2 x 1.5kg bag(s) wholemeal flour

This recipe works best with a mixture of flours, or all white flour, but there are better recipes for all wholemeal. Get the strongest flours that you can – “bakers grade”

OPTIONAL: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, or similar to mix in OR
Poppy seeds, sesame seeds, onion seeds or similar to sprinkle on

OPTIONAL: A sachet of dried potato. The powdered stuff is best for the job, but the flakes are OK, and potato flour is best of all but expensive. Highly recommended if you like toast.

2 sachets of dried yeast. NO MORE, and you should use only one sachet if using 3kg or less of flour.

1 level tablespoon of salt per kilo of flour. NO LESS

15g of butter or margarine per kilo of flour.

900ml of water per 1.5kg of white flour and 1000ml of water per 1.5kg bag of wholemeal flour (plus whatever was recommended for the dried potato)

Tip the flour into the mixing bowl and combine the white and wholemeal thoroughly.

Rub in the butter or marge. (If you take the fat from the fridge, and shred it into the flour, it will rub in easier.) Mix in the yeast and the salt, making sure that they’re well distributed.

Mix in the potato flour (if used) and the sunflower or pumpkin seeds (if used).

Add the water. Easiest to add it all at once, then carefully mix with a spoon until it’s absorbed.

Knead. Then knead some more. Eventually the texture will change, and you can turn it out onto a floured table and put the bowl to one side. Keep kneading until it looks like bread dough ie elastic.

When you do the first mixing and kneading, the dough will at first be very sticky, then, as you knead it, it will gradually become more elastic, until eventually it hardly sticks to your hands at all. This might easily take 15 minutes, and is quite hard work. Little or no gas will form.

Put it back into the bowl, cover with oiled cling film, and leave it to rise in a warmish place. It will fill the bowl, and may overflow, so put the bowl on a tray. It’ll take quite a few hours because of the high salt content and the small amount of yeast starter.

Keep an eye on it. Doubling in volume is a good guide. Mix the bread in the morning, and schedule the cooking for late afternoon/early evening. Or mix in the evening, leave it to rise overnight and get up early to finish the proving and baking.

Turn it out onto a floured table, and knead it some more. It will be very spongy. It doesn’t require such a bashing this time, though. Cut or pull it into suitable pieces, and knead each piece into shape and put each into a buttered loaf tin (about a third full is good), or simply make sausage shaped loaves on a buttered baking tray. If you have a suitable weighing machine, traditional large loaves weigh around 850g before baking to give an idea of the size.

If you want to cut the top so that the loaf “blooms”, now is the time to do it.

Leave the loaves to rise for at least an hour in a warm kitchen. If you want to scatter seeds on the top, do so shortly before baking.

Put into a preheated oven at around 200C (fan ovens I’d go for 190C), and bake for around half an hour. The loaf should sound hollow when tapped. If using a tin, it can be worth turning the loaves out onto a rack and immediately returning them to the oven to form a bit more of a crust.

OPTIONAL: Putting a flat pan on the floor of the oven, and adding a small cup of water to it as you put the loaves in the oven gives a steamy atmosphere that improves the initial baking.

Makes loads of bread. Can be frozen, but let it cool completely before putting into plastic bags.

    * High salt, low yeast, and long proving time is the key to good flavour development. Bread machine recipes all have too much yeast and too little salt.
    * The potato flour makes superb toasting bread with a small, even crumb.
    * The hard fat (butter or marge) contributes to a nice even texture and helps the keeping quality. If you use oil, the loaves will tend to have larger, uneven holes (like a ciabatta).
    * In a domestic oven, probably 4 loaves at a time is the maximum batch size to avoid uneven cooking, unless you’re willing to swap them round halfway (which is not ideal for the baking).


Simple Wholemeal Bread
« Reply #11 on: 11 July, 2008, 05:51:35 pm »
Looks good, Melbourne!  Well, having looked at your version, I'll set our own down, then people can compare.  I probably posted a version of this in the mothership but can't access it now.

Makes 4 x 800g loaves.  Sorry about the mixed metric/imperial units!

2 Kg Strong Wholemeal flour (Waitrose own-brand 'very strong' is good).
3 rounded teaspoons salt.
2 sachets dried yeast.
2 pints (1.136 l) lukewarm water, the right temperature attained by mixing 1 pint boiling + 1 pint cold.
80ml vegetable oil.

Mix the flour, salt and yeast thoroughly in a large bowl.  Add the water and oil and stir in well.

Start kneading in the bowl, the dough will be rather sticky at first and will cling to your hands, then as you continue kneading it will cohere better.  At this point turn out onto the (clean!) worktop and carry on kneading for about ten minutes.  Knead by a repetitive process: punch down the middle, fold over, rotate 90°, repeat, etc.  At the end the dough will feel fairly dry and not sticky.

Return dough to bowl, cover with clean cloth and put in airing cupboard or warm place for about 45 minutes.  Meanwhile prepare two baking sheets by greasing and dusting with flour.

Dough should have risen considerably.  Remove from bowl, cut into 4 equal pieces and re-knead each one for about 30 seconds, finally forming and rolling it into a thick 'sausage' about 3-4 inches diameter.  Make sure there are no big cracks in the dough.

Put the loaves on the baking sheets, score a pattern in the top of each one (optional), cover with cloths and return to the airing cupboard for 90 minutes.

Heat oven to 200C and bake for 25 minutes.  Remove loaves from sheets and cool on wire rack.

Rock Cakes
« Reply #12 on: 11 July, 2008, 06:09:28 pm »
Temperature : Gas Mark 6, 200C, 400F, Moderately Hot


  • 10oz self raising flour OR 10oz plain flour and 2 level teaspoons baking powder
  • 4oz butter
  • 1oz soft brown sugar
  • 3oz sultanas
  • 1oz crystallised peel
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons black treacle


1. Sieve flour (or flour and baking powder).
2. Rub in butter until like fine bread crumbs.
3. Add sugar, fruit and peel.
4. Stir in beaten eggs and treacle.
5. Spoon onto well greased tray.
6. Bake for 15-18 min, until firm and golden brown.
7. Lift carefully onto a wire cooling tray.
8. Eat!

I like simple recipes!
Actually, it is rocket science.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Trout with smoked salmon and yoghurt sauce
« Reply #13 on: 14 July, 2008, 11:00:27 am »
2 large or 4 medium trout fillets per person
25g smoked salmon (buy the offcut pieces, it's the same stuff but cheaper and the look is less important if cooking with it), cut into strips
100ml yoghurt
1/2tsp smoked paprika
1tsp horseradish sauce
1tbsp lemon juice
small amount of veg oil
small amount butter

To serve:
Bolied new potatoes

Make sure the fillets are small enough to fit flat into your frying pan, if not cut in half so they fit nicely.
Warm oven and place a plate in oven (to keep fillets warm whilst you do more or make sauce)
Heat a large, solid frying pan, add oil and butter.
When hot, place fillets in pan, skin side down.  Only do as many as will fit in the pan with space around them (usually 2).
DO NOT move the fillets until they looked cokked halfway up the side.
Flip over and cook for another minuite on the non-skin side.
Transfer to the warmed plate and place back in the oven.  Cook the rest of the fillets in the same way.
Once all fillets are cooked and keeping warm in the oven, take the pan off the heat and add the horseradish, paprika, smoked salmon and then the yoghurt.  Mix well and place back on gentle heat, only warm this through, DO NOT boil.  If the heat is too high and the yoghurt starts to split then take the pan off the heat, mix one tsp of cornflour with a coupld of tbsp of cold water and mix this into the sauce.  Mix well and put back on the heat to warm through.

Serve by taking the fillets out of the oven, pour juices that have run off the fish intot he sauce.  Place fillets on plates, pour sauce over the top, add vegs then eat.
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Courgette & tomato tarty things
« Reply #14 on: 22 July, 2008, 02:02:18 pm »
3 sheets of filo pastry per tin
cherry toms
fresh basil leaves
Black pepper

Grease the flan tins well. Cut the filo pastry sheets to size, so that they completely cover the base of the flan tins, arranged so they are all at slightly different angles and form a spiky edge. Tear the basil leaves and cover the pastry base. Layer sliced courgettes and toms alternately. Whisk together the eggs and milk, then pour this mixture over the toms & courgettes, until the flan dish is nearly full. Add freshly ground black pepper. Cook for around 15-20 mins at gas 5 or 6.

Sorry, I can't give units, I usually just mix up the eggs and milk according to the size of the flan dishes - large or 5" individual ones.
Abnormal for Norfolk

Best Ever Banana Bread
« Reply #15 on: 09 June, 2009, 11:19:29 am »
Best-ever Banana Bread
servings | 8

2 Bananas (over ripe is best)
2 tbs. Golden syrup
3/4 cup Sugar
1 Egg
1 cup Self-raising flour
pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 180 C (160 C if fan forced).
Grease and line the base of a loaf pan.
In a medium bowl, mash bananas, then add the golden syrup and sugar and stir to combine.
Add egg, sifted flour and salt and lightly mix until combined.
Pour into loaf pan and cook for 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.
Allow to cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn onto wire rack to cool.
Enjoy it warm or lightly grill to reheat. Yum!

You can vary the recipe by adding walnuts, dates or choc chips just before pouring into the pan
@SandyV1 on Twitter!/SandyV1


Re: Recipes
« Reply #16 on: 09 June, 2009, 11:21:59 am »
Sound really nice.  I have offered to make cakes for a friend's mum.  I think I will try this recipe. 

Re: Recipes
« Reply #17 on: 09 June, 2009, 11:25:09 am »
Really easy, really tasty!
@SandyV1 on Twitter!/SandyV1

Date Loaf
« Reply #18 on: 09 June, 2009, 11:27:10 am »
Here's another easy, tasty one!

Date Loaf
1/2 cup of chopped dates   
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 and 1/2 cups self raising flour
Pre heat oven to 160 degrees Celsius.
Place dates, butter, boiling water, sugar and bi-carb in a bowl and stir until dissolved. Ad the flour and mix well.
Bake in a greased loaf tin for 40 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius (325 degrees Fahrenheit).
@SandyV1 on Twitter!/SandyV1

Chocolate Prune Cake
« Reply #19 on: 09 June, 2009, 12:03:36 pm »
And another one that's a favourite at our place.  I don't have a food processor but find it works fine just chopping up the prunes and mixing with an electric stick blender.

1 spray Gold 'n' Canola Canola oil spray
200 g brown sugar
1 cup prunes, pitted
50 g cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
2/3 cup skim milk, (150ml)
3 whole whole egg
50 g plain white flour
2 tsp icing sugar, for dusting
1 tsp cocoa powder
Preheat oven to 180°C. Spray a 22 cm cake tin with oil. Line the base with baking
Place half the sugar, prunes, cocoa powder, vanilla extract and milk in the bowl of a
food processor. Blend until smooth.
Beat eggs and remaining sugar with electric beaters until pale and creamy. Stir in
chocolate mixture gently, using metal spoon, then sift in flour and fold gently.
Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin.
Bake for 35 - 40 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into centre of the cake comes
out clean. Cool completely before turning out. The cake will shrink back slightly as it
Serve, dusted with icing sugar and cocoa powder.
@SandyV1 on Twitter!/SandyV1

Kirst's Cake Recipes
« Reply #20 on: 20 June, 2009, 11:07:00 am »
These were on another thread.  I just tried the Choc Beetroot Cake - yummy!


Beetroot chocolate cake

2oz/50g cocoa powder
6oz/175g plain flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
7oz/200g caster sugar
250g pack cooked beetroot
3 medium eggs
7fl oz/200ml sunflower oil
3.5oz/100g dark chocolate, finely chopped
Icing sugar

Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/Gas 4 then grease and line the bottom of a 9"/23cm springform cake tin. Sieve the cocoa, flour, baking powder and sugar into a large mixing bowl.

Drain and halve the beetroot, then blend in a food processor. With the machine running, add the eggs one at time, then pour in the oil. Blend until the liquid is just smooth.

Stir the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and mix in the chocolate. Pour into the tin and cook for 45 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.

Remove from the oven and set aside for 10 mins, then turn out and leave to cool. Dust with icing sugar before serving.

I made one in a round tin and one in a 2lb loaf tin. And I added blueberries to the mix, but now I think about it, I wish I'd put them in this instead.

Chocolate banana loaf.

4oz/115g butter, softened, plus extra for greasing *snigger*
7oz/200g soft brown sugar
2 eggs
3 bananas
8oz/225g plain flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp mixed spice
4 fl oz/125ml thick natural yoghurt
3oz/85g dark chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease a 2lb loaf tin (9x5x3 inch or 23x13x7.5-9cm)

Put the butter, sugar and eggs into a bowl and beat well. Peel and mash the bananas and add them to the mixture. Stir in well. Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, cocoa powder and mixed spice into a separate bowl then add to the banana mixture and mix well. Stir in the yoghurt and chocolate chips. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and level the surface.

Bake for 1 hour, until a skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool for 10 minutes and then turn out.

@SandyV1 on Twitter!/SandyV1

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Chocolate biscuit cake
« Reply #21 on: 20 June, 2009, 11:37:54 am »
I have a similar recipe for chocolate beetroot muffins, which I will look for. Meanwhile

Chocolate biscuit cake

9oz plain chocolate
10 fl oz (284ml) pot of double cream
1 tsp vanilla essence
Nice or digestive biscuits

Break the chocolate into coarse chunks. Heat the cream in a pan over a low heat until almost boiling and then add the chocolate and remove from the heat. Cover the pan and leave for five minutes.

Add the vanilla essence and begin stirring until smooth. Pour the mixture into a large bowl and chill until it begins to thicken.

Line a 1lb loaf tin with cling film, leaving some excess hanging over the edge of the tin.

Spread one-sixth of the mixture over the base of the tin. Put a layer of biscuits on top. Repeat the layering, finishing with a layer of chocolate.

Wrap the excess clingfilm over the top of the cake, and chill for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight, until the chocolate is set.

Unwrap the clingfilm from the cake, turn it out onto a serving dish, and cut into slices.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
« Reply #22 on: 20 June, 2009, 11:38:37 am »

4ozs lard/butter or margarine
4ozs golden syrup
4ozs black treacle
4ozs soft brown sugar
8ozs plain flour
8ozs medium oatmeal
pinch of salt

4 teasp. ground ginger
2 teasp. ground cinnamon
1 teasp. bicarb. of soda
1 egg  - beaten
1 teaspoon dark rum (optional)

Heat the oven to 150C or gas mark 1.

Melt the fat.
Add the syrup, treacle and sugar and warm over a very low heat till the sugar begins to dissolve.

Avoid overheating the mixture, keeping the saucepan warm rather than hot.

Sieve the dry ingredients, make a well in the centre and gradually beat in the liquid from the saucepan & the beaten egg. -(taste and add dark rum if wanted)

Mix to a soft consistency, adding a little milk if required.

Pour into a greased flat tin (lined with grease proof paper)

so that the mixture is 1 inch in depth.

Bake for 1 hour in a cool oven on bottom shelf  (300 degrees,or mark 1) - check during cooking and if necessary add 5-10 minutes (if browning too quickly add foil and then take off during last 10 minutes).

partly cool it in the tin, then turn out to finish cooling.

Serve the parkin cut into squares.

My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Chocolate beetroot muffins
« Reply #23 on: 20 June, 2009, 11:45:13 am »
Chocolate beetroot muffiny things

75g/2½oz cocoa powder or powdered drinking chocolate
180g/6½oz plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
250g/8½oz caster sugar
250g/8½oz cooked beetroot
3 large eggs
200ml/7fl oz corn oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
icing sugar for dusting

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/355F/Gas 4. Arrange paper muffin cases in a 12-mould muffin tin.
2. Sift the cocoa powder, flour and baking powder into a bowl. Mix in the sugar, and set aside.
3. Purée the beetroot in a food processor. Add the eggs, one at a time, then add the vanilla and oil and blend until smooth.
4. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients, add the beetroot mixture and lightly mix. Pour into the muffin cases.
5. Bake for 30 minutes or until the top is firm when pressed with a finger.
6. Cool on a wire rack and dust with icing sugar to serve.

My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Chickpea watermelon feta salad
« Reply #24 on: 12 July, 2009, 02:45:50 pm »
In a large bowl, toss together drained tinned chickpeas, chunks of peeled watermelon, and some watercress sprigs. In a smaller bowl whisk together lemon juice, olive oil, chopped mint and a little honey. Toss the salad with the dressing and top with crumbled feta.

Mmmmm yummy.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.